So am I supposed to stay paired up, or is there incentive to pay solo?
So am I supposed to stay paired up, or is there incentive to pay solo?
Well, besides what everyone else said, if you care about trophies, you want to link up.So am I supposed to stay paired up, or is there incentive to pay solo?
The only time linking was a net negative for me was during an endgame boss whose mystic arte inflicts confusion. Two characters dead, and my two linked ones running around with confusion.So am I supposed to stay paired up, or is there incentive to pay solo?
Just don't buy every new thing new thing that comes in stock. Is that extra 50 attack points really worth thousands of gald?Its it possible for your shops to be too high a level compared to where you are. It seems like I always run out of money before I can buy even half of what I want armor and weapon wise. I just entered Kanbalar and my weapon shop is level 50 if that means anything.
Just don't buy every new thing new thing that comes in stock. Is that extra 50 attack points really worth thousands of gald?
Its it possible for your shops to be too high a level compared to where you are. It seems like I always run out of money before I can buy even half of what I want armor and weapon wise. I just entered Kanbalar and my weapon shop is level 50 if that means anything.
Increasing shop level decreases the price of items, so no.
The first step is acceptance. The second step is equipping a sephira and eating gald increasing food to become rich.I have a compulsion
The first step is acceptance. The second step is equipping a sephira and eating gald increasing food to become rich.
Its a shame only because Alvin and Rowen are awesome. Jude is above average. Milla is nothing more than hit or miss potential aaaaaaand Elize is mostly turrible and Leia never fits.I'd put Xillia's cast right behind Vesperia and Destiny's.
My list would be something like;
BTW I finally got to see the Bazongas skit...and, even with all the talk about it, I still found it hilarious. Took me off-guard, especially Rowen...
The burning fire of manhood!
Would you guys like to see the world map return in future games? I think I prefer it to the connected areas.
Wow. mining is incredibly tedious. who thought this was a good idea
I beat the game the other day and was kind of disappointed. Not with the whole ride, but the ending specifically. The story was kind of weak, although I still did end up liking all of the main characters in the end. Not nearly as bad as the trainwreck that is Graces.
To importers of Xillia 2, does it wrap up the story of the main characters of Xillia in a significant way? Not wanting spoilers.
Is it worth it to go again in Milla's story? I did the bonus dungeon once, and probably will finish leveling up the characters/shops before I start NG+.
At first I missed it, then I realized it kind of streamlined the game in a good way.
BTW I finally got to see the Bazongas skit...and, even with all the talk about it, I still found it hilarious. Took me off-guard, especially Rowen...
The burning fire of manhood!
Does Elize say that damn near every time she uses her special link ability? Goddamn it is grating.
Does Elize say that damn near every time she uses her special link ability? Goddamn it is grating.
Ahahahahahahaha.I'm borrowing this from a friend who has beaten it. Some random thoughts 10+ hours in:
- Teepo reminds me of actual American educational puppet television and is very annoying. They're (thankfully) not quite Mieu-level of tempted ear ripping, but an unfortunate addition nonetheless.
- Jude reminds me of kayos90.
Tales of Innocence R and Tales of Hearts R say hello. >.>I still am hoping that BABA see's the appeal into bringing a TALES game to the VITA! That would be one of my greatest wishes to come true!
We were saying a while ago that Teepo should've had a voice like Elmo or like Cookie Monster. I would've found it endearing. :3
Does the effect of Dark Seal stack on top of food exp effect?
I'm missing like 6 skits from 220 required for the title/trophy. Say, if I use the grade shop to unlock all skits, does it unlock the trophy? what happens?
Xillia 2 is a continuation of the characterization plotted out for the returning cast. It's a nice follow-up and conclusion to the character arcs left open in Xillia 1.
Does the effect of Dark Seal stack on top of food exp effect?
I'm missing like 6 skits from 220 required for the title/trophy. Say, if I use the grade shop to unlock all skits, does it unlock the trophy? what happens?
After I beat the game on Jude's side I usually had 3-4 missing. I just either bought the skits from the grade shop, listened until the trophy popped, and then restarted. Or I just continued on with the Milla playthrough since she sometimes gets her own skits.After I beat the game I still had 6 missing as well. I don't know how I could have missed them, as I did all of the sub-events and hit select whenever available.
It also kinda seems jarring that Teepo sounds more like a human than a puppet in English. At least to me, it kind of does. You're right, though, it sounds like some of those programs' puppets with somewhat little attention to detail.Ha, perhaps the same could be said for me! Those types of programs really hit close to my childhood, personally.
My issue with Teepo is that they remind me more of the less thoughtful religious television/pre-school teacher puppets I've seen rather than the superior work found in Sesame Street/ Muppets. It's perhaps an unfair comparison, but that's how I immediately define it.
Does Elize say that damn near every time she uses her special link ability? Goddamn it is grating.
Does Elize say that damn near every time she uses her special link ability? Goddamn it is grating.
Got a little bit into Milla's side and damn, that battle music.
Makes me never want to play Jude's side any more.
School costumes todaydefinitely using them for my second playthrough. Although Milla's battle themes are great too.
I am the only one who played 4 hours of the game without assigning any ability??? I thought they were automatically assigned after you unlock them, lol.
I'm the only one, right?
I wish the banter between party members and bosses during battle was subtitled. I have poor ears so sometimes I can't catch what they say.
My thoughts about the Link system is... I don't like it. For reference I was mainly playing on hard mode, but usually linking is a tad useless in normal battles where there are multiple enemies. What's the point in comboing a single enemy when the other 3 to 5 are gangbanging you from behind? I need everyone to spread out and take 1 or 2 enemies by themselves somewhere else while I'm working on these 2 enemies. Not only that, but sometimes when a melee and a caster link (i.e. Jude and Elize) the melee just stands right next to the caster doing absolutely nothing at all while the other two party members are getting ganked. I don't mind melee characters linking together but you can't control that through the strategy menu (you might be able to by temporarily assuming control and setting the link that way, but that's tedious).
A way to fix it would be to give partial Glory/Iron Stance to linked members, so the battle system can actually work its magic. I am also against tying overlimit to the Link Gauge and would prefer each character has their own overlimit gauge while a maxed Link Gauge offers something else, like Overlimit for the entire party or better yet, Linked Mystic Artes.
Yeah the mage you're linked up with coming up to you only to get owned by the boss/enemy is a pretty big problem, but they fixed this in the sequel thankfully (you can tell them to attack with you, go off on their own, or act normally as if they're not linked which works well for characters like Elize).I wish the banter between party members and bosses during battle was subtitled. I have poor ears so sometimes I can't catch what they say.
My thoughts about the Link system is... I don't like it. For reference I was mainly playing on hard mode, but usually linking is a tad useless in normal battles where there are multiple enemies. What's the point in comboing a single enemy when the other 3 to 5 are gangbanging you from behind? I need everyone to spread out and take 1 or 2 enemies by themselves somewhere else while I'm working on these 2 enemies. Not only that, but sometimes when a melee and a caster link (i.e. Jude and Elize) the melee just stands right next to the caster doing absolutely nothing at all while the other two party members are getting ganked. I don't mind melee characters linking together but you can't control that through the strategy menu (you might be able to by temporarily assuming control and setting the link that way, but that's tedious).