You have nowhere to go but up after the three-note track in the catacombs.
You have nowhere to go but up after the three-note track in the catacombs.
I have that, it looks more like a nurse outfit, didn't know that was formal. I'm missing the swimsuit then.
Final dungeon is annoying. Can't even run from battles. Using my Life Bottles like there's no tomorrow even on normal battles. Long as hell. wtfisthisshit.jpg
Go to Sable Izole, inspect the tools by the item shop, and you'll be able to buy her bathing suit for 100K gald.
Edit: Nevermind, I'm an idiot. Cheria's formal wear is completely different from her vestments. This is how you get it:Sorry about that!Do a request in Katz Village. The item you need is in a treasure chest in Barona Castle. Deliver it to get the costume.![]()
Thanks! Is there a quick way to explain the process of how to go about trying to make sure you raise the max CC of the weapons? Also, should I be bothering to do this early on, or wait until I get great weapons?
No worries.Thanks. Also, is there an easier way to grind titles? Most of them are just for using a certain skill. But so far, I only have Malik's 100 titles trophy. This is probably the most time consuming thing in the game.
Fight a lot, I guess? Book of Striking will help with the Arte use. If you're aiming for Platinum, you need a lot of fights to max out the pot's energy anyway. Also, depends on what titles you're missing but I wager you'll fill up most of your missing amounts by grinding Arte use.
I would like to platinum the game, yes. I only have 1, and thats for Final Fantasy XIII-2. I can't do it on this playthrough though, I missed a couple boss fights in 60 seconds. Now that the zhonecage is done and, all I have is to beat the game on Chaos and 100 titles for everyone but Malik before starting a new game+.rockagong is dead
If Asbel was Malik instead then I would like the entire cast (Asbel sticks out for me).
At least Malik was cool, suave, and sometimes a jerk.
Malik's troll times are the best skits/scenes in the game.
Malik's troll times are the best skits/scenes in the game.
Yep. Most of it is just knowing requirements. You get titles for controlling characters for 100 battles, for example.Well, I'll look through my Titles to see if anything jump out at me but 70+ tends to just be the Arte Adept/Master titles and some other "lot of time grinding" ones. Most the combo ones are pretty easy to get (X character kill an enemy with a 10/30/50/100+ hit combo) so there's that. Then there's the ones that just come about from fighting a lot like the Critical count, total A-Arte use, total B-Arte use, etc.
Asbel has some titles for selling high value items, Hubert has titles for having a lot of money, and Cheria has titles for the amount of Stamps you have. You can basically try to get all three done simultaneously.
Malik - Beef with Red Wine Sauce (I *think*)
LOL, I figured I had that wrong. Thanks. I liked how they introduced the favourite foods too. Seemed natural.Malik's is Sea Bream Porridge (Rice Porridge + Sea Bream). These are all really easy to get (especially some that can just be set to the Mixer like Rice Omelettes) and I actually kind of liked the "how" you find them out.various skits, obviously
Just got my first maxed out Stamp Card apparently. With the purchase being an Ore that turns Leather Guard into a monster of an Armor. Damn...
And it's a one-time purchase.
To the mixer it goes, I guess.
Edit: On the note of Beef with Red Wine Sauce, holy shit nearly 500 Energy per use? +1 random Armor stats to the entire group is nice and all but that's a lot of Energy per use.
LOL, I figured I had that wrong. Thanks. I liked how they introduced the favourite foods too. Seemed natural.
I think Beef with Red Wine Sauce uses ~80 energy. I'll have to double check that. Double Burger used 380 but sped up movement in battle, iirc.
No, you're right. Just checked in the JP version. I mixed it up with the recipe above it in the pot. :lol And that's it. no more posting for me tonight because the double cheeseburger does not take up that much eleth. It's about 70 or so. I must be going nuts. :|484, though maybe I'm mixing it up with something else? I tend to set food without checking the energy so it took awhile for me to figure out why my <50% Mixer Energy went out in like two fights :|
Too bad that the +1 Weapon one is HP Relevant (Group HP < 30%, I believe). That'll be a pain to grind up.
can someone explain what it means press x during blue charge to get a high level arte?
Well no one really plays Tales for the story. Be pretty sad if that were the case.
Namco would appease a lot of fanboys if they shoehorned in multiple romance options in the game, ala Persona or a Bioware game.
Because really, screw Cheria. We all knowis Asbel's one true love.Malik
Can't say I can't agree with you since I play Tales' games primarily for the characters/battle but boy would my experience be 100 times better if the story was coherent and actually worth following. It really makes me wonder why Namco hasn't fired the storyboard director/writer yet. Terrible. Xillia was a step-up I suppose but that kinda goes out the window in the second half of the game, lol. Here's hoping Tales of PS4 does something refreshing for a change.
I mean, I'm sure you can't get any more grand than saving the world but... nevermind. There's a lot of things to say and I'll just keep it at that!
My copy just arrived, installing now!
Any tips before I get started?
If Xillia gets a DC version, I want them to add this since Jude getting with Elise or Leia makes more sense age wise. But whatever, that's just me.Namco would appease a lot of fanboys if they shoehorned in multiple romance options in the game, ala Persona or a Bioware game.
First 5 hours suck ass. Stick with it though.
About 2 hours in so far, going pretty slow.
Is it worth to learn all the moves on a title before going to the next one?
At this point, no. But once you hit the adult arc, I would recommend it. At least learn the titles with the new moves first.
Namco would appease a lot of fanboys if they shoehorned in multiple romance options in the game, ala Persona or a Bioware game.
Because really, screw Cheria. We all knowis Asbel's one true love.Malik
Was just about to post & ask does this game get any better!First 5 hours suck ass. Stick with it though.
So is there any reason to master the titles instead of just getting them to lvl 5?
So is there any reason to master the titles instead of just getting them to lvl 5?
So, I'm right before the "point of no return"() and I'm wondering, what's the most efficient route to take to get the Plat from here on?right before heading into the Ghardia Shaft
I missed all the timed trophies so I know I'm gonna have to do a new game for those, but I'd prefer to get the difficulty trophies and all the really grindy trophies before I do that so I can leave the grindy stuff out of my NG+ and just get it all over with right now since I'm already at the end of the game the first time.
I just plugged the game in, installed the game and the world is crumbling down on me.
I can't F'ING believe this game doesn't feature dual va. CAN'T BELIEVE IT.
Why the fuck would you exclude such an easy feature out of your game? I'm SO pissed. I hate american VA, specially coming from Brazil which has leading V.A in the world.
Called me weeaboo, whatever you want, but listen, I'm paying 60 dollars for a product and I should be able to at least expect a basic feature.
I'm turning this fucking game off and throwing it in the garbage -__-.