Yay, my copy shipped!
So this game has it local multiplayer? That would probably tip me over into buying this game, I've been hunting for a local multiplayer jRPG for quite a while now!
Yeah, I believe there has always been local MP for battles since Tales of Phantasia (or Destiny?)
Anyway, my Newegg tracking says I won't have it until Thursday. Cool, gives me some time to get though my Mass Effect 1 + 2 runs.
Yes! The multiplayer is all local, and it's a blast. Two friends of mine have a yearly tradition of playing straight through Vesperia in one sitting every year around Christmas. This year I joined, very very fun stuff. Picking the game up tomorrow and heading over to my friends for what looks to be like more good times.
English dub only.Does it include Japanese VAs?
I'm not one to choose Japanese VAs over English because I do enjoy dubs but I can only handle so much Laura Bailey.
the game is now available on my local store! will pick it up tomorrow.
I'm getting it right now.
But the Asian version is out of stock and they only have the Region 1 version so I have to shell out an extra $10.![]()
Shipped it appears!
... but going to a US address #sadface
nice! I was actually waiting for it a while ago, but had to go home early, but just when I got home is when they got their stocks.
I never buy guides. I only bought XIII-2 one, because it was sexy as hell and hardcover. 3 more hours until I get mine!
What? I can't find mention anywhere of there being a US guide.
I didn't say anything about a US ToG F guide.I said I bought the Final Fantasy XIII-2 guide, because it was hardcover and sexy. Other than that, I don't buy guides. I find my help and stuff on the internet.
Oh, I misinterpreted and thought you meant that you had a US guide coming in 3 hours![]()
So not only did ship my copy out a day early (never happens), but tracking says it's in my city and "On Vehicle for Delivery". It got here in one day and I'll be getting it on release day. This is absolutely unheard of for me.
Stuff usually ships, at earliest, days after release for me and shipping time is at least three days. I have no idea what happened here.
Lafayette, LA, United States 03/13/2012 7:41 A.M. Adverse weather conditions.
noooooooo! that's a lame excuse to delay shipment.
For some reason I thought this got upgraded to release-day delivery. Mine won't be here until tomorrow though.
Installing the game now.![]()
Installing the game now.![]()
Installing the game now.![]()
Hey, if the drivers have to eat and stop at the gas station to use the toiler, then they gotta do it!
And with that, I ready to make my leave to pick up the game!
Port Allen, LA, United States 03/13/2012 8:10 A.M. Out For Delivery
I'm sitting here at work glaring at you. Just so you know.
Count me in as another person at work. Although as I said in an earlier post, I probably wont be starting the game until sometime next week, so its not an issue for me to wait until after work. Heck, still playing TotA and Reckoning!
Question out to others, how many of you took off work (or called in sick) so you could pick up Graces and play today.![]()
Man, I still have some mechanics work on Reckoning I just never got around to :/
I was tempted![]()
Had to set it to release date yourself after the option was made available!
There is an install for this game? 50 minutes left! Ugh.
There is an install for this game? 50 minutes left! Ugh.
How big is the install? my hard drive's nearly full ~_~ (also, is it mandatory?)
I believe it's a (mandatory) 4.3GB install.
perfect!! so i assume 0 loading
Opening video started playing