I like it, it's catchy.
Miles better than any of the in game battle themes ;3
I like it, it's catchy.
Dark Schala posted it earlier, sounds like something straight out of Kirby to be honest, rofl. Who has the best costume out of Hubert/Asbel/Pascal/Cheria? I'm thinking Hubert is going to get the costume.
No love for Fatalize. It's my personal favorite. And Battle Artist is godly.While we're on the topic of battle themes, my favorite Tales battle themes are pretty much Destiny Remake's, Phantasia's, and Legendia's.
I was hoping someone would get a Legendia character's costume for Battle Artist. =(
While we're on the topic of battle themes, my favorite Tales battle themes are pretty much Destiny Remake's, Phantasia's, and Legendia's.
I was hoping someone would get a Legendia character's costume for Battle Artist. =(
I was talking about random battle themes. Holy crap though Tales has a bunch of godlike boss themes. Fatalize is definitely my favorite song off of Symphonia's OST though.No love for Fatalize. It's my personal favorite. And Battle Artist is godly.
Post. d(^_^)bI like the battle themes in ToS2.![]()
Oh I see I see. Tales game's battle themes have always been my favorite for JRPGs. I think it has something to do with the battle systems. I just have to pause and listen when I hear a good one!I was talking about random battle themes. Holy crap though Tales has a bunch of godlike boss themes. Fatalize is definitely my favorite song off of Symphonia's OST though.
Hubert school uniform so badass. Would never pay for it though.
Hubert school uniform so badass. Would never pay for it though.
The Beat the Angel remix in this game is terrible. No bells = No sale. At least the Radiant Mythology 2 version did it right. Actually, RM2 had a lot of nicely-remixed themes. I really like the Legendia ones: Battle Artist and Seeking Victory.Thanks. It's alright I suppose. Better than the Idolmaster's battle theme (shudders). Will hold me over till I get Fury Sparks or Beat the Angel. I wish there was a way to wear the costumes, but not hear the music. And don't say mute button.
Wait, would not releasing the costumes make the titles screen incomplete? So don't they have to release them?
I've done an Asbel Solo Chaos before.Finally beat the main boss of the main game on Evil. God, so annoying. I can't imagine this on Chaos.
The Beat the Angel remix in this game is terrible. No bells = No sale. At least the Radiant Mythology 2 version did it right.
Actually, RM2 had a lot of nicely-remixed themes. I really like the Legendia ones. Battle Artist and Seeking Victory.
Well... the titles for the DLC costumes don't count towards the trophy titles, but they are included in the title count when you buy them.
The Beat the Angel remix in this game is terrible. No bells = No sale. At least the Radiant Mythology 2 version did it right. Actually, RM2 had a lot of nicely-remixed themes. I really like the Legendia ones: Battle Artist and Seeking Victory.
Well... the titles for the DLC costumes don't count towards the trophy titles, but they are included in the title count when you buy them.
I've done an Asbel Solo Chaos before.
Use Infernal Torrent and [whatever Hadou Meppuu is now because I can't remember] over and over. LOL.
But would you pay for a Sheena costume for Hubert????
Bamco make it happen you bitches.Holy shit mind blown.
Hey Dark Shala, can you make High-Grade cyrstals? Just wondering, cause if not, it'll will seriously take a long time to get another one. 1.6% chance.
Haseo was title 159.kayos90 said:Someone who played the JP version of the game check if the titles for the Geass/Haseo costumes are even in the title grid. If not we'll never see them. It shows their plans of localization anyway.
Yep, that's right.scy said:Off-hand, Lump of Clay + Decaying Sword. I'll double-check in a bit.
Well, I was going to do a quick example of some dualizing for profit but I apparently burned out most my good 5-letter Shards and basically all of my 6-letter ones :| Barely managed a 100k profit after 4 dualizes (though, would've been higher but I wanted to see if I could recover a massive screw up).
Oh well. Maybe after some grinding for new shards and I'll just do a Haughty -> Solemn -> Magical -> Solemn -> Magical rotation or something. Also, Armor beats Weapons for this if only for the convenience of checking the sell price without unequipping, lol.
That said, I did double-check a few dualizes and dualizing, say, a [3] Attack with a [4] Attack will leave the [3] Attack on the Weapon it was on. So ... there's that, at least.
Off-hand, Lump of Clay + Decaying Sword. I'll double-check in a bit.
That was it, thanks. But I'm out of perilous shards. ;/ I have the Dream Flange now. Where do those shards drop?
Dreamer's Flange starts as Epochal so you use Haughty to make it Perilous.
Why is's voice so deep.Veigue
Needs more Adult Link voice. He sounds so weird here. :|
Haseo was title 159.
Geass for Asbel was 163.
Yep, that's right.
I hear two costume might have been taken out because Kyle's costume title is 164 in JP and the US version its 162
I like the battle themes in ToS2.
Indeed.No bells? That's sad to know.
I don't even have that shard.![]()
Damn, that sucks if it's true. Haseo and Suzaku would most likely be the two removed costumes.
Epochal (Dreamer's Flange) + Formal (Shard) => Formal (Dreamer's Flange)
Formal (Dreamer's Flange) + Solemn (Shard) => Untamed (Dreamer's Flange)
Untamed (Dreamer's Flange) + Untamed (Shard) => Perilous (Dreamer's Flange)
I'll ask once again, what's the best spot to level up at the end of the adolescent arc?
what title gives infernal torrent and how do I get it?
Getting 100 titles is frustrating. Also the maxing the Eleth pot. :|
Yeah, that's what I used for titles towards the end of the first time. Titles aren't really hard to get as long as you know requirements for them or if you grind a little or if you use other characters manually (which is what I ended up doing). I had about 72 or so for Asbel last time I checked.scy said:I'm glad slots aren't required for it. I'm at 5000 Energy but still only 9 slots :/ I do have 100+ Titles for everyone though. Book of Striking really speeds up the Arte use grind and those titles add up.
Thanks. Will look at it Artes. And yeah I think Moderate should be good for me. Can always grind if absolutely required but I'm sure I'll find a way to eke out wins!Manual option is under Artes. I think Moderate is the perfect difficulty, but you may have a little trouble if you go out of your way to skip enemies. There was only a couple of bosses that I found really hard on moderate before I moved to Hard. I'd recommend you try a harder difficulty and move down if it's too hard, so start with moderate.
Yeah, that's what I used for titles towards the end of the first time. Titles aren't really hard to get as long as you know requirements for them or if you grind a little or if you use other characters manually (which is what I ended up doing). I had about 72 or so for Asbel last time I checked.
It's too bad that this game doesn't have a 1-damage skill like in Xillia because that would make obtaining the artes' numbers a little easier.
Also, scy, you haven't failed to impress me with how well you've been using dualization. That's incredible.