And yet you don't wear the tag. Clearly you realized that your coolocity wasn't high enough yet.AcciDante said:I guess that's why I was invited into SCB![]()
Yeef said:And yet you don't wear the tag. Clearly you realized that your coolocity wasn't high enough yet.
Drkirby said:Always a good feeling when a single action you did likely saved the day, like me desapping the nearby level 3 sentry with 30 seconds on the clock at Steel.
Or you could be the Pyro to see the engineer get back stabbed, light the spy on fire, and quickly salvage the sentry gun with the homewreaker, but this rarely feels like I am "saving the day", but more of "same old, same old.moojito said:If you say so, lay-borr-orr. As a spy on gorge, breaking up a massive wave of attacks by sapping a level 3 sentry, teleporter and dispenser then backstabbing the engineer, getting mowed down cackling like a madman by enraged teammates then seeing the 3 destruction kill messages pop up is so much more satisfying!
ToolGiftWrapConfirm" "Are you sure you want to gift wrap this item?"
"TF_Tool_Giftwrap" "Gift Wrap"
"TF_Armory_Item_Gift_Wrap" "This gift wrap can be used to package an item as a gift for another player. Wrapped gifts can be delivered to offline players. Items that are normally not tradable can be wrapped and gifted using gift wrap."
"TF_Armory_Item_Gift" "This is a wrapped gift. The person who wrapped it can deliver the gift to someone or another player can open it and receive the item inside."
76.72% downloading ./orangebox/tf/resource/ui/confirmapplygiftwrapdialog.res
I remember a game on upward where three engineers were just getting setup at the last point (we hadn't captured the second to last one yet). I managed to backstab all three and sap all their stuff, which let our cart get to the end unimpeded.Drkirby said:Always a good feeling when a single action you did likely saved the day, like me desapping the nearby level 3 sentry with 30 seconds on the clock at Steel.
Yeef said:I remember a game on upward where three engineers were just getting setup at the last point (we hadn't captured the second to last one yet). I managed to backstab all three and sap all their stuff, which let our cart get to the end unimpeded.
When you craft and/or trade something and it doesn't appear, but you still lose the items, immediately go to the store. You should get the items once you open up the store page (or die if you're in-game).EmCeeGramr said:Well that was weird.
1) Unbox six crates (once Steam stops fucking up and lets me buy keys)
2) Get a can of purple paint in one of them
3) Attempt to paint hat purple, doesn't go
4) Purple paint disappears, hat remains unpainted
5) Key and crate suddenly appear, paint can reappears
6) Open crate, get a second can of purple paint
7) Paint hat purple, second can remains
Weird. I wonder if it'll revert back at some point.
It eventually went back. The extra can disappeared, and my hat became painted.Yeef said:When you craft and/or trade something and it doesn't appear, but you still lose the items, immediately go to the store. You should get the items once you open up the store page (or die if you're in-game).
Chinner said:should i feel bad that i just play one class exclusively?
well i dont fuck youuuuuuuBorgnine said:Yes.
Chinner said:should i feel bad that i just play one class exclusively?
CRY SOME MOARRRRRRRRBoonoo said:Depends on the class!
Hint: It's ok as long as it's not heavy.
Boonoo said:Depends on the class!
Hint: It's ok as long as it's not heavy.
Chinner said:you guys are just mad that you don't have washboard abs like i do.
desh said:God, I really hate playing against a Chargin' Targe Demo as Soldier. They take so many rockets...
Its shotgun*Lyphen said:And yet my Pyro still infinitely reloads her shotgun.
That's...good to know instead of finding out the hard way. :lolballadofwindfishes said:Hehe, Valve finally fixed the multiple sentry glitch. Get this...
If the engy switches ANY of his weapons, ALL his buildings explode
Shotgun to Frontier Justice? BOOM
Wrangler to Pistol? BOOM
Wrench to Southern Hospitality? BOOM
Pistol to Lugermorph? BOOM
What a terrible fix :/
I have k240s -Stallion Free said:No that's just plain boss.
I have these (or a similar model):Yasae said:I have k240s -
And I'm an engineer. How does that make you feel?
Alien 3 called, wants its goggles back.Blizzard said:I have these (or a similar model):
And I'm an engineer. :O
I don't actually use them for my work though. >_>
That's a good idea.EatChildren said:So I think I'm gonna name myflamethrowerKGB Christina Hendricks.
Yeef said:That's a good idea.