Shurs said:Goldstein is the guy who also reviewed GTA IV for IGN, right?
Shurs said:Goldstein is the guy who also reviewed GTA IV for IGN, right?
Foliorum Viridum said:Urgh, great. His hyperbolic statements about GTA IV were so shit they actually made people angry at the game.
BM: I think Red Dead foreshadows that kind of stuff: the character journey. At Rockstar, we're not really interested in archetypes any more
It's IGN and it's a Rockstar game. If it gets 9.5, Rockstar must be in a poor financial state.Tricky I Shadow said:Nice! It's good to see a review that wont go up the day of release for a change.
I'm going to predict a 9.0 or a 9.5 from IGN. I'm leaning more towards a 9.5....
He also stated that none of the missions were repetetive or bad, when in truth 95%of them were repetetive and bad.It's true, but I did find it annoying people projected that Oscar worthy BS onto the game and claimed that's what Rockstar was going for.
CyReN said:Just watched LA Confidential last night and loved it. Is the 2006 movie The Black Dahlia any good?
I disagree, but alas, let's not go thereszaromir said:He also stated that none of the missions were repetetive or bad, when in truth 95%of them were repetetive and bad.
JaseC said:I wouldn't read into it much. He mentions many times throughout the interview that R* had a very hands-on approach to assisting development once they took over from Sony, and that lasted many years, so it shouldn't be surprising that he considers Team Bondi part of the gang.
Or maybe he just slipped up and an announcement is forthcoming.I would imagine R* purchasing the studio and turning it into "Rockstar Sydney" or whatever is contingent upon LA Noire doing well, though.
ColonialRaptor said:I've collected and have thumbnails for every single screenshot released for this game. Was going to post it in the OP (via thumbnails of course) but I think it's too big. What about if I posted it in a post and linked to that post in the OP? I think it would be cool to have a place for all of the screenshots to be easily accessible.
There are 112...
Gorgon said:Yeah, but with R* stating they want to use Team Bondi's tech for their own games in the future that means the relation between Team Bondi and R* is going a bit beyond the "publishing and helping out a bit in development" kind.
Shurs said:I feel like a post with 112 pictures in it would kill the page it's on.
Shurs said:I feel like a post with 112 pictures in it would kill the page it's on.
JaseC said:I say go ahead, and then ask a mod to move the post up to the front of the thread so it's part of the OP.
ColonialRaptor said:Yeah, that's what I think too... but it would be cool to have them all in one place... darnit, wasn't a small job preparing them all as well.
All 112 files would be thumbnails and amount to only 2.9Mb in size so I don't think it would kill the page...
ColonialRaptor said:I posted the OP so I could put them in there anyway, I was going to do this originally but it was going to take a long long time to compile all the images.
Shurs said:Why don't you just edit the thumbnails into post 5?
JaseC said:So, you're going to post them in the OP, even though they may not fit in the OP?![]()
ColonialRaptor said:Post 2 could probably fit them, or perhaps Post 1 (but doesn't suit the OP really).
I was actually thinking of posting them in a post on this page and then just linking that specific post number from the OP (depending on how much it taxes things).
It's more of a test to see how it looks and things first of all.
If the code won't take Post 3 over the 26,000 figure limit then I'll make the change to that.
This is why I was asking rather than just doing it and fucking things up on a whim.
keyrat said:Rockstar and their annoying PR/embargoes. I have to wait until after release to know what happens if you go on a killing spree.
JaseC said:I'm going to assume that at the very least there will be a cheat you can enable that will allow you to run wild. After all, it would be criminal of Team Bondi to give you an open-world title with guns and not let you cause as much havoc as you desire.
keyrat said:Rockstar and their annoying PR/embargoes. I have to wait until after release to know what happens if you go on a killing spree.
MMaRsu said:YOU CANT
You CANNOT run over pedestrians ( they dive out of the way ) and you CANNOT shoot them either.
keyrat said:WAT. How do you know this?
This might ruin it for me.
Kintaro said:Ruin it? You're a cop! This isn't Saint's Row or some shit.
You're a cop...keyrat said:WAT. How do you know this?
This might ruin it for me.
Kintaro said:Ruin it? You're a cop! This isn't Saint's Row or some shit.
Who cares? It's an open world, you should be able to do what you want. I don't see what it'd hurt to give people the option.Kintaro said:Ruin it? You're a cop! This isn't Saint's Row or some shit.
Kintaro said:Ruin it? You're a cop! This isn't Saint's Row or some shit.
keyrat said:It adds a tremendous amount of replay value to be able to deviate and do your own thing in a sandbox game. What's the point of a sandbox if it's heavily restricted?
What's next, maybe you can't crash your car either?
Vinterbird said:I really really hope this won't be the case.
lush said:Who cares? It's an open world, you should be able to do what you want. I don't see what it'd hurt to give people the option.
Einbroch said:Assassin's Creed is open box and I don't see people complaining that you can't assassinate civilians.
JaseC said:Why would the option of going on a rampage be a bad thing?
Einbroch said:Yeah, and you get desynced...aka: you can't. I would ASSUME it's the same thing here. Kill a civilian, you lose.
Yeah, and you get desynced...aka: you can't.JaseC said:That'd be because you can.
JaseC said:That'd be because you can.
The game has an open world, notice I didn't use the word "sandbox". I've known from the get-go this would be more linear a game similar to Mafia 2. Honestly though, what would it hurt to allow people to go on a rampage if they so choose? It's a simple question.Kintaro said:Uh, this is NOT an open world game where you can do what you want. Nor have they ever said as such.
If you thought that, you needed to pay closer attention. Your own fault. Cancel your pre-order.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:Also, killing pedestrians during cases "accidentally" isn't an instant game over (unless you kill a certain amount and above), but it definitely dings your after-case marks..