Boonoo said:
You're experience sounds both typical and atypical for a new player.
It's normal to die a lot at the beginning; having someone specifically target you is pretty strange, though. I really don't even know how you'd do that since you can't see the opposing team's name when you mouse over them. I mean, now and then you might dominate someone and then keep killing them, but it's usually just more happenstance than a deliberate griefing attempt.
I don't this would work to terribly well since most people would rather play with a community they enjoy than a bunch of people who care too much about rank. Plus, I can't even begin to imagine how something like that would work with 1) player owned dedicated servers and 2) TF2 in general.
So...what is it you do again, Boonoo?
1. It was likely NOT a pro. Pros don't usually go spy; they go either demo or soldier.
2. It's your fault. Don't go running into battle without support. ESPECIALLY if you're a heavy. Related to this, if you're low on health or facing more than 2 people, run away.

3. Listen for the sound a typical spy makes. There's a loud popping sound for dead ringers, which means you should check your surroundings, and a soft cloth-like sound for regular cloaked spies. Just listen for them. I tried to mess Silencer up a week ago, and I thought I'd uncloaked far enough away, but sure enough, he was waiting for me as soon as I got to him.
4. It's boring, but go medic first, charge to 100%, right click for uber. It can be boring, but once you familiarize yourself with the maps and watch how your healing buddy reacts in situations, you get better a lot faster. AND you can be credit to team.
5. If you're still worried about spies, shoot EVERY single teammate you run across. You have plenty of ammo and there's nothing more satisfying when you find that odd spy out.