I think keys are worth 2.33 refined. You could straight up trade a key for a hat (depending on what it is).
Also, this particle effect was in today's update. ENGINEER WEAPONZ?!?!
And speaking of the Engineer, everyone complains that he doesn't have enough weapons. Does anyone have ideas about what he should get? He's the hardest class to balance, and giving him something that is slightly overpowered completely changes the pace of the game. I think his real problem is that he can be pretty helpless in many situations and is always tied to his base on defense. How many times has a spy snuck near spawn and destroyed a teleporter entrance? The engy more or less has nothing to do at that point, if his entrance is destroyed, he would have to leave his base to fix it, which could result in the base getting destroyed. And there's nothing more frustrating than spending minutes building up an area only for it to get destroyed in two seconds.
An idea I thought of was having some sort of moving robot that could repair or create buildings. So take my above scenario: your entrance teleporter is destroyed. Instead of leaving your base on the front lines, why not send the robot back to base to rebuild the teleporter? This could work in other situations. Let's say you want to scope out a location to see if there's any enemies. You could send the robot in to check it out, and if he gets there and it's safe, he can start building. This way the engy can move freely and get metal while the robot is starting up the base. For downsides, well the robot has no offensive capabilities and can be destroyed easily. Also, maybe the robot turns into the building, so one robot can only make one building.
Also, this particle effect was in today's update. ENGINEER WEAPONZ?!?!

And speaking of the Engineer, everyone complains that he doesn't have enough weapons. Does anyone have ideas about what he should get? He's the hardest class to balance, and giving him something that is slightly overpowered completely changes the pace of the game. I think his real problem is that he can be pretty helpless in many situations and is always tied to his base on defense. How many times has a spy snuck near spawn and destroyed a teleporter entrance? The engy more or less has nothing to do at that point, if his entrance is destroyed, he would have to leave his base to fix it, which could result in the base getting destroyed. And there's nothing more frustrating than spending minutes building up an area only for it to get destroyed in two seconds.
An idea I thought of was having some sort of moving robot that could repair or create buildings. So take my above scenario: your entrance teleporter is destroyed. Instead of leaving your base on the front lines, why not send the robot back to base to rebuild the teleporter? This could work in other situations. Let's say you want to scope out a location to see if there's any enemies. You could send the robot in to check it out, and if he gets there and it's safe, he can start building. This way the engy can move freely and get metal while the robot is starting up the base. For downsides, well the robot has no offensive capabilities and can be destroyed easily. Also, maybe the robot turns into the building, so one robot can only make one building.