Micerider said:Hmm why?
Both GTA IV and RDR are running worse on PS3. Rockstar's Rage engine has been known for being most at ease on the 360.
JAVK said:Don't watch those videos, the guy playing is a retard. He will make you rage.
Hmm.. which part?EvilDick34 said:Oh my, i really like a certain part in those intro videos.
Speedymanic said:It's not running on RAGE, it's running on a proprietary engine.
Dries said:Because the PS3 was the lead platform for which LA Noire was designed.
But the games releases on tuesday in the US, right? I think by that time we'll be getting real answers and comparisons about the whole ''which version is better'' issue.
Forsete said:Why are you guys so worried? Rockstar wouldn't have shown the PS3 version (IIRC, it has been the only version which has been shown by them) if it was so inferior.
The slight differences in GTA4/RDR between the versions was enough for them not to show the PS3 versions. This is another story.
Calm down.
Autofokus said:And it's not running on RAGE, so any tech comparison with GTA4/RDR is moot.
rvy said:Not sure how I feel about gameover when you kill a civilian. It makes sense from a story standpoint, you're a cop, you're supposed to enforce the law... but I like freedom.
rvy said:Not sure how I feel about gameover when you kill a civilian. It makes sense from a story standpoint, you're a cop, you're supposed to enforce the law... but I like freedom.
Edit, never mind, it's the partner. I'm OK with this, lol.
Vinterbird said:There's some RAGE engine in the game, the manual states that. We don't know to what extend. It could be that Bondi used the RAGE engine and modified it to fit the MotionScan technology.
Or it could be the streaming technology for the world or something else entirely.
AwShucks said:The manual actually states "Parts of RAGE engine are used"? Or are you simply referring to the RAGE Tech Group credits which don't imply that RAGE is used at all and only says exactly what it says, that those guys worked on the game in some fashion.
AntiTout said:Honestly I don't know if I'll buy this, I didn't complete GTAIV and RDR. Plus I'm disappointed by the same old graphics, exept the faces of course. I don't know.
faridmon said:Is there any reason why ''Developed by Team Bondi'' added to the title apart from them developing it?
Amir0x said:Because it's a option that goes against the logic of the game world. You're a cop, not a crooked cop, but a cop. A cop does no go on a rampage, he solves crimes. It does not make sense to go to such great lengths to create this atmosphere and believable character and then allow wholesale slaughter of people in the world.
A more important question is: Why do you want to do that so bad? What would be the point? You have tons of sandbox games that allow that.
Shurs said:Maybe, in GTAIV fashion, we'll eventually get a meaty downloadable episode wherein you play the role of a criminal who can go on run and gun down NPCs.
Patrick Bateman said:I'm really interesting in this game, but I wonder how the whole thing will turn out technically. :/
Especially on the PS3.
Thanks!xXJonoXx said:For those of you in the US, Best Buy just reduced the price on this to $48.99 + free $15 gift card and $10 in reward zone points.. with free in-store pickup making the game only $24! Better hit it quick before the price goes up in case it's a mistake, etc.
Link to both versions:
That would be bloody fantastic. Keep the core investigation elements, but add a new twist to the narrative and the player's role.Vinterbird said:But hopefully we will get some substantial DLC. I would love playing from a private detective point, where you are going up against not only the criminal, but also the regular police force.
Vinterbird said:But hopefully we will get some substantial DLC. I would love playing from a private detective point, where you are going up against not only the criminal, but also the regular police force.
Shurs said:As far as the DLC goes, yeah, it's probably a stretch. Then again, who would have anticipated the Undead Nightmare DLC for Red Dead Redemption when that game was in development?
xXJonoXx said:For those of you in the US, Best Buy just reduced the price on this to $48.99 + free $15 gift card and $10 in reward zone points.. with free in-store pickup making the game only $24! Better hit it quick before the price goes up in case it's a mistake, etc.
Link to both versions:
Joe Shlabotnik said:The $15 gift card is only included if you pre-ordered before May 12. Still, $11 off is nice.
Vinterbird said:Thats true. Anything could potentially go for the DLC.
Hopefully Rockstar/Bondi is smart and does something episodic or the like, and makes good use of the very segmented case structure the game has.
iNvidious01 said:for UK gaf cheapest price is £31.99 from sainsburys using voucher code JSGA2005
Speedymanic said:It's not running on RAGE, it's running on a proprietary engine.
Outtrigger888 said:I can see DLC being easy money for this game, I wonder if rockstar had the actors sign a contract for future DLC? I can see that being there only problem.
Radogol said:Impossible to tell until we play it. A lot of stuff can happen during an investigation - it's not like GTA where a mission usually takes place over the course of an hour or so.
Brendan McNamara previously worked on the Getaway and recruited Team Bondi's first employees from that team, so I think it's fair to say that Team Bondi have their own pedigree in terms of open-world engines. It's a bit misleading to say that "they even mention RAGE in the manual": the RAGE team only gets a mention in the credits, and we don't even know in what capacity they consulted on LA Noire. There are many ways their expertise could have been leveraged that have nothing to do with the actual RAGE engine itself.Lonewolf_92 said:Go watch that video that's linked a couple posts up from yours and tell me that's not running on some type of modified version of RAGE, they even mention RAGE in the Manual for the game. ;p Proprietary engine my ass.
faridmon said:Is there any reason why ''Developed by Team Bondi'' added to the title apart from them developing it?
Shed_a_Ninja said:despite all official media being of the PS3 version. PS3 was also lead platform.
Sethos said:It's like having trained a parrot and it keeps repeating the same shit over and over again, we hear this line on every page now.
The 360 version runs at 720p/2xMSAA, that means the PS3 version probably runs the same as they wouldn't use it to show off their game otherwise.Shed_a_Ninja said:We also keep seeing statements like "I'll be buying the Xbox 360 version because Rockstar has a history of making their games better on the Xbox 360" on every page now.
Shed_a_Ninja said:One of the reasons is because people keep using Rockstar as a reason why the Xbox 360 version is "guaranteed" to be the better version, despite all official media being of the PS3 version. PS3 was also lead platform.
How about you play the part of a corrupt cop instead, that way most of the gameplay stays intact, but then you can also go rogue.Shurs said:Maybe, in GTAIV fashion, we'll eventually get a meaty downloadable episode wherein you play the role of a criminal who can go on run and gun down NPCs.