If you think that'll help, you probably should. Sometimes I do that so they won't do anything silly like walk up to a monster while I'm trying to keep them away.
As I said before, it's too bad that there aren't a lot of AI parameters in this game like there are in Vesperia or Xillia.
Man, that's how I do it. And it's even better when you're killing a few birds with one stone (ie: getting battle titles for everyone at the same time, so that's why I do it in Lhant Hill or the desert so that everyone gets a fair shot at getting some of their A/B-Artes titles--and thus you're also grinding for your titles too). Try to stick with doing several things at once while doing that trophy and I don't think it'd feel as bad.
Is there some hidden aggro system that I'm not getting? Seems hard to keep bosses off the idiot AI.
Thanks Scy for your reply. Yeah I know my mixer is at a pitiful amount XD. I will make that crab rice, and miso soup. I might as well level it up more while I'm farming. At the start of L&L, I only had about 500 points, so I'm doing better haha.
I always set him to Defensive whenever he's involved in a boss fight because:Yeah... might just be me, but Hubert's AI is god awful.
Yes. Load your clear save from Future Arc and you'll be back at the last save point in the main game.Impeccable said:So I'm coming up to the end of Lines and Lineage now with all my NG+ fanciness and still in love with the game and can't wait to get the Platinum.
One thing I'm confused about though - after future arc, is it true it drops you at the last save point in the game back in the main game?
I dislike Vesperia's plat so much. :|
That's why I kept saying that the Graces platinum is not as bad as Vesperia's by a long shot. Graces' plat is much easier by comparison since you didn't have all of those secret missions to contend with. Honestly, when you compare the two, Graces seems like a godsend.
And then Xillia's plat is a cakewalk (outside of maybe the Best Subeventer Trophy), but it's mostly grinding grinding grinding.
Dunno if you guys have seen this yet but here are some clips from the English version of First Strike
Yuri, Flynn, Estelle, and Rita all sound off, especially Rita her new VA isn't even trying to sound like the original.
If you started a NG+, you'll have to start over from the beginning (unless you bought the thing in the Grade Shop that allows you to skip over childhood arc).
If you started a NG+, you'll have to start over from the beginning (unless you bought the thing in the Grade Shop that allows you to skip over childhood arc).
I always set him to Defensive whenever he's involved in a boss fight because:
1) His defense is among the lowest and his AI can't seem to understand that.
2) He runs up to enemies when I don't want him to and then he gets crushed, even when I set him to Balanced, or use B-Artes heavily.
So I sometimes make him use B-Artes only, since he can use those at a range. I feel like Hubert's more capable whenever I manually control him since I'll make him block at proper times or combo whenever he should to get out of the way of an attack.
Yes. Load your clear save from Future Arc and you'll be back at the last save point in the main game.
If you started a NG+, you'll have to start over from the beginning (unless you bought the thing in the Grade Shop that allows you to skip over childhood arc).
Also... is it just me or do AI not really follow the strategies all the time? I tend to have all my folks set to attack leader's target... but they rarely seem to do that.
I guess that is the biggest fault of the series. A lot of cool technical characters around that the AI have no clue how to play.
Also... is it just me or do AI not really follow the strategies all the time? I tend to have all my folks set to attack leader's target... but they rarely seem to do that.
I guess that is the biggest fault of the series. A lot of cool technical characters around that the AI have no clue how to play.
I know there's a skit reviewer atbut does it list what skits you are missing? Might make it easier for me to do a second run if I find out what skits I missed out on the first run.the Katz village
I just stick with the two foods you recommended (and early game, I use Rice Omelettes instead of Miso Oden (or whatever it's called in the English version because I vaguely remember it being called something else and then being all confused when I made it)). Boosts the Arles Pot so much, and then I just stuck a bunch of items like ingredients I needed to make plushies/badges with, Metals and, Red Herbs in there to boost the slots.Multi-tasking, hooray! Really though, I just don't think there's good reason to not have two food items in the Mixer all game. There's not enough super useful Books early on and jamming the thing full of items is ... possible, I guess.
I always use cooking in Tales games so I immediately went to figure out the best way to always have the Mixer working. I mean, it costs you nothing materials wise and some of the bonuses are nice (Rice Omelette's bonus EXP, for instance, is so good for the first like 75% of the game).
Awww... :/scy said:realization that I need to do Childhood again due to that being where I missed two skits.
...well shit.
It should. Once you do future arc, and load the F arc clear save, you should be able to go back to the main game with Accel Mode and Level 4 Blast Calibers, items, levels, weapons, etc. included.Impeccable said:My future arc game is off of my NG+ end game save, so it'll just go back to the end with all the new titles, items and levels?
PS: Thanks Dark Schala, you're so helpful to everyone here - makes this an awesome post.
I know. He always seems to do that and I don't want him to because it ends up screwing up a combo that I've built up sometimes.Papercuts said:Hubert is always the worst for me when it comes to the boss eleth bursting. If I don't make him back off immediately he seems to think that's a good trigger to run into their face and get a nice mystic arte present.
Haha, the secret missions! I forgot to mention that, some of those were crazy hard. I remember skipping a few(one with required an easily missable item made me made me say screw it), then I found out there's, of course, a title linked to getting all of them on a single playthrough. :|
Yes, you have a point. As much as I like this game, I don't think it's perfect, and the AI and AI parameters are the game's biggest hindrances. They seem to use up all of their CC for something they want, and then they seem to follow orders every now and then. But a lot of the times, they rush in and do something irritating causing me to switch some AI to passive and heal to HP @ 100% because they lost HP by doing what they did. The lack of AI parameters, and the surprising omissions of "Use Blast Caliber? Don't Use Blast Caliber?" and "Use Items? Don't use Items?" makes some of the AI stuff suffer, imo.chickdigger802 said:Also... is it just me or do AI not really follow the strategies all the time? I tend to have all my folks set to attack leader's target... but they rarely seem to do that.
At least got a lot of slots or did you just go wild with Books all game :x
I always use cooking in Tales games so I immediately went to figure out the best way to always have the Mixer working. I mean, it costs you nothing materials wise and some of the bonuses are nice (Rice Omelette's bonus EXP, for instance, is so good for the first like 75% of the game).
I know there's a skit reviewer atbut does it list what skits you are missing? Might make it easier for me to do a second run if I find out what skits I missed out on the first run.the Katz village
Boosts the Arles Pot so much, and then I just stuck a bunch of items like ingredients I needed to make plushies/badges with, Metals and, Red Herbs in there to boost the slots.
At least you don't have to boost the slots to the maximum 16 for the trophy. >.>
If you used cooking in all of Tales games, then... poor Xillia. :/ That game only seems to have take-out food instead of homecooked meals.
Awww... :/
Childhood arc doesn't take that long if you rush through it?
The lack of AI parameters, and the surprising omissions of "Use Blast Caliber? Don't Use Blast Caliber?" and "Use Items? Don't use Items?" makes some of the AI stuff suffer, imo.
Basically, it's dependent on how often you use the Eleth Gauge and how often your enemies get Eleth Break. The eleth gauge goes back to 0 if you touch a save point or if your enemies go into Eleth Break. With regards to the number for the gauge... if you want to keep that number high, don't use Blast Calibers, and turn your AI characters' Blast Calibers off. When you leave Eleth Burst, it retains the number it has when it ends, I believe.can someone explain how the mystic arte gauge work? Sometimes I can get it to 2... but that's pretty rare.
btw: when do I get lvl2 m artes? Currently just finished up the 'not mother russia' place.
Basically, it's dependent on how often you use the Eleth Gauge and how often your enemies get Eleth Break. The eleth gauge goes back to 0 if you touch a save point or if your enemies go into Eleth Break. With regards to the number for the gauge... if you want to keep that number high, don't use Blast Calibers, and turn your AI characters' Blast Calibers off. When you leave Eleth Burst, it retains the number it has when it ends, I believe.
As for Level 2 Blast Calibers, you get them through story events. For some of them, you get them in Chapters 6 and 7. Level 3 Blast Calibers are obtained via sidequests in Chapter 8.
For Pascal's, you can get her Level 2 Blast Caliber from the research institute at Sable Izolle. You can get her Level 3 Blast Caliber by.fighting the Mimic on Mt. Zavhert
I've reached the final dungeon of the main arc, but I'm playing on Chaos and I'm getting heavily slaughtered in normal battles. Where can I go grind?
I have never ever gotten up to 16 slots because it seems more difficult than the 9999 points. So much grinding for slots and you don't really need that much in the end unless you want get a lot of items out of your pot.Yup. Though, to be honest, I didn't actually notice the book tab until like ... Chapter 4. So it was a bunch of food and items to make :x
Dear god, I thought this wouldn't be THAT bad. I mean, I got to 8 slots by Chapter 5!
I got slot 9 about 20 hours later. :| Slots 10-11 weren't that bad but I had shifted to slot grinding by this point. Plus Book of Fortune is a huge deal for this.
I'd much rather some allies use healing items or life bottles as opposed to sitting there or waiting around to dodge enemies to cast a spell which would take up more time on Chaos. Or waiting around to get healed by someone who's busy dodging attacks to cast the spell.Lack of item use feels weird but, then again, in Vesperia it was 99% of the time used by Rita blowing all her TP so eh.
But as far as Arte use is concerned, I just disabled all the ones I felt were terrible/all of their Mystic Artes. Which was a little hard to figure out for Pascal and Malik since I never used them manually.
Huh, I've never noticed that before. You learn something new everyday!Every single time you get Eleth Break before Burst, it adds on number to your Burst meter. So if you have 0 and your opponent gets 2 Breaks before your next Burst, then it will be 2.
I have never ever gotten up to 16 slots because it seems more difficult than the 9999 points. So much grinding for slots and you don't really need that much in the end unless you want get a lot of items out of your pot.
I'd much rather some allies use healing items or life bottles as opposed to sitting there or waiting around to dodge enemies to cast a spell which would take up more time on Chaos. Or waiting around to get healed by someone who's busy dodging attacks to cast the spell.![]()
In Xillia, you can prioritize items to be used by the AI (ex: First priority is Life Bottle, second priority is Apple Gummy, etc.) or prioritize when you want them to use the items (ie: when TP falls below 25%, etc.)... which I found was a little neat. And you can turn certain items off when you don't want them to be used.
Is it bad idea that I am thinking about saving future arc for PT2, because I want something new that I can looking forward to do after we started over? or should I do it now to get over with it?
For Grades, I am thinking about bringing all things that I worked on titles, cards and etc over to PT2 but I am not sure about 5x damage or something because I am afraid that it might end up backfire on me.
I am thinking about
Inherit Cards, Battle items, Books, Stamp, etc (Expect Gald)
5x Exp, 2x SP, Master SP bonus (I am not sure if 5x and 2/3x exp stack or not.)
I am very concerned about 5x Damage because I want to get all 60 seconds battles but is it only way to go?
God damn lack of any self control, just bought Pascal's cowgirl outfit and Cheria's imp outfit, as well as the bunny and santa attachments![]()
I apologized that I had to ask again. I need to know before I move on to new game plus or future arc.
Is there a way to use the school costumes without changing the battle theme?
Is there a way to use the school costumes without changing the battle theme?
Is there a way to use the school costumes without changing the battle theme?
LOL. But you didn't need all 16 slots to fill out the dualization/items book. It takes forever, imo, and it's time that I'd much rather use to do other things.But I want to make everything!
I honestly struggle to realistically want more than like four things in the pot anyway. Super Rare "OMG IT HAPPENED" Item, Slightly less rare item, Maybe something in between I need to finish up all the dualizing recipes, 40-50% success rate item so something happens every cycle.
I'd grind to 16 slots but I think it'd take me somewhere around forever and I have other things to do :x
I will never understand why she does that. I usually go in the menu and ask either Cheria or Sophie to start reviving someone if they aren't tied up and I'm not getting mobbed too much in battles. Otherwise, I just resort to the Life Bottle since it's quicker. It's silly.True. Life Bottle use would be nice (and, for that matter, prioritizing Cheria to revive people instead of healing almost full health people).
Actually, Xillia has a super-awesome early grinding spot where you can get a ton of gald, XP, and items to level up your shops to buy stuff, so I never really felt I was short on money at all.Well that's interesting. My main problem with these is that I'll either be too poor to keep the items stocked to sufficiently really utilize this OR too cheap to keep the items stocked so I just disable them and do it manually anyway. I'm terrible
We'll see what happens when/if Xillia releases.
No. It's too bad because they look nice. The only way I can probably see you avoiding this is equipping the character that you're manually using with a costume with a different battle theme and letting that battle theme take over.Jucksalbe said:Is there a way to use the school costumes without changing the battle theme?
Sorry, I missed this one.I apologized that I had to ask again. I need to know before I move on to new game plus or future arc.
Oh, those are the costumes? :lolGod damn lack of any self control, just bought Pascal's cowgirl outfit and Cheria's imp outfit, as well as the bunny and santa attachments![]()
No.Do the costumes that came out this week change the battle music? If so, to what?
Are the costumes even out?
Do you remember what number Haseo was? iirc, it was #159.Are the costumes even out?
Do you remember what number Haseo was? iirc, it was #159.
Has anyone else bought all of the costumes so far for Asbel and noticed that slot 159 in the title menu was filled by something else? Similarly, check if slot 163 has been filled as well since that's the Suzaku costume.
Kyle's costume was 164 in the Japanese version. I remember someone else bringing this up in the thread before, but if his costume's title number has changed, then perhaps some of the costumes may have been removed.
Do you remember what number Haseo was? iirc, it was #159.
Has anyone else bought all of the costumes so far for Asbel and noticed that slot 159 in the title menu was filled by something else? Similarly, check if slot 163 has been filled as well since that's the Suzaku costume.
Kyle's costume was 164 in the Japanese version. I remember someone else bringing this up in the thread before, but if his costume's title number has changed, then perhaps some of the costumes may have been removed.
So where do you find DLC?
Never really bothered with dlc on ps3.
They removed the glitch I wanted to abuse during this playthrough to make it go faster. I imagine that they would remove the costume you wanted to use.Yeah I know that 2 costumes have most likely been removed but I was always hoping that they would just add it anyway... NO!!!!!!
Thanks for this.I haven't gotten the new set of costumes so don't know where they belong, but title 159 for Asbel is blank for me. It's in between the suit costume and his school outfit.
They removed the glitch I wanted to abuse during this playthrough to make it go faster. I imagine that they would remove the costume you wanted to use.
Thanks for this.
So if I have this straight, in the JP version...
Title 158 was the suit costume.
Title 159 was the Haseo costume.
Title 160 was the pilot costume.
Title 161 was the high school costume.
Title 162 was Leon Magnus.
Title 163 was Suzaku.
Title 164 was Kyle.
...kayos, I think you might be disappointed.
Random enemy formations is a huge part of that.Yes, you have a point. As much as I like this game, I don't think it's perfect, and the AI and AI parameters are the game's biggest hindrances. They seem to use up all of their CC for something they want, and then they seem to follow orders every now and then. But a lot of the times, they rush in and do something irritating causing me to switch some AI to passive and heal to HP @ 100% because they lost HP by doing what they did. The lack of AI parameters, and the surprising omissions of "Use Blast Caliber? Don't Use Blast Caliber?" and "Use Items? Don't use Items?" makes some of the AI stuff suffer, imo.
The only time I've noticed them following orders completely is when I set them all to passive and guard/heal when HP falls under 100%.
Regardless, I still enjoy the game tremendously, but I can't deny that the game still has its own problems.