Just uncrate'd an Otolaryngologist's Mirror. I've kinda got my heart set on a Berliner's Bucket Helm for Medic, so if anybody wants to do a 1:1 trade let me know. I'm not sure on values but I'll sweeten it a bit if need be.
Saty said:My backpack is full and i'm not in the habit of unlocking crates with keys. Are there people who trade stuff only for crates or something? Or am i just better off discrading them to make space?
Heavy's Sandvich said:I have the following I'm willing to trade:
Genuine Purity Fist
Genuine Pip Boy
Strange Flamethrower
butter_stick said:I have an activation code for Portal 2 on Steam (entered directly, not the PS3 thing). If anybody is stupid enough to not own Portal 2 I'd trade it for some decent TF2 items. Best I've got elsewhere is a Bills + 2 keys.
zero01101 said:aright, so i don't play TF2 whatsoever, but find myself in possession of the fancy and nigh-ubiquitous genuine deus ex: hr preorder goodies as well as a genuine pip-boy, apparently.
what do, GAF? i have no use for these trinkets.
vehn said:Why do people like to buy cheap craft hats so much? Like what's the difference between craft hats and other hats
You can make it yourself if you combine a reclaimed metal(6 weapons) + Sydney Sleeper(sniper rifle) + Bison(laser pistol).zlatko said:First time posting in here, but I want to get the Deus Ex Sniper Rifle. I'm not sure if you can trade it or not, but I'm interested.
Not sure what a fair offer is, but let me know and we can work something out.
How about you give them to me?zero01101 said:aright, so i don't play TF2 whatsoever, but find myself in possession of the fancy and nigh-ubiquitous genuine deus ex: hr preorder goodies as well as a genuine pip-boy, apparently.
what do, GAF? i have no use for these trinkets.
Scipius said:Best bet would be to try and get a (cheap) game in exchange for them via the Steam Trading beta.
zero01101 said:this makes sense, much obliged; i guess i was subconsciously trying to avoid the steam forums![]()
zlatko said:I'd be willing to give you 2 weapons I have extra of, as well as 2 crates that can have cool items inside for that sniper.
How do you feel about Knights of the old Republic (http://store.steampowered.com/app/32370/) for the DX items?zero01101 said:aright, so i don't play TF2 whatsoever, but find myself in possession of the fancy and nigh-ubiquitous genuine deus ex: hr preorder goodies as well as a genuine pip-boy, apparently.
what do, GAF? i have no use for these trinkets.
zero01101 said:thanks, but i don't play tf2 whatsoever so that'd actually be worsening my problem of potentially valuable trinkets that i want to unload now now now![]()
Darkflight said:How do you feel about Knights of the old Republic (http://store.steampowered.com/app/32370/) for the DX items?
Thanks again, finally got rid of that KOTOR gift.zero01101 said:actually, that interests me.as i've not played it
pm incoming.
I'll trade you a copy of Sanctum for them.zero01101 said:thanks, but i don't play tf2 whatsoever so that'd actually be worsening my problem of potentially valuable trinkets that i want to unload now now now![]()
What do you want for it? Would about 4 older crates be fine?Pulka said:I have one, #27.
Previous said:So I'm looking for:
Strange Mini gun
Strange Jag
Strange Ambassador
Strange Knife
What kind of prices are those going for now?
Also, I take crates that have those in them off your hands hehehe
butter_stick said:Anybody want a Hound Dog? Looking for around a couple of refined or so.
g35twinturbo said:I'm down for 2 refined
butter_stick said:Cool, PM me your ID.
tangmaster96 said:heck u can have all of my 18 crates for a like 2 scrap
Shit, I'll give you all 5 of the crates I have left for a random weap if you'll do it!Previous said:right-o, pm me your id or send me a request (steam id: Previous)
I'll take the strange syringe gun for 1 ref if you still have it :]butter_stick said:Things what I want to be rid of:
Strange Syringe Gun
Strange Medic Crossbow Thing
Strange Shotgun
Strange Flamethrower
All for the low low price of 1 refined each. How can you resist?
Could I please grab the #19 and #24 crates? For...something, I dunnoAnony said:i'm deleting all my crates by the end of the day (est)
take it for whatever u want; free, 8 for scrap or whatever, up to u
i know i have alot of old crates that are somewhat valuable, so this is your chance to get some undroppable crate
my backpack
anything on weapons on first 3 pages i'm trading, 1 scrap per weapon, 2 scrap for vintage weapon
Anony said:i'm deleting all my crates by the end of the day (est)
take it for whatever u want; free, 8 for scrap or whatever, up to u
i know i have alot of old crates that are somewhat valuable, so this is your chance to get some undroppable crate
my backpack
anything on weapons on first 3 pages i'm trading, 1 scrap per weapon, 2 scrap for vintage weapon
commissar said:I'll take the strange syringe gun for 1 ref if you still have it :]
(pm incoming)
zlatko said:http://steamcommunity.com/id/zlatkod/inventory/
There's my inventory. I'm looking for the Deus Ex Machina Sniper Rifle.
1up said:Looking for Troublemakers Tosslecap.
Have G. Brainbucket, G. Dead Cone, and V. Trophy belt among others.
Let me know, thanks.
1up said:I got a G. Machinama, are you looking to part with your Hero's Tail?