NO matter what you guy say: but anise doesn't deserve such hate IMO .
First Luke at akzeriuth deserved it . He was a total Dick ( even if it wasn't his fault totally ) Oh a whole city was destroyed but it's not my fault after you acted like a arrogant noble since the start ? Sorry but in the situation " Vaan sensei told me to do it " doesn't change the fact that :
-Luke did do it
-The consequences are severe
-Doesn't take into account his own responsabilities ( IMPORTANT )
At this point, the entire party was totally right , and most of them are angry at vaan that deceived everyone and the crying luke didn't help.
For anise , The battle against arrietta was necessary .. Duels for less than that were done when duelling was the norm.. i don't see the problem.
1 Ion was forced to cooperate with moth to protect the rest of the clones. Even if anise told the party before that point , there was little they could do. Anime had no control on ion , nor on her parents .. Warning the party would have resulted in little to nothing .. It's not like moths didn't evade accustaion twice already at various point in the game , right ?
Without him forcing ion to read the score , the party has little to nothing to accuse him.
Another contrast between luke after akzeriuth when the party left him , and anise after ion death is that anise realised that she made a mistake , it paid her a great cost and focuses her energy to educate the other ion.
That's certainly BETTER than ( " that wasn't my fault" ) like luke blurted .
For all those reasons ( and more if you want ) i really think anise hate is overexageratted.
I'm trying to sneak in a little playtime whenever I can. Just passed the Rockgagong stuff last night and suffered my first death on Hard (the parasite boss); had to drop it to Moderate for that one fight, then it was OK.
Glad to see a lot of you are enjoying it. I hope it's selling!
Alot of boss fights in chaos mode come down to getting lucky positioning ive noticed, you can do 5 attempts of getting completely decimated and then get one that you have no issues clearing because all the monsters clumped up away from your mages and followed your main fighter.
Luck was on my side for sure. Also switching my elith mixer food to curry (revives on KO), and switching everyone to Passive/Always defend during the enemy elith burst. Then my team got an elith burst and WOW Malik's mystic arte is great, it was smooth sailing from there on.
Ahh good call on the curry; I need to try that. The game gets way more manageable as I remember from the JP version once people start learning revival artes.Luck was on my side for sure. Also switching my elith mixer food to curry (revives on KO), and switching everyone to Passive/Always defend during the enemy elith burst. Then my team got an elith burst and WOW Malik's mystic arte is great, it was smooth sailing from there on.
Sophie learns it the earliest I think.Ahh good call on the curry; I need to try that. The game gets way more manageable as I remember from the JP version once people start learning revival artes.
Ahh good call on the curry; I need to try that. The game gets way more manageable as I remember from the JP version once people start learning revival artes.
The handkerchief one is the missable quest for inn requests. That's the one you absolutely need to do.I just checked the guide/google document linked in the OP. I see there are several timed events. I thought the only missable event was the handkerchief one D: ... what's up with that?
Also, when does the Frederic's Lost Treasure quest start? I remember someone saying the time window for it was really small.
I just checked the guide/google document linked in the OP. I see there are several timed events. I thought the only missable event was the handkerchief one D: ... what's up with that?
Also, when does the Frederic's Lost Treasure quest start? I remember someone saying the time window for it was really small.
Thank you, guys
Just to be sure: Frederic's Lost Treasure = beloved handkerchief = no small time window, right?
Freaking OCD about missables doesn't let me enjoy my games -_________-
i don't want to derail this thread ( anymore than it is ? ) so i'll answer just once ( after it's my opinion and i'm willing to discuss it if necessary ).![]()
I assure you that the hate is anything but exaggerated.
I don't think the party had any right to criticize Luke for his actions. Luke had no idea that Vaan's intentions were that catastrophic anyhow. Luke was simply goaded into believing that using his Hyperresonance on Akzeriuth's Sephiroth would of gotten rid of the miasma for good. There was no reason for the party to react the way they had towards him considering that he was acting under good intentions.
I also believe that Luke had no chance to inform the party anyhow, because Van pulled him aside already and he could of just killed Luke if he tried to run off.
Now going on to the part about him being arrogant. Luke has had a fairly sheltered upbringing so he really hasn't learned any morals. He can't even think independently for himself because of his childlike mentality (which you can't really blame for him at all, because he hasn't even had a proper education IIRC.) Also I have pretty good reason to believe that Anise was the catalyst of all of this anyhow. I believe she was the one that leaked the information to Mohs and it got to Van through his subordinates.
The battle against Arrietta was completely unnecessary because she aided the party multiple times throughout the plot, and Anise's childish rivalry (that Arrietta wanted no part of mind you) was the reason the duel even started to begin with. Anise telling the party anything would of made the situation better.
To be frank, Luke underwent a metamorphosis after the incident and he took full responsibility after everything.
While Sophie and Cheria play differently, I don't really think that they heal very differently at all. Sophie is better at single-target healing and Cheria can do a bit better for party healing, but they're still just spells with standard cast times. You can shorten the amount of time it takes to cast by chaining A Artes into B Artes, but a) I don't think I've ever seen the AI actually make use of that, or if it is, then it's not enough of an effect to really change things, and b) shortening the cast time doesn't really help matters if to do it, you need your healers to be close enough to attack in the first place (that is to say, taking two seconds to heal when the enemy can reach you and attack you in one and a half seconds isn't functionally different than taking one second to heal if the enemy can reach you in half a second).
When you start running into bosses that can absorb most of a combo before they'll actually stagger (so you only delay them for 20-25% the length of your combo), who can't be knocked down by moves that are made to do knockdowns, and who two-shot any of your characters from full health, it's easy for it to turn into a matter of having the boss run around killing people as fast as your item cooldown can throw out Life Bottles, hoping that you'll get lucky enough to stabilize the party condition before you completely run out of items. Going on the offense doesn't really help since you can't keep the boss staggered and disrupted enough to stop him from going after your healers, and going on the defense can literally mean switching control from one healer to the other, canceling their heal spell to dodge, and then having to switch back to the other healer to cancel their heal spell to dodge, ad infinitum.
The healing in Vesperia was far improved. Each of the three healing characters were best suited to a different sort of fight, and if you doubled up and brought two of them in the same party, they didn't share the same counters the way that the healers in Graces, Abyss, etc do where it's all done via spells.
While Sophie and Cheria play differently, I don't really think that they heal very differently at all. Sophie is better at single-target healing and Cheria can do a bit better for party healing, but they're still just spells with standard cast times. You can shorten the amount of time it takes to cast by chaining A Artes into B Artes, but a) I don't think I've ever seen the AI actually make use of that, or if it is, then it's not enough of an effect to really change things, and b) shortening the cast time doesn't really help matters if to do it, you need your healers to be close enough to attack in the first place (that is to say, taking two seconds to heal when the enemy can reach you and attack you in one and a half seconds isn't functionally different than taking one second to heal if the enemy can reach you in half a second).
When you start running into bosses that can absorb most of a combo before they'll actually stagger (so you only delay them for 20-25% the length of your combo), who can't be knocked down by moves that are made to do knockdowns, and who two-shot any of your characters from full health, it's easy for it to turn into a matter of having the boss run around killing people as fast as your item cooldown can throw out Life Bottles, hoping that you'll get lucky enough to stabilize the party condition before you completely run out of items. Going on the offense doesn't really help since you can't keep the boss staggered and disrupted enough to stop him from going after your healers, and going on the defense can literally mean switching control from one healer to the other, canceling their heal spell to dodge, and then having to switch back to the other healer to cancel their heal spell to dodge, ad infinitum.
The healing in Vesperia was far improved. Each of the three healing characters were best suited to a different sort of fight, and if you doubled up and brought two of them in the same party, they didn't share the same counters the way that the healers in Graces, Abyss, etc do where it's all done via spells.
Missable events? Sigh. Luckily yakuza games have drained all my interest away from keeping up with these things. I do them if I see them. Keeps the gray hairs away.
btw: Is there any way to setup presets for strategies? Having to manually change everything when baddies go burst is a bit annoying.
That seems a bit long. I received my game this Tuesday.Just curious if anyone in the U.K (or even anywhere in the EU) have recieved their copy from Planetaxel yet? Mine was shipped on the 14th and i'm still waiting for it, really regret not going with VGP like I usually do now![]()
No.Also, speaking of final boss and future arcI read somewhere that if you use a mystic arte when it goes under 10k it automatically activates the third one for the kill. Does this cause anything interesting to happen in the future arc or something?
Yes.Is it possible to get Aston's sword for free somehow? The guide on Tales forum says there's a post-game event that lets you if I remember correctly but talking to the Turtlez still makes me have to pay 120k.
It's just there so the battle would end quicker. I appropriately had Sophie use her third MA.![]()
Just curious if anyone in the U.K (or even anywhere in the EU) have recieved their copy from Planetaxel yet? Mine was shipped on the 14th and i'm still waiting for it, really regret not going with VGP like I usually do now![]()
Just curious if anyone in the U.K (or even anywhere in the EU) have recieved their copy from Planetaxel yet? Mine was shipped on the 14th and i'm still waiting for it, really regret not going with VGP like I usually do now![]()
That seems a bit long. I received my game this Tuesday.
I guess if it doesn't arrive here tomorrow then i'll email them to see if I can do anything.
Make Cheria's ultimate weapon or Pascal's Dream Flange, which is made from a Rare Staff. Here's some stuff from Kurusu that will boost Dream Flange's selling value:I need some help with the. I'm trying to make an item with a high enough value to reach it... does anyone know what should be made?Zhonecage dungeon reaching floor 10
Kurusu said:- The nature that boosts the selling value most is actually Dangerous.
- And chance is, the dream flange can go into dangerous nature with just one good-chosen fragment. So I usually use a high-leveled random fragment to reach dangerous nature.
- Since in the PS3 version, a Dream Flange +1 is not enough, I build arms.
- Then, I clear the penultimage challenge battle for an easy rank 7 (Guy-sa), level 7 Rise fragment.
- Then, I use that fragment on the dangerous Dream Flange +1. Since it's a rank 7 fragment, the weapon's nature will remain.
- I get a Dream Flange +2 that is plenty enough to enter Zhone Cage's last floor.
Really now? That's interesting, I'm going to give it a try. Going for 100% skit completion.Actually, I think there is a special post battle skit if you finish the final boss with MaliksSerenade
Make Cheria's ultimate weapon or Pascal's Dream Flange, which is made from a Rare Staff. Here's some stuff from Kurusu that will boost Dream Flange's selling value:
Really now? That's interesting, I'm going to give it a try. Going for 100% skit completion.
Make Cheria's ultimate weapon or Pascal's Dream Flange, which is made from a Rare Staff. Here's some stuff from Kurusu that will boost Dream Flange's selling value:
Really now? That's interesting, I'm going to give it a try. Going for 100% skit completion.
Dangerous Quality, definitely.I have Cheria's ultimate weapon, do you know what quality I should be looking for? It has an initial value for 40k, and there's quite a bit of shard combinations...
Oh alright. I'm going to check out that YT link then. (' 3')Updated my post but I see you quoted me while I did that.
Sorry, I meant a special "victory scene conversation/scene" not a skit you trigger outside of battle.
Dangerous Quality, definitely.
Oh alright. I'm going to check out that YT link then. (' 3')