Okay I just fought. How far in am I? A third, maybe half way?Richard in Lhant
About 1/3 I think.
Okay I just fought. How far in am I? A third, maybe half way?Richard in Lhant
About 1/3 I think.
How is the future arc quality-wise? I loved Graces, but never played the future arc since I played it on Wii and don't really feel like replaying the entire game just to get to a 6-10 hour new arc. Is it worth replaying all of Graces just to check it out?
Okay I just fought. How far in am I? A third, maybe half way?Richard in Lhant
Good. When I play a Tales game, I never want the ride to end.
I sure understand you on that front. I never feel like these games are too long. I could easily spend hundreds of hours with these characters.
I often want the story to wrap up, but continue playing the game after that. This game is a perfect example, the story actually feels like it goes on maybe about 10% longer than I'd like. Not much, but just a tad. But I totally see myself grinding titles and dualize after I'm done.
No one likes Hubert? He's so awesome.
So how do y'all deal with the bosses with multiple enemies on harder difficulties? I recall having a hellish time against the early 'slime king boss', the parasite thing in the giant sand monster, and the 2 hawks Richard brought.
No one likes Hubert? He's so awesome.
Hubert looks too stupid for me to like him.
No one likes Hubert? He's so awesome.
That's exactly what I do. So fun. :3I basically do absolutely nothing extra on Chaos. Bosses are essentially locked in place when they don't Burst. At most, I might use an item.
Really, if not for burst giving them staggerproof (and/or MAs to just drop someone), boss fights on Chaos aren't threatening at all. I think I'm approaching "that" boss, though, so we'll see if I still think the same after that.
Lame! So you can purchase the grade shop unlocks, but those unlocks don't use up grade to say you unlocked them, basically?I can answer that for you. No
The thing you're buying from PSN is literally the grade shop unlock. It even tells you in the description of the PSN item that if you have already unlocked the given thing in game, then the PSN purchase will have no effect.
I've heard some bosses likeHow is the future arc quality-wise? I loved Graces, but never played the future arc since I played it on Wii and don't really feel like replaying the entire game just to get to a 6-10 hour new arc. Is it worth replaying all of Graces just to check it out?
Hubert is the boss. I can't wait grind titles in the desert for him. I'd used him for most of my second playthrough, so it's kinda weird going back to Asbel again.No one likes Hubert? He's so awesome.
Hold on.
So... instead of Asbel continually saying "MAMORU MAMORU MAMORU", he says "FRIENDS FRIENDSHIP FRIENDS" now? :lol I actually think that's more acceptable.
Lame! So you can purchase the grade shop unlocks, but those unlocks don't use up grade to say you unlocked them, basically?
So... theoretically, you can purchase the unlocks, not use grade for them, and then use the grade for other stuff?
Hold on.
So... instead of Asbel continually saying "MAMORU MAMORU MAMORU", he says "FRIENDS FRIENDSHIP FRIENDS" now? :lol I actually think that's more acceptable.
Wonderful. :/No, he still says protect all the time.
I almost think this idea is smart if you want to do a plat run on two playthroughs. Almost (because of cost incurred on your CC/PSN Spacebucks, etc).cpp_is_king said:Yep, exactly.
Wait, you mean you missed Pascal's amazing Level 4 BC? Oh no. Even though you got titles for Accel Mode, you had to do subevents to earn the Blast Calibers, much like what you had to do with the Level 3 ones.RPG Crazied said:Wait, there is level 4 blast calibers? I didn't even know the bar when past 3. I guess I missed those.
I had a lot of time between story moments too on both of my playthroughs. He even said stuff like that when he wasn't in story scenes.scy said:I think hearing this critique so much had me expecting Asbel to being spouting it every line or something. He seems perfectly fine to me.
Then again, maybe I just have so much time between story moments that the number of it per hour seems lower :x
Wait, you mean you missed Pascal's amazing Level 4 BC? Oh no. Even though you got titles for Accel Mode, you had to do subevents to earn the Blast Calibers, much like what you had to do with the Level 3 ones.
Does anyone else other than Sophie have a revive spell? No reason not to use her if there isn't any other person who has one.
Heh, I already had them. I'm just missing Sophies and Asbel's.
Cheria gets Resurrection.Does anyone else other than Sophie have a revive spell? No reason not to use her if there isn't any other person who has one.
That's what happened to me on my first playthrough. I ended up having to use him manually to get his titles.Ultimoo said:For some reason Malik has the least titles for some reason, forcing me to master titles i don't need, don't know why
Press R2 to activate Accel Mode when the Accel Gauge is at 100%, then activate the Lv 4 BC like how you would activate it normally with L1.Why does the gauge not go past 3? I have some level 4 blast calibers, but the bar won't go any higher than 3.
That's what happened to me on my first playthrough. I ended up having to use him manually to get his titles.
That's what I did before controlling him manually. And I set him to B-only. :lolAre you talking about Artes specific titles? If so, just go into the config screen and manually turn off the artes for every single ability but one, and when they learn the title, go turn on a different one, etc.
Perhaps not as easy as manually playing them though
Does anyone else other than Sophie have a revive spell? No reason not to use her if there isn't any other person who has one.
Aw, one of my favourite victory skits was changed a little. Oh well. It's still fine and it works better this way in English, but I usually got a kick whenAsbel curled up in the corner saying he won't cry.
Life Bottles are just more convenient. Spending so much time to revive hurts.
Plus, food that revives on KO.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, it makes more sense with thecoordination comment I think. Still one of my favorite skits and I'm sad I won't see it that often since I'll never use those four together again :x
LOL. Watch out for the final boss of the Zone Cage. That one's fun.I just want the trophy at this point, so I'm EZ mode Zhonecage. I'm on floor 6 now.![]()
Yeah, I always threw life bottles whenever someone died because it's faster than waiting for Sophie/Cheria to cast the spell.Life Bottles are just more convenient. Spending so much time to revive hurts.
Plus, food that revives on KO.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, it makes more sense with thecoordination comment I think. Still one of my favorite skits and I'm sad I won't see it that often since I'll never use those four together again :x
As for that victory quote, it was originally...The joke was that Asbel would say, "We will never lose!" at the end of battle. So when Asbel started doing that in the skit, the girls butt in and cut him off, with Cheria going, "Lose!", Pascal: "Perish!", Sophie: "Be defeated!" And then Asbel sits in the corner saying, "Cry even if we're left out."
Well, there's a few skits that do the. I'll try subbing in to Pascal/Malik/Hubert and see what they say.Group: We're amazing! or whatever that the girl trio can't get right so at least there's some consistency for the English ones
You can't deny how amazing the Toro costume is!...
I have no words.
Sounds manly.I can't hear what he's saying personally, but it's apparently Tremorous Celestial Thundering Spreading Light of Cyclonic Butchery.
How did they translate Malik's 4th Blast Caliber btw?
Well, it's still funny nonetheless. I was kinda expecting something else for that one, given how the JP version went, that's all. Malik/Pascal/Hubert probably say something similar to what they did in the JP version since the thing is about coordination and they had none and sounded bored with the entire thing.
Does Asbel even shout "I won't lose!" during the victory stuff in this version? From what I can tell (though I'm still really early), he sorta doesn't, which is rather nice and allows for more variation. All "makenai" ever did was make me think of that Sailor Stars song. :lol
You can't deny how amazing the Toro costume is!
I was usually close to an enemy when I activated it and I held L1 after activation.This might be a dumb question, but how does one execute Malik's 4th Blast Caliber if he's constantly kicking throughout his Accel Mode? Maybe I'm doing something wrong?![]()
He seems to say variations of it, but it's better this time around, I think. Honestly, I think in-battle English Asbel sounds a little better than cutscene English Asbel at the moment. Probably due to all that Dissidia practice!scy said:Hm ... I want to say that he does say "I won't lose!" occasionally, but I honestly can't say if it's in a lot of win quotes, one win quote in particular, or in-combat itself.
Boooooooo! But the Toro DLC for this game is the bomb. :/It is amazing, I'll say that much. That said, D3 had Toro DLC that were actually not allowed for release outside of Japan, I believe, so ...![]()
Oh alright, I'll try that next time I guess. Thank you!I was usually close to an enemy when I activated it and I held L1 after activation.
You usually have to let him do his kicks, though. It seems to activate right after that.Oh alright, I'll try that next time I guess. Thank you!
Cheria is not too bad. As far as main heroines go in Tales series she's better than most of them.