Ugh. Best character in SO4 was Faize. I don't care what anyone else says.
All according to Keikaku?The saddest part for me is that this probably won't sell all that well. And this will serve as proof to Namco that they were right all along in not bringing so many Tales games over - and it might mean they won't bring Xillia. It's self fulfilling or whatever.
All according to Keikaku?
I think I enjoyed Graces more than Xillia (though I liked Xillia despite some of the issues I had with it; the plat's kinda boring, though since it's pretty grindy. Easy, but somewhat grindy).
I don't know of anyone who is aware of this game- even my fellow hardcore nerds don't know.
Hm ... I like there to be a story. That's about it. I'm pretty easily amused, really.
For a game like this the characters matter much more than a story.
I'll quote you because I definitely agree. I don't play WRPGs for their combat, lol.
You guys said there was launch day shipping on Amazon for this, right?
You guys said there was launch day shipping on Amazon for this, right?
I've been saying it since... How long Schala? Rofl. If anyone, NB included, wanted Tales to continue coming they should've released Xillia instead of Graces.
When they annonced localizing Graces F xillia wasn't even Out..
That's how slow this localisation was. At this point we'd better have them all in order than to have missing links AKA unlocalised games ..
BY the time they annonce localizing xillia and then spent time to localize it , it'll be too late.
(also one of the reason i went to play xillia first )
IF Graces F localization didn't take so long , there wouldn't even have a problem about Tales future in the west.. IMO
Let me rephrase myself so I'm "technically" more correct. I said NB shouldn't have announced Graces at all and said they should just wait and localize the next mothership Tales game. Same difference.
I wonder if Xillia may have been the more palatable game for fans more familiar with Symphonia/Abyss/Vesperia than Graces (casting aside that I like Graces very much). Especially since it's the most recent one... though fans still cry out for Vesperia PS3 and that game's been out for a while.I've been saying it since... How long Schala? Rofl. If anyone, NB included, wanted Tales to continue coming they should've released Xillia instead of Graces.
Bahahahaha, that's a good one.Maybe if Xillia gets that rumored Director's Cut Namco will bring that over inst-BAHAHAHAHA YEAH RIGHT.
It doesn't help that a new Tales game is put out every year or so (be it mothership or escort).R_thanatos said:BY the time they annonce localizing xillia and then spent time to localize it , it'll be too late.
(also one of the reason i went to play xillia first )
I never played a Tales game before I guess I will start with this one once I finish FFXIII-2.
I pre ordered 2 copies one at newegg for $48 and one at gamestop on Saturday for the DLC which I already paid it off with store credit. I might sell one xtra copy or just return it to gamestop
Has anyone who got the $40 price had their order enter "shipping soon" yet?
Just return it to Gamestop and say that your friend didn't like the gift and you want store credit to give to your friend as the present. That or use the money to buy a different game. I don't know.
Using Hubert is so fun. I'm playing the JP version right now too (first playthrough on NA account). As much as I think the English voiceovers are good, I'm gonna miss hearing some of the JP cast because some of them were great.Playing the JP version to kill time. Gosh Hubert is so boss. Oh man.
how do you sleep at nightLooking forward to digging in tonight!
Looking forward to digging in tonight!
Haha. I just pre-ordered it and choosing release-date delivery got rid of s&h ($4.99) to just $.99. Awesome.
^ I envy this man!
Using Hubert is so fun. I'm playing the JP version right now too (first playthrough on NA account). As much as I think the English voiceovers are good, I'm gonna miss hearing some of the JP cast because some of them were great.
I've been having Asbel do this for a few battles, and Hubert do this (I prefer this one because I think it's cooler than his L2 Blast Caliber). Haven't gotten Level 3 Blast Calibers yet.
I haven't done the subquest for Ex-Passion on this playthrough yet. I should, though.EX-Passion is better. Anyway, I stopped playing. I'm watching the walking dead now. Wondering if it's any good.
I haven't done the subquest for Ex-Passion on this playthrough yet. I should, though.
And yes, yes... I'll get on watching Fate/Zero a little later in the week. It'd better be good.
BTW, FWIW - no reversible cover like the JP version (boo...), BUT the manual is full color at least (yay).
I gotta say, I really like what I've seen of the BC's in this game. I like the Mystic Artes in Team Symphonia titles, but these seem so much more swifter and holy shit, do they look like they hurt.
... can be as long as a FF summoning spell. (maybe not that long)
BTW, FWIW - no reversible cover like the JP version (boo...), BUT the manual is full color at least (yay).
Looking forward to digging in tonight!
Full-colour manuals are always good. I like 'em.BTW, FWIW - no reversible cover like the JP version (boo...), BUT the manual is full color at least (yay).
lol, it'll be good then.I'll mail you 5 bucks if it's not. Rofl.
No one can escape the charm and manliness of Rider.And yes, yes... I'll get on watching Fate/Zero a little later in the week. It'd better be good.
BTW, FWIW - no reversible cover like the JP version (boo...), BUT the manual is full color at least (yay).
Ass!I can't wait for you to play it... NEXT YEAR! MWHAHAHAHA!![]()
Not at all, LOL. Getting Started, Controls, Map, Battle, Playing, Warranty. The actual manual part of it is like...6 pages. Then it switches to French.How is the manual? Thick and with lots of explaining?![]()
Not at all, LOL. Getting Started, Controls, Map, Battle, Playing, Warranty. The actual manual part of it is like...6 pages. Then it switches to French.![]()