Well, a little peek won't hurt. The aesthetics are really nice this time around.kiryogi said:
25 hours or so. Reached halfway or 2/3 point just now.Dark Schala said:Yeah, I'm considering changing my shipping for FFType-0 to express as a result of this, even if I'll have to pay the brokerage customs fees (can be $9-20, depending on what's ordered, which includes HST) if UPS (though I heard they're the worst!) or FedEx are chosen... But I think it's being released around midterms, so I probably won't be playing it until I'm finished with those. Hm. Oh well, it's a while off still.
Stuff from P-A generally takes about 1-2 weeks to get here, so it isn't awful. I just get impatient sometimes, especially when hype is built up and spoilers are running rampant various corners of the Internet.
Well, a little peek won't hurt. The aesthetics are really nice this time around.
And that's it for me, I think. I saw a skit pop up, and while I really like the character portraits, I don't want to ruin skit and exposition stuff... How long has this guy been playing for, anyway?
i giggledAeana said:Proof I'm still a child:
Aeana said:Proof I'm still a child:
This email has been sent to inform you that your order, has been updated to a status of Shipped.
Order Details
Order Number:
Order Date: 6/2/2011 3:28 PM
Shipping Method: USPS Express Mail
Tracking Number(s):
Payment Method: Credit card payment
Product Information
Product Name Part No. Quantity Item Price Total Price
Tales of Xillia
BCJS-10120 1 $98.90 $98.90
Subtotal: $98.90
Shipping & Handling: $34.88
Tax: $0.00
Order Total: $133.78
Huh. Xillia's supposed to be 50 hours or so, so I guess he's speeding through it...kiryogi said:25 hours or so. Reached halfway or 2/3 point just now.
You'd better be able to keep everything when you play as the other character on a new playthrough through grade or something... The trophies don't seem too bad. Graces' trophies were pretty manageable (at least, more manageable than Vesperia's), so I expected Xillia's trophies to follow suit.InternHertz said:The trophies popped up on PS3trophies.org.
The lack of real numbers is a bit upsetting (descriptions for the trophies don't give how much you need, they only tell you to get "the most" of whatever that trophy is)
I'd say that most of them won't be that hard to get (it could take a long time however).
The fact there are 2 playable characters/story is making me wonder how completingat 100% will be handled.monsters, items, subevents etc
Do you get to keep everything you managed to record in the first story when you decide to play with the other chracter, or is everything obtainable in both parts.
Dark Schala said:The trophies don't seem too bad. Graces' trophies were pretty manageable (at least, more manageable than Vesperia's), so I expected Xillia's trophies to follow suit.
NopeJucksalbe said:Do Graces and Xillia still have those secret missions in boss fights that Vesperia had?
Nope!Jucksalbe said:Do Graces and Xillia still have those secret missions in boss fights that Vesperia had?
we'll find out tomorrow! maybe they just saying monday. i might call them up on saturday and see if they have it in the local facility as they don't ship on weekends for me and pick it up then.Aeana said:Mine still says by 10:30 AM tomorrow. I admit I am quite skeptical about it. It'll be interesting to see if it actually happens. But it's definitely been in flight for like 10 hours now or something.
Sir_Crocodile said:My PS3 is shipped.
As I understand it I need to open it and look at the psu directly or something to see if it's multivoltage right? The outside label will lie and say 110v even if it is?
Yeah most of them should not be hard to get, it's just a time sinker at best.Dark Schala said:The trophies don't seem too bad. Graces' trophies were pretty manageable (at least, more manageable than Vesperia's), so I expected Xillia's trophies to follow suit.
Shit, that means I won't get it until next week. And yea, Japan PS3 works fine with US outlets.matmanx1 said:I didn't have to change any voltage setting on my Lightning Edition so I'm not sure why this one would be any different. It's Europe that uses the different voltage specs for wall outlets and not Japan, I thought?
And yeah, my email from NCS said they weren't receiving their shipment of X Edition PS3's until tomorrow so the earliest they could get the console out to me would be Saturday. Email them and ask them to change you to Saturday delivery, it was only $17.50-ish more to go that route for me.
DMPrince said:we'll find out tomorrow! maybe they just saying monday. i might call them up on saturday and see if they have it in the local facility as they don't ship on weekends for me and pick it up then.
UPS doesn't do weekends either.rykomatsu said:If you ordered from Play-asia with Fedex, that's a no go unless Play-Asia authorizes early pickup at a local facility before first delivery attempt. And, Play-Asia has never authorized that for me.
UPS, I don't know...
matmanx1 said:I didn't have to change any voltage setting on my Lightning Edition so I'm not sure why this one would be any different. It's Europe that uses the different voltage specs for wall outlets and not Japan, I thought?
That would be everyone that's waiting on it. Yup!odd_morsel said:So are you all going to play it in Japanese? Or is the Asian version in English? I've been hearing really good things. Might have to go pick this up tonight...
Please tell me if you find out. Since yours is already shipped I guess you will be receiving it first. I'm a bit worried about the new model, you never know where they cut costs.Sir_Crocodile said:Hoping this is the same but since it's LE + new model...
kiryogi said:That would be everyone that's waiting on it. Yup!
It varies. The expensive ones also come with removable accessories.odd_morsel said:Seems a bit rough, I'd think. I could be completely wrong, but learning enough of a language to enjoy and complete a video game seems like a pretty daunting task for people outside of that country. Or are people using translations?
I'll have to go pick it up later on... Been craving a good JRPG.
EDIT: 500 Yen for costume DLC?! One single costume for one character is actually 500 yen. I can't believe that.
Maybe so, but I've been doing this for years since the Dreamcast era. I don't know about the others here on the other hand.odd_morsel said:Seems a bit rough, I'd think. I could be completely wrong, but learning enough of a language to enjoy and complete a video game seems like a pretty daunting task for people outside of that country. Or are people using translations?
I'll have to go pick it up later on... Been craving a good JRPG.
EDIT: 500 Yen for costume DLC?! One single costume for one character is actually 500 yen. I can't believe that.
PoorFate said:It will be a bumpy road that's for sure (those who can't read Japanese). But we'll manage somehow. I've played numerous games in JP and it can be difficult to go through without being able to read the language, but usually there will be online guides and forums to answer your questions.
As for me, I started studying a while ago, but I'm not at the point where I can read any sentence I see. It will take a long time to become proficient at reading, but I don't have any problem with setting aside some time every day to study.
I imagine that might be an issue for people with tighter schedules though.
Keiician said:There's no shop still selling the Asian copies for a decent price, right? >_<
odd_morsel said:So are you all going to play it in Japanese? Or is the Asian version in English? I've been hearing really good things. Might have to go pick this up tonight...
kayos90 said:It varies. The expensive ones also come with removable accessories.
Still selling = have them in stock. Yes-asia, Renchi and Play-Asia are waiting for new copies.wilflare said:try play-asia.com? ^^
ebayKeiician said:Still selling = have them in stock. Yes-asia, Renchi and Play-Asia are waiting for new copies.
Firestorm said:I thought the secret missions were pretty fun aside from a couple. Pretty sure it was SM 17. The fact that I can remember the number is telling x.x
aw man. i should have went with fedex. lol.rykomatsu said:<9hrs until delivery is looking pretty likely
odd_morsel said:^^ no idea who that is, but enjoying the game so far none the less. I haven't played a Tales game since the Gamecube one, so it's fun times here.
ULTROS! said:How's the story so far?