baribo = volleyball.
I always imagined bari bari body but that doesn't make sense (though fits with Teepo being kind random).
baribo = volleyball.
Use the left stick to highlight orbs in between the lines of the grid and see what they are.Does the Lilium grid system kind of annoy everyone else? Because it seems like the objective mainly is to get artes, and since the grid is the same for everyone, it kind of means focusing on the same stats for each character and following the same general path. It's also kind of annoying not knowing what skills are...
Use the left stick to highlight orbs in between the lines of the grid and see what they are.
It took me about 20 hours to find that out. :/
So I just had my first fight againstand I guess the game expects you to lose due to his badassery (he's pretty fucking badass) but even he was no match for infinite Fireballs. I got an Exceed item from winning and now I'm wondering who to spend it on.Gaius
The story after that boss battle is pretty wtf inducing, and now I'm intrigued even further. Had to go back to Jude after playing Leia for so long and why does Jude have to play so awesomely? They should spread that awesomeness around the party.
infinite fireballs?
i probably should mess with rowen more. i assume you can cancel stuff with him to achieve that?
is that what women really want in japan? Aguy that sleeps with whomever?untrustworthy
No wonder japan's birthrate is in the shitter.
infinite fireballs?
i probably should mess with rowen more. i assume you can cancel stuff with him to achieve that?
I never got this skit. Where do you get it?Oh my god the snow song. RIP ears.
Oh my god the snow song. RIP ears.
Dammit, I slept through the anti-Asbel discussion. I had so much to contribute too.
Also, I liked Jude. Sure his lack of ambition was irksome, but I considered his arc to be a coming of age type story, so his lack of focus kinda fit.Asbel had no excuse. He was a dumbass though and though, whose knight training and responsibilities should have taught him to make better decisions than he did.His reaction to Milla dying was overblown though. Felt bad for Leia so much. Fight with Alvin was fun though.Asbel was the first RPG protaganist that almost made me drop the game, which is weird since I was perfectly fine with Luke.The fact that he wants to protect everyone, yet let a mass murdering psychopath kill several people and endanger the life of thousands due to petty reasons (I need to protect the guy I was friends with for a week years ago over the entire planet), is so hypocritical it's pathetic. His solution to the Lambda problem is also so Deus Ex Machina, it's disgusting.
In other news, how much content is actually different in Milla's route? If it's only a few different cutscenes that barely expand the story, then I won't even bother and just go and finally play though Vesperia instead.
I never got this skit. Where do you get it?
Rowen is called the Conductor, but he should really be called the Bosskiller instead.
In other news, how much content is actually different in Milla's route? If it's only a few different cutscenes that barely expand the story, then I won't even bother and just go and finally play though Vesperia instead.
how does that work? haven't really used him or looked at his skills (just been auto assigning), but his gimmick is he can mash X while using a spell to shoot more spell stuff, how does guard cancelling work? Won't he have to recast?
Use the left stick to highlight orbs in between the lines of the grid and see what they are.
I remember reading people's complaints that this dungeon was so annoying, but it only took me like 5 minutes. Millangel. <3One dungeon is smallerthe one where Elize and Milla get kidnapped.
Golden Mage Knight on unknown, go!You know normal is too easy when even I don't die a single time.. I think this was my first time beating an rpg without losing a battle lmao. Time to replay unknown mode and plat this game <3
Golden Mage Knight on unknown, go!
Cutscenes when they split up are different.
One dungeon is smallerthe one where Elize and Milla get kidnapped.
You go through a different dungeonafter your party gets separated after the war
You'll go through an entirely unique dungeon for Milla.after the battle on the cruiser
There are also additional skits and side events exclusive to Milla's side but those are the main differences.
Floor 35 version just .... just so much broken .HA! One of the dumbest fights on Unknown.
Everything beaten, even Golden Mage Knight, and I bought every item possible in the shops, and I only have 664/700 items for the trophy. Ugh.
Good tip. I scrapped the bottom of the barrel for material and gald, expanded shops and ended up with 694/700, so I just need to do it for 3 characters. And since everyone is at level 99 with the best armour and devil arms, shouldn't be too bad...Uhhhhhh, arena prizes for everybody? They get a joke weapon and a skill book so that's 12 more items there.
Rita's English Indignation actually exists, it seems like the 360 version had it in the sound file anyways.
That's not the worst of it. Patty was hinted/teased in the 360 version.
Really wish gamefly would hurry up and send me this, had a 3 day weekend before 21 days in a row of work and all I could think about was how much I wish this was here to waste the weekend on.
Thanks, I'll play through it before Xillia 2 comes out. But for right now, it's time to finally play the supposed best Tales game, Vesperia. Any tips?
So for someone who loved Vesperia but couldn't finish Graces (got pooped out), is this a buy?
(The main thing I'm concerned about is how dull those fields look, I don't think the series doesn't need to go to 3D, the fixed environments worked great.)
I never got this skit. Where do you get it?
Okay, now I HAVE to listen to this Snow song. Where can I trigger it?
Characters, story and gameplay are better than vesperia... so yes.
So for someone who loved Vesperia but couldn't finish Graces (got pooped out), is this a buy?
(The main thing I'm concerned about is how dull those fields look, I don't think the series doesn't need to go to 3D, the fixed environments worked great.)
Any commentary on the environments?
Towns are pretty but give off the illusion of scale, act as hubs for sidequests and main story events, and don't seem to do much else outside of that.Any commentary on the environments?
Oh? Huh, what happened?I just got passed the Ice Cavern and I just realized what is wrong with Jude.
I'm starting to dislike him a bit.
mustDammit, I slept through the anti-Asbel discussion. I had so much to contribute too.![]()