You should have glanced at the Xenoblade thread. Poor RPGCrazied got cheap shipping and I think he is about to commit suicide because he still doesn't have his game yet. The perils of cheap shipping!Dark Schala said:Lovely. I wonder how long I'll be able to avoid spoilers in the coming weeks while I'm waiting for my game (I really should've chosen express shipping -_-). Sucks.
I wasn't able to avoid the Graces spoilers at all. Given how many people seem to be importing Xillia, I doubt I'll be able to avoid the spoilers for this one.![]()
Honestly, Grace's story was so lackluster it wasn't even worth it to be spoiled. The points about the story that stood out were the theme and the character development. That's it.Dark Schala said:Lovely. I wonder how long I'll be able to avoid spoilers in the coming weeks while I'm waiting for my game (I really should've chosen express shipping -_-). Sucks.
I wasn't able to avoid the Graces spoilers at all. Given how many people seem to be importing Xillia, I doubt I'll be able to avoid the spoilers for this one.![]()
Guidebook leaked, apparently.Zafir said:How have so many people even got that far? I thought it came out next week?
I could understand reviewers copies maybe, but not retail. Then again, I'm not really that knowledgable regarding release dates in Japan.
I don't think spoilers will matter for me. I'll probably forget them by the time we get an english release, lol...
Graces's story summarized: MAMORUkayos90 said:Honestly, Grace's story was so lackluster it wasn't even worth it to be spoiled. The points about the story that stood out were the theme and the character development. That's it.
As far as I can understand (which may be totally off) the game will also be released in Korea, but it's still in Japanese so it comes together with some guide explaining everything in Korean. And that's what was leaked.Zafir said:How have so many people even got that far? I thought it came out next week?
Oh, that would have been cool to have. Now I wish I knew about that.Datschge said:As far as I can understand (which may be totally off) the game will also be released in Korea, but it's still in Japanese so it comes together with some guide explaining everything in Korean. And that's what was leaked.
Wait, there's an actual korean edition coming out with a guidebook like graces f? FUUUUU. I would've gotten that instead of the asian version then. Ugh. I double checked to make sure there wasn't a KR version. ARGGGG. Too late...Aeana said:Oh, that would have been cool to have. Now I wish I knew about that.
Lucky Number Seven Force said:Guidebook leaked, apparently.
Ah, that would explain it.Datschge said:As far as I can understand (which may be totally off) the game will also be released in Korea, but it's still in Japanese so it comes together with some guide explaining everything in Korean. And that's what was leaked.
I remember that wait. Really annoyed me, infact it pissed me off so much that I stopped browsing any tales of boards for a good while. Probably a good thing really since it meant I didn't see any spoilers at all.CruxisMana said:I read that in Tales of Vesperiaand so, after going on an insane blackout until the game was released in Europe a year later, didn't find out it wasn't true until the very end of the game at which point I was almost disappointed that I hadn't known a real endgame spoiler and had expected it to be revealed every time they were together on screen.Duke was Yuri's brother
Datschge said:The first thing "Team Symphonia" did was throw out LMBS out of the window. In Symphonia enemies were allowed to "free run" while players were stuck to the straight line between the player and the target. To "fix" this LMBS was broken even more in Abyss by allowing the player to free run as well. Why is free run an issue within LMBS? Free run ignores the target. The player is allowed to move the character into positions where the target is no longer in front, essentially taking away responsive offense and defense actions toward the target from the player. Abyss also showed the broken nature of free run if its speed is not balance to the enemies attacks (especially slow magic attacks). It's only the latter problem they "fixed". The internal inconsistency of having non-linear motions in LMBS is still there, apparently even in Xillia (if around step is indeed not included at all).
Kiryogi said:And it begins. Spoilers are starting to run a muck about midgame/finale. Be careful folks! There's a nicely marked topic on Gamefaqs, but I can't say much for anywhere else.
He still hasn't gotten it yet? I ordered Xenoblade way later, so I understand mine taking a while to get through Canadian customs, but oh my...Aeana said:You should have glanced at the Xenoblade thread. Poor RPGCrazied got cheap shipping and I think he is about to commit suicide because he still doesn't have his game yet. The perils of cheap shipping!
It might not be too late to change the method, depending on where you ordered from.
Pretty much! I don't think Xillia's narrative will be as lacklustre... I hope it isn't, at least.Graces's story summarized: MAMORU
Graces was a couple hours shorter as well. Honestly, I think Vesperia had the best overall theme out of all the Tales games.Dark Schala said:He still hasn't gotten it yet? I ordered Xenoblade way later, so I understand mine taking a while to get through Canadian customs, but oh my...
It isn't too late (ordered from P-A), but I think I can wait. I really have to stick to my September budget and try not to go overboard. I just have to avoid reading the spoiler text in here and on GameFAQs should I decide to go over there.
Pretty much! I don't think Xillia's narrative will be as lacklustre... I hope it isn't, at least.
Rpgmonkey said:I think Free Run would be an awesome addition to Tales if Team Symphonia did the most obvious thing they still haven't really done for some reason, and made positioning matter a lot more than it does (maybe even allow interaction with things on the battlefield). The main thing they should be doing is changing the effects of your attacks based on what part of your target you attack, and where you're attacking from. Right now it has very little relation to the LMBS system in terms of offense, it's a pretty slow and bland form of defense, and there's never any kind of tradeoff for using it, so it doesn't really have any depth to it.
Same. I liked Vesperia's narrative and theme very much... perhaps the best out of all the Tales games. Graces' plot and theme were underwhelming in comparison, but the battle system/abilities/titles system more than made up for it.kayos90 said:Graces was a couple hours shorter as well. Honestly, I think Vesperia had the best overall theme out of all the Tales games.
Maybe I should be happy that I don't understand a lick of Korean outside of honorifics and pronouns. -_-Datschge said:I should probably stop going by machine translations, but the guide seems VERY thorough indeed (Korean product PR, should be spoiler free).
I'm trying to get my aunt who lives in Korea to switch orders so I can get the KR version of the game. If I get it, I'll upload scans when I can. The crappy thing is that the order timeframe is between Sept 2 - Sept 5. That's a not a lot of time. If everything goes well, I'll get the KR version of the game instead of the Asian version.Aeana said:I want that Korean guide.
If you thought that Symphonia's racism was bad.....Lucky Number Seven Force said:Was Rebirth's story really that bad? I've always heard that the battle system and the story are polar opposites, quality wise.
Rebirth Plot Spoilers:Lucky Number Seven Force said:Was Rebirth's story really that bad? I've always heard that the battle system and the story are polar opposites, quality wise.
kiryogi said:While Graces story isn't anything special, it is however serviceable and inoffensive. While previous TD titles really made my head hurt. I give credit to Team Symphonia on their presentation and emphasis on story though.
from what I've seen so far on Xillia seems a lot more promising than Vesperia was. Honestly, after the halfway point in Vesperia, the entire thing jumps shark for the absolute worse.
klee123 said:I agree, Vesperia started off so well to the point where I thought it would be be better than abyss.
For me Abyss still holds the crown for the best story in the tales series.
Aeana said:Graces's story summarized: MAMORU
Lucky Number Seven Force said:Was Rebirth's story really that bad? I've always heard that the battle system and the story are polar opposites, quality wise.
I really enjoyed the theme in Abyss. While there were many annoying points I thought the theme behind the game was phenomenal. Same with Vesperia. Honestly, after Zaude, the game just goes down hill.Shouta said:Yes, it's bad. Only one that comes close to being bad as to me personally is Abyss.
The best tales game from an overall perspective, i.e. story and combat, is still Tales of Destiny Director's Cut to me.
Graces' story has a few dumb points but the ending is pretty sweet (haven't played F yet). It was a rather unexpected ending considering most games with a similar confrontation.
Id say Shouta is pretty alone on that opinion. He did say personally! But really, he likes Legendia too. Can't trust that.kayos90 said:I really enjoyed the theme in Abyss. While there were many annoying points I thought the theme behind the game was phenomenal. Same with Vesperia. Honestly, after Zaude, the game just goes down hill.
Well that's Shocking.ShockingAlberto said:I liked all the Team Symphonia games.![]()
kayos90 said:I really enjoyed the theme in Abyss. While there were many annoying points I thought the theme behind the game was phenomenal. Same with Vesperia. Honestly, after Zaude, the game just goes down hill.
Shouta said:Abyss' theme and general story is fine but I think that some of the character writing is pretty damn awful. It's a bit of the opposite of Rebirth where the story and theme is atrocious but the characters are not bad at all individually.
The first half and how the characters interact with Luke makes me cringe and even angry. Then when the big event for Luke's character happens, they just ridiculous. It actually makes me want to be into the game and tell them how asshole they were. I can't really enjoy a game if the characters piss me off with how moronic they are.
I'll take Legendia over Abyss any time, the story isn't great and some of the design choices are stupid as hell but I like the characters and I had a lot more fun with the battle system.
I'll definitely agree that the characters didn't act realistically. Not only this but the translating didn't help either. However, I think the best part of the story is when Luke begins to change and gets over his initial sobfest. After that Luke really shines as an actual character. You are very right in that the first half was sort of mediocre. However, I think JRPGs, Tales specifically, still follow a specific archetype for their stories and games. As a result I don't blame them. The story told in WRPGs and JRPGs is completely different. I'd like to think of it as two different genres if they were books.Shouta said:Abyss' theme and general story is fine but I think that some of the character writing is pretty damn awful. It's a bit of the opposite of Rebirth where the story and theme is atrocious but the characters are not bad at all individually.
The first half and how the characters interact with Luke makes me cringe and even angry. Then when the big event for Luke's character happens, they just ridiculous. It actually makes me want to be into the game and tell them how asshole they were. I can't really enjoy a game if the characters piss me off with how moronic they are.
I'll take Legendia over Abyss any time, the story isn't great and some of the design choices are stupid as hell but I like the characters and I had a lot more fun with the battle system.
Shouta said:The first half and how the characters interact with Luke makes me cringe and even angry. Then when the big event for Luke's character happens, they just ridiculous. It actually makes me want to be into the game and tell them how asshole they were. I can't really enjoy a game if the characters piss me off with how moronic they are.
kiryogi said:Some? The entire design was godawful for Legendia. The only saving graces for Legendia were the story/chars and the music. The gameplay and especially the battle system was atrocious.
kayos90 said:I'll definitely agree that the characters didn't act realistically. Not only this but the translating didn't help either. However, I think the best part of the story is when Luke begins to change and gets over his initial sobfest. After that Luke really shines as an actual character. You are very right in that the first half was sort of mediocre. However, I think JRPGs, Tales specifically, still follow a specific archetype for their stories and games. As a result I don't blame them. The story told in WRPGs and JRPGs is completely different. I'd like to think of it as two different genres if they were books.
While I like Abyss's scenario for the most part, I have to agree with you here. The character interaction stuff was pretty out-there, and the first half of the game ended up being rather lacklustre for me as a result.Shouta said:Abyss' theme and general story is fine but I think that some of the character writing is pretty damn awful. It's a bit of the opposite of Rebirth where the story and theme is atrocious but the characters are not bad at all individually.
The first half and how the characters interact with Luke makes me cringe and even angry. Then when the big event for Luke's character happens, they just ridiculous. It actually makes me want to be into the game and tell them how asshole they were. I can't really enjoy a game if the characters piss me off with how moronic they are.
I'll take Legendia over Abyss any time, the story isn't great and some of the design choices are stupid as hell but I like the characters and I had a lot more fun with the battle system.
Seriously? I know Tales games aren't shining examples of great JRPG stories, but damn... :lolDark Schala said:Rebirth Plot Spoilers:The bad guy puts a spell on the world to make everyone racist.
Abyss is one of my personal favorites, but yeah... most of the cast was pretty damn hypocritical.Shouta said:The first half and how the characters interact with Luke makes me cringe and even angry. Then when the big event for Luke's character happens, they just ridiculous. It actually makes me want to be into the game and tell them how asshole they were.
Rebirth has what I consider to be the worst story I've seen in an RPG. It's just nuts.Lucky Number Seven Force said:Seriously? I know Tales games aren't shining examples of great JRPG stories, but damn... :lol
Abyss is one of my personal favorites, but yeah... most of the cast was pretty damn hypocritical.
Datschge said:Exactly. I fully expect TD to one up TS once again with their next game, being the first taking player to target positioning as well as environmental interaction (made possible through seamless battles) into consideration. Or something like that.
How the hell would that even work without first completely destroying the current overworld dynamic. If you wanted it to be like that, then how would CC/TP be implemented?Rpgmonkey said:It would be pretty interesting if/when they pull that off.
A Tales game that uses seamless battles to get rid of isolated battlefields and create more dynamic encounters, and emphasizes positioning and environmental interaction would be a pretty drastic change. Provided things like CC and Around Step stay, when I think of a Tales game like that it reminds me of fast-paced action games like Bayonetta or Kingdom Hearts (except with the traditional parts of Tales combat integrated), whereas current Tales games feel more like a 2D/3D fighter.