touchePick Jude for the story but play as Milla when you're going through it. Best of both worlds?
touchePick Jude for the story but play as Milla when you're going through it. Best of both worlds?
Great cast, decent story, battle system that is fun paced and better than Vesperia's (outside of bosses) that doesn't quite reach Graces's strategic depth.
Just the EX dungeon.Does this game have the crazy post game like some other Tales titles?
I think overall I like the cast of Xillia more but Yuri by himself is too awesome.
Can you elaborate? I find these game only get really fun during post game portion for me where they actually require mastery of the battle system.
Graces didn't really have any strategic depth, it was just as spammy as any other tales game, lost all resource management and you could breeze through the entire game entirely off of the around step mechanic with semi decent reaction times. Fancy combos doesn't really equal strategic depth.
I would give the nod in story cast and combat all to Vesperia but I can't comment yet on Xillia since I didn't end up importing it. Vesperia has more strategic depth based off having resource management alone.
Polygon's Justin McElroy: "Hey, I can't say what it is yet, but one of the best games of the year is being released this week. Get psyched."
Could he be talking about anything but Tales of Xillia? Polygon already reviewed Dragon's Crown, and the embargo is over for that game anyway.
I'm really on the fence with this game, so I want to read some reviews.
Man, I miss when GAF used to have release week threads. It was easier to keep tabs on stuff.
- Guacamelee! Gold Edition
- Spelunky
So newegg just emailed me basically saying my CE "supposedly" was damaged, so here have 10% off the LE version. That's just awesome right? I call bullshit and they ran out.
Xillia and Xillia 2 together have the best story/chars out of all the Tales games to me.
Only one I'd personally rank close to it overall is Tales of Destiny/Remake. Some of the others would get nods in individual areas.
Gamestop still has them available on their website if you don't mind going through them.I got the exact same message today. What the fuck?! This is horse shit. The Collector's Edition is sold out everywhere. How am I supposed to get this now? We should call Newegg and bitch them out.
I can definitely agree with that.Xillia and Xillia 2 together have the best story/chars out of all the Tales games to me.
Only one I'd personally rank close to it overall is Tales of Destiny/Remake. Some of the others would get nods in individual areas.
Disagree because resource management is silly when all it adds is making you use an Orange Gel every couple of seconds, and by end-game (especially in Xillia), there's ways to regen TP fast enough for it to not matter. Weaknesses, correct use of around step (especially on higher difficulties) really does more than just resource management. I wouldn't even say fancy combos is one of Graces' strengths, you can definitely have better looking combos in Vesperia/Xillia thanks to a larger arte set, Artes Ball, and Overlimit.
Don't get me wrong, Vesperia and Xillia are tons of fun.
Still playing through Xillia 2 but so far I can agree.
And yes, Destiny remake's cast is top notch.
Gamestop still has them available on their website if you don't mind going through them.
Xillia and Xillia 2 together have the best story/chars out of all the Tales games to me.
Only one I'd personally rank close to it overall is Tales of Destiny/Remake. Some of the others would get nods in individual areas.
Ahaha at kayos finally learning about the innuendo in Xillia.
Like I said, I haven't played Xillia yet so I can't comment on it in particular but TP management is more about having to pay attention to make sure you have an adequate amount of supplies for a given dungeon / boss as opposed to the actual act of restoring it.
In graces I didn't really use an item through the entire game and breezed through it all on the hardest difficulty. The only thing I had to pay attention to was the enemies attack animations and around step timing. All the CC system does is take away an additional layer of resource management and make you spam skills instead of swapping between skills and normal attacks. I don't really consider that depth.
I still really enjoyed playing graces but I have never understood the rave reviews about the combat. I thought vesperia's combat was more challenging more often and I didnt enjoy the CC system as much as TP.
Outside of battle, all characters have specified minimum and maximum range for their CC, denoted by two numbers separated by a tilde (~) mark on their character sheet within the status menu. The maximum range denotes their starting CC when they enter battle. Whenever CC is consumed past the minimum range and then recovered, after the gauge had previously been at its maximum range, the gauge resets to the minimum range, setting it as the temporary maximum for the duration of the next combo or action sequence. After this, each consumption and recovery cycle will allow the temporary maximum to increase by 1 CC, until it returns to its absolute maximum value, allowing the process to continue from the beginning again.
Not really an issue since in Vesperia it was pretty easy to just run near the boss save point, and use it for heals. I don't disagree that Vesperia's combat was probably more challenging outside of Overlimit spam, but I don't really consider having less supplies depth either.
Destiny remake did the CC system better imo since it was a bit more of what you're talking about. That probably would have been more to your liking.
Yeah Vesperia certainly wasn't perfect, I have just always enjoyed the aspect of monitoring item usage and MP/TP stock in the early parts of JRPG's
I have never played the Destiny remake since I try to avoid importing when I can until I end up able to fully learn Japanese but from what I have read about it you are probably right in that it would be my new favorite combat wise. My biggest issue with Graces was really just around step, I just find that mechanic kind of awful and I hope it isn't as powerful in Xillia.
I'd say everything but end-game content/side quest content, even if Vesperia had some dumb time restricted side quests. Vesperia is just crazy filled with content, and was before Namco figured out they could charge suckers- I mean fans for costume DLC.Would people who play Vesperia generally say they liked this one more?
Just the EX dungeon.
dakkumauji knows why I hate the EX dungeon...
That's all I'll say about the EX dungeon because I really dislike it, but I won't say why.
Get all the Fell Arms, and the Gold Key from beating the game. Oh, and (not really a spoiler, but people get edgy)Does it have an obscure requirement like Vesperia's had? I ended up missing it the first time around so if there's a hidden requirement I'd like to know before hand just so I don't have to wait till second playthrough to unlock it.
And now you know why I had to drop my Xillia 2 playthrough, lol.I hated the EX dungeon as well.
That horror of clearing it multiple times.
I got the exact same message today. What the fuck?! This is horse shit. The Collector's Edition is sold out everywhere. How am I supposed to get this now? We should call Newegg and bitch them out.
Does it have an obscure requirement like Vesperia's had? I ended up missing it the first time around so if there's a hidden requirement I'd like to know before hand just so I don't have to wait till second playthrough to unlock it.
They really should've just called it the Day One Edition instead. That's what the first-print copies look like.Are all day one copies the LE? This is the one I got when I picked it up today.
Beautiful. Glad I switched to LE. Also yes to your question, all pre-orders of the regular edition are upgraded to LE.Are all day one copies the LE? This is the one I got when I picked it up today.
Get all the Fell Arms, and the Gold Key from beating the game.
And now you know why I had to drop my Xillia 2 playthrough, lol.
Those maps.
After searching around, Namco Bandai's website still has the CE available for pre-order. Shipping and tax WILL be applied however. But it's still better and cheaper than paying for inflated prices on Amazon and eBay.
Digital River. No. I'd advise everyone to stay away unless you really really really want it.
Ok, last question, you mentioned there's a sidequest list. Will this list let me know if there is a cut off point for obtaining them all? Or is it something that is open all the way till the final boss?
So newegg just emailed me basically saying my CE "supposedly" was damaged, so here have 10% off the LE version. That's just awesome right? I call bullshit and they ran out.
I've never heard of Digital River. How bad are they?
Plus, I'm really desperate at this point.
Man what is up with Newegg and games lately? I stopped ordering games from them after they have sent a crushed up CE to me. I used to take advantage of their $12 off coupons deals, but no more.
Have you tried ordering it from Gamestop.com? It seems they still have some in stock.
They don't. I tried that too. I added one to my cart but when I went to go check out my cart was suddenly empty. I'm guessing they're out of stock too.Gamestop still has them available on their website if you don't mind going through them.
They were responsible for the Ni No Kuni Collector's Edition fiasco earlier this year.
Terrible customer service, website is badly made (can't edit credit card details even if you call them up? wtf?), overselling stock, heard some horror stories about shipping....
They don't. I tried that too. I added one to my cart but when I went to go check out my cart was suddenly empty. I'm guessing they're out of stock too.
So, EU PSN should get a digital release? Any idea how big it's gonna be?