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Team Fortress 2 Trading |OT|

I advise the OP of this thread add these links to the OP on page 1. Courtesy of the wonderful admins at SourceOP.

Prelude:The purpose of these quick guides is to show common trade practices and scam prevention techniques. Please read these guides prior to making your first TF2 trade or sale on SourceOP NeroGAF in order to highly reduce the chance of being scammed.

So I just activated my final alt (felt like rounding it out at 3 alts for 4 total), and this means that I can 'give' someone Professor Speks if they don't have them already. First PM gets it; send me your Steam name, I'll send you my alt's name. We'll become friends, and you'll get Professor Speks (next time I actually log on to transfer stuff to my main).
Speaking of which, I've had these bookmarked in a [TF2] folder on my web browser's bookmarks toolbar for so long I feel the need to share them for the educational benefit of all here, new or old to TF2. I recommend this should be in the OP...

Useful TF2 Links:

TF2 Essentials: (bookmark these now)
Trading Sites:
Item Crafting/Collecting:
  • TF2crafting.info (analyzes your backpack & figures out your TF2 account's crafting possibilities)
  • WILLitCRAFT (alternate TF2 crafting analyzer)[/url]
  • TF2items.com/CRAFTING (Displays all possible Crafting Blueprints)
  • TF2LS.com (keeps track of what new weapons you still need and what extra items you already have)
Unusual Hats:
Oh and lets not forget the medicine for the itch: TF2 Crate Simulator (get rid of the urge, open crates to your hearts content today!)
Thanks for the price guide. Didn't catch it in the OP, my bad.

I am interested in trading:
Crafted Honcho's Headgear
Crafted Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun
Genuine Pip-Boy

For a Team Captain.


New stuff to trade!

Strange prices:
Flamethrower - 1.6 ref
Ambassador - GONE
Knife - 1.6 ref
Backburner (not pictured) - 2 ref

Paints/duel/wrap prices are negotiable.
Weapons are 1 scrap each.
Add me on steam. ID: V_deck


Bakphoon said:
I have the last bit of history, just after i did my part of the trade in TF2 and left the game:
(i use a german client)
Halten Sie Ihr Passwort geheim.
Freitag, 12. August 2011
17:51 - [PonyGAF] Bakphoon: send it as gift
17:51 - [PonyGAF] Bakphoon: at email
x ToY SoLDiieR ist Offline.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist offline. Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist offline. Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist offline. Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist offline. Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist offline. Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist offline. Nachricht kann nicht gesendet werden.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist Online.
x ToY SoLDiieR spielt jetzt Team Fortress 2. Hier klicken, um zu folgen.
17:51 - [PonyGAF] Bakphoon: [email protected]
17:51 - x ToY SoLDiieR: cheers.
x ToY SoLDiieR ist Offline.
after that he disappeared from my firends list...
FWIW, the new steam client beta allows trading items for steam games. So no one should do trades for games with the old client anymore because of the risk of scams. If someone wants to trade steam games with you, do it through the new steam client beta. It's a little late for Bakphoon, and we all feel bad for you, but, hopefully no one else scammed by this asshole. :(

Or, if that doesn't work, find someone you trust to act as an escrow for that kind of thing.
yeoz said:
FWIW, the new steam client beta allows trading items for steam games. So no one should do trades for games with the old client anymore because of the risk of scams. If someone wants to trade steam games with you, do it through the new steam client beta. It's a little late for Bakphoon, and we all feel bad for you, but, hopefully no one else scammed by this asshole. :(

Or, if that doesn't work, find someone you trust to act as an escrow for that kind of thing.
Source OP has trusted middlemen that are willing to help with trades like these. If you check the SourceOP TF2 forum section, you can find the middlemen thread there.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Zomba13 said:
HL2 + ep1 + ep2 for something
Armoured Authority for 2 Refined or 2 craft hats
Bukaroo Hat for any craft hat + 1 scrap.
Any weapon on the last page of my BP (http://tf2b.com/?id=76561197984114562) 1 scrap or 2 weapons (except strange revolver)

Killing Gloves of boxing and a Jarate for the Crossbow sound good?

Let me know when you come online.
Thing I have that I do not want, as a result of my crate addiction

Strange Ambassador x 2 - 2 rec
Strange Boston Basher x 3 - 2 scrap
Strange Chargin' Targe - 2 scrap
Strange Direct Hit x 2 - 1 ref
Strange Flame Thrower - 1 ref
Strange Pistol - 2 rec
Strange Powerjack 2 scrap
Strange Revolver x 3 1 ref
Strange Sandman 1 rec
Strange Scattergun 1.3 ref

Prices are pretty much guesses, feel free to haggle I guess.


butter_stick said:
Thing I have that I do not want, as a result of my crate addiction

Strange Powerjack 2 scrap

Prices are pretty much guesses, feel free to haggle I guess.

I'll do this thing, if you like. Steam name is jdogmoney, I'll be on for a while...



That's what I am missing.

Three-Rune Blade
Hero's Tail
Planeswalker Goggles

I do not have much to trade atm.

Strange Flamethrower
v. Ritzy
v. Batter's Helmet
Bombing Run (would prefer to keep, but...)
Heel Biters
Football Helmet
divisionbyzorro said:

The usual price. Everything on the front page of my backpack is going for one scrap, two random weapons, or one weapon not already in my backpack.

My backpack: http://tf2b.com/divisionbyzorro

Send me PMs if interested; I'll be back online about noon (CST).

I'm on Steam now, and will be for a little bit. If you want any of this stuff, just shoot me a trade request, either through TF2 or the Steam trade beta. I'm impatient though, so I'll probably just scrap all this stuff this afternoon.


Milly79 said:
So came home late last night, trading drunk with this guy and he didn't screw me over.


I'm also looking for the Three Rune Blade, gen or not. Also looking for the Maul. Last two weapons I need besides the stupid UHHH.


Rickenslacker said:
I have one, but it's crafted. If that's alright with you, my Steam id is the same as my GAF name.
Sounds good. I'll be home around 8pm-ish East coast time.


XeroSauce said:
So came home late last night, trading drunk with this guy and he didn't screw me over.


I'm also looking for the Three Rune Blade, gen or not. Also looking for the Maul. Last two weapons I need besides the stupid UHHH.


I wouldn't do that, drunk or not. We're gaf bros.

It was hilarious though that the trade took almost an hour to figure out.
I'm looking for a market gardener if anyone has it. I tried to craft the original today but ended up with a rocket-jumper, figure I could combine that with the gardener for some fun. Send me a PM.



Still searching. Really would like to knock the Maul out, but I doubt anyone has it here for trade. D:

Have these to trade:

g. Cube Companion Pin
g. Noise Maker - Koko
Football Helm
v. Batters Helm
Praire Heel Biters
Bombing Run


Weenerz said:
Have an extra copy of Frozen Synapse, looking for 2 hats that I don't already have.


Still looking, please do the research as to what hats I don't have, don't send me a message on Steam asking me what I want.

Anony said:
( ´_ゝ`)
would be nice to not just bail out without saying anything

I told you I was busy, but you insisted on taking your time looking through your inventory.
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