I caved and bought the double SP addon. Love it, I learn skills from titles so much faster now.
How far am I?
Going to Stratha to meet with the president to stop Hubert's recall.
15 hours now.
Let's not forget to remind people to feed all the cats they come across in towns fish!Nope, they'll keep coming and as far as I remember they're all stuff that's not hard to get.
There isn't a huge amount of important missable stuff in this game in general. Looking down the sub event list I think the only one that gives you an important item that's missable is available until the final dungeon (specifically the handkerchief one in Lhant). Do that before you leave for the final dungeon and you're sorted. I did almost all of them at the end, hanging around and moving between places whenever a new one popped up.
D'awwww, that was one of my favourite moments with her too. In general, she's a genki girl without being annoying. Her JP voice actress at least pulled off her character rather flawlessly. A lot of Pascal's dialogue was really great.Well I do! She's great as well, but Pascal gets the #1 spot as she pretty much managed to make me smile or genuinely lol with nearly everything she said in the game, and scenes like (chapter 4 spoilers). I'm just sticking with this avatar cause I really like it and it serves as a memory of my Xillia hype haha. That and I have a backloggery theme entirely dedicated to Pascal which I have no intention of changing for a long time, so it balances out.where she starts crying outside her sister's lab and Hubert has to comfort made me go into "oh don't cry ;_;" mode
I guess you can call me, Pascalmad.
The Google Doc in the OP does a good job of listing the limited events/SQs: https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARRHUgO6_FEhZGpjNDV4Nl81Z3d2NW52Yzk.Are there any limited-time events/side-quests we should be aware of?
Too lazy and impatient to go sifting through this thread: How does this game compare to Tales of Vesperia?
I finished TOV on 360 a while back, and haven't really played a good console JRPGs since then - starting to get that itch...
Whats the verdict?![]()
My boyfriend has always had this approach to Tales games: "If you're playing for the story first and foremost in a Tales game, you're doing it wrong." I... well, I don't play games for story in general, but I'm kind of inclined to agree if I really like the combat but don't really care for the story (which happens for games in general). Everyone's different, but his approach makes Tales games enjoyable for him if he ends up not caring much for story.I put the game on Hard mode and the battles are more fun. The combat system is most definitely boss and the Titles are addicting as shit. I just beat the first boss on Hard and almost killed him with both characters alive. Amnesia girl had to finish 'em off. She can take a beating, that's for sure!
The plot and characters are still a little too goo-goo-ga-ga for me. I know they are kids and all, but it doesn't have to be so Fisher Price feeling at times. As I've said before, there have been other child-arc RPGs (like Breath of Fire III) and that game in particular was FAR LESS cringe inducing. Maybe it's because your party consisted of both children and adults like Garr and Momo? I don't know. This is not Star Ocean 4 offensive or anything, far from that to be fair. But the fact that I AM EVEN THINKING about Star Ocean 4 is not a good sign. I hope the plot gets a tad more interesting and serious.
Yeah, the battle system is clearly one of the best and the combat progression is great, but it's difficult, for me anyway, to play for long sessions because the world and characters are so completely uninteresting.
Storywise, the first two-thirds of Vesperia is better (the last third of Vesperia isn't very good).Too lazy and impatient to go sifting through this thread: How does this game compare to Tales of Vesperia?
I finished TOV on 360 a while back, and haven't really played a good console JRPGs since then - starting to get that itch...
Whats the verdict?![]()
Chapter 4, whenSo when will I get a full party? I kind of want a full party before I sit around and grind for a bit and learn the combat system a bit more. I'm 8 hours in and I justwent back to Lhant(sp?) as an adult.
So when will I get a full party? I kind of want a full party before I sit around and grind for a bit and learn the combat system a bit more. I'm 8 hours in and I justwent back to Lhant(sp?) as an adult.
FFXIII-2 gave you a full party when you finished the prologue in my experience. >.>Alright, must keep playing~ You know, for all the shit that 13-2 has received, I loved how they gave you a full party 2 hours or less into the game.
Sounds like how I felt when I played ToDr.Seven Force said:After spending some time with Graces, I'm not sure I can go back to the limitations of TP. CC is so fucking good.
Higher difficulties up how much XP and SP you get, yep.Anyways the area afterwards I bumped the game up to Evil and found things seemed a lot easier, I feel it's because Evil gives out SP like candy and I've learned a lot more skills/stat ups thanks to it.
After spending some time with Graces, I'm not sure I can go back to the limitations of TP. CC is so fucking good.
FFXIII-2 gave you a full party when you finished the prologue in my experience. >.>
Higher difficulties up how much XP and SP you get, yep.
Oh yeah, one of the game's tips says that another way to get CC is by simply attacking. I am confused by this, if I keep pressing X my character will just keep using A-Arts and use up all his/her CC. Does this game not have regular attacks like Vesperia?
Didn't notice it gave out more XP too awesome.
Also I know it's a spoiler but how long during the main story arc isRichard playable for? Just a chapter number is fine, if it has been stated before I apologize but I don't really want to go searching through spoilers to find out if it was posted already
LOL. At least Noel's dialogue/backstory was pretty cool.Too bad XIII-2 didn't give you a full narrative experience! ROFL!
You lose him after finishing Chapter 3.
And with that, I'm gonna get some work done tonight.
My boyfriend has always had this approach to Tales games: "If you're playing for the story first and foremost in a Tales game, you're doing it wrong." I... well, I don't play games for story in general, but I'm kind of inclined to agree if I really like the combat but don't really care for the story (which happens for games in general). Everyone's different, but his approach makes Tales games enjoyable for him if he ends up not caring much for story.
Given that they're children, I don't really see anything out of the ordinary with how they're behaving. They're acting like the children I tutored or babysat, so I didn't really mind it. It seemed rather natural.
Anyway, let's put it this way: you're almost done, so you won't have to worry about the childhood arc after this (on NG+, you have the option to skip the arc entirely and move onto the adult arc).
The Google Doc in the OP does a good job of listing the limited events/SQs: https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARRHUgO6_FEhZGpjNDV4Nl81Z3d2NW52Yzk.![]()
Sounds like how I felt when I played ToDr.
Feed the cats, everyone.
D'awwww, that was one of my favourite moments with her too. In general, she's a genki girl without being annoying. Her JP voice actress at least pulled off her character rather flawlessly. A lot of Pascal's dialogue was really great.
I liked a bulk of Xillia's characters, and it's another Tales game where I didn't feel like I disliked any characters, so maybe the only way to go from here is up.
After spending some time with Graces, I'm not sure I can go back to the limitations of TP. CC is so fucking good.
Oh yeah, one of the game's tips says that another way to get CC is by simply attacking. I am confused by this, if I keep pressing X my character will just keep using A-Arts and use up all his/her CC. Does this game not have regular attacks like Vesperia?
I've noticed that mixing up your A and B-Artes can net you small CC boosts. I pretty much use Asbel exclusively, and taking advantage of his Sheathe/Unsheathe bonuses I get a +1 or +2 CC pretty consistently which helps me keep the combos going, in addition to dodging for the +3 boost.
All in all, this combat system is -amazing-. It'll be so hard to replay ToV from this point on.
There's a blue bar under the HP display that fills up when you attack or guard to a certain point. When that fills up you get +1 max CC up to your max.Oh yeah, one of the game's tips says that another way to get CC is by simply attacking. I am confused by this, if I keep pressing X my character will just keep using A-Arts and use up all his/her CC. Does this game not have regular attacks like Vesperia?