Was it drawn by a 14 year old?
Milla's hair obviously pandering to otaku lolicon fantasies.
Wait, what?
Was it drawn by a 14 year old?
I'm not sure a 14-year-old would grasp the nuanced layers of Milla's hair.Was it drawn by a 14 year old?
Just perfect. I had pre-ordered the CE from Gamestop.com way back when it was announced since EBGames.ca didn't have it available, but later pre-ordered it there once they listed it. I had originally thought that I went back and cancelled my Gamestop.com pre-order, but upon checking my credit card tonight I saw a charge listed for it. -_-
Now normally I would simply cancel my EBGames.ca and just go ahead with the purchase. However, since I live in Canada and they use UPS, I'm probably looking at another $30-$40 in brokerage charges once it reaches my door. That I'm NOT okay with.
I sent them an email with urgency, so here's hoping they catch it in-time. I tried to cancel through the site but it won't let me.
I've heard that I can change my delivery option through UPS and opt to "Refuse Delivery". How exactly does that work? I assume I won't get refunded the shipping charges.
I can't believe I made this mistake. I'm usually super-careful about things like this, I'm really not sure how it happened.
It's really odd, too, since this never happens to me! I'm starting to feel as though the "curse" has indeed rubbed off onto me!I totally jinxed you talking about my own silliness. It was Xillia I had to cancel today before it was too late.
I'm not sure a 14-year-old would grasp the nuanced layers of Milla's hair.
I didn't say it was ridiculous in a bad way....I like Millia's hair...
I didn't say it was ridiculous in a bad way.
I didn't say it was ridiculous in a bad way.
I didn't say it was ridiculous in a bad way.
Oh yeah, is there any word on if the contents of the case are any different for the CE of Xillia versus the LE, or just the same? And how long the CE book REALLY is for that matter.
Exactly.It is pretty ridic though.
Also, I'm a couple hours in and I think this game is pretty swell so far.
Also, I'm a couple hours in and I think this game is pretty swell so far.
Jude. I didn't want to get overwhelmed by the hair.What side you playing? Jude or Milla?
I posted a link for the Limited Edition earlier in the thread, the book absolutely is not the same. Different cover (stupid misleading promo images) and it's way thinner. Also a sleeve for the music CD rather than a proper case.I think the book is the same. The big difference is the statue?
I posted a link for the Limited Edition earlier in the thread, the book absolutely is not the same. Different cover (stupid misleading promo images) and it's way thinner. Also a sleeve for the music CD rather than a proper case.
But the case was actually opened there unlike Colin Moriarty's unboxing, and showed the inside cover was warranty and safety crap (I hope they have a solution on PS4 that negates needing to do that so they can just print art there or leave it blank) with only a slip for DLC otherwise.
oh yeah forgot about Jude and Milla getting their own side of the story or something.
Am I looking at 30-40 hours each or altogether?
oh yeah forgot about Jude and Milla getting their own side of the story or something.
Am I looking at 30-40 hours each or altogether?
I just remembered; I really wish we were getting the Star Driver costumes.
You should've gotten the Alter Milla figure to actually see the nuance of her hair.
*evil grin*
Want to know something about those costumes ?
Not only are they costumisable ( they come in parts so you can choose to use the mask or not for example ) , not only do they change the battle music , not only they do change several of the ending battle quotes , but some of the skills ( artes ) used while wearing the costume changes as well .
For example jude will yell "GINGA BEEEAAM" when you do the "demon fist" skill in battle instead of the original skill name.
And i won't even start on some of the battle skits
I'm out...
To think that i resisted vesperia dlc , graces F dlc but couldn't say no to xillia dlc...
Ps: don't regret not getting the idolmaster dlcs costumes they look greta but comes with such an horrible battle theme ( Imo ) that nothing was lost really.
i have that fig , the hair work on it is ridiculously detailed.. so expensive , so worth it.
I usually just speedran the second playthrough and watched cutscenes exclusive to that playthrough, so 5-8 hours. On average, both of mine (er, read that as: both second playhroughs) were about 6 hours.Your first playthrough will probably take longer than the second one unless you forego sidequests in the first one or the grade shop in the second.
So probably 30-40 for the first and 20ish to 30ish for the second.
Seems like the game got a 7/10 in Edge. Sorry if this was already mentioned on here.
Why Namcom hasn't trademarked Tales of Bazongas already?
Watch, it'll be a mobile app and it'll be the only Tales game localized for years.
Ahh ok, guess it isn't a "must buy" then?
You just became my least favorite person for filling me with envy.
Would this game be a good place to start for a tales virgin?
YesWould this game be a good place to start for a tales virgin?
4 more days! Almost here you guys! Sometimes I wish I was a reviewer, so I could play earlier, but you can't even keep those copies.
so while you can start with either character, will the other one be around most of the time, or is it 2 different campaigns/parallel timelines/etc?
Milla's hair obviously pandering to otaku lolicon fantasies.
Wait, what?
Maybe she's a strong, multifaceted character with interesting thoughts and ambitions. None of that really matters, because her hair is ridiculous.
It's a shame they couldnt balance the storytelling better, I'd love to start as Milla but I really want to enjoy the story to its fullest tooI dunno how much I'll like jude but hell, I thought Asbel was ok after Luke
Wow, that's pretty shit.
Wow, that's pretty shit.
This is what the Japanese version looks like, which leaves me utterly dismayed for the English version.
Reverse cover:
Instruction manual is full-colour and it's pretty freaking huge.