Charron said:Even though the game warned me not to trade with him! Apparently it warns you if the other person puts 8 items in to trade, it gets all "y'know, scammers do that kinda thing..."
Zel3 said:Yesterday a guy tried to get my Bill's hat for a Head Honcho.
Once he figured out I knew the prices he showed me 3 buds he managed to get from people who didn't know the values.
Such a shame.
I really want to get Max's severead head. What would be the best way to get one... Are there people out there who will take games for them? Maybe trade a lot of keys for bills and then trade those for buds and then trade those for Max's head?
maybe $65?mojiimbo said:How much were Max Heads(in cash) 2 or 3 months ago? It seems like they cost substantially more now than when I was looking around SourceOP.
OMG Aero said:I don't suppose anyone has a spare Short Circuit to trade? It's the last weapon I need to have one of every one (Apart from reskins) but the crafting recipe for it is kinda expensive.
Inflammable Slinky said:zelllllllllllll
oh zellllllllll
I have a clean hottie's hoooooooodiiieee
and its lvl69
adddd meeee.
I'd like to trade you the metals for the hat. I have added you, mi nick is Ysa.mojiimbo said:2.33 refined each(or 1 key or 1 can of white/black paint):
Vintage Mining Light
DJ Crimson said:Strange Sydney Sleeper - 1 Reclaim and 1 Scrap
Natascha - 1 Scrap
The Bazaar Bargain - 2 Scraps
The Chargin' Targe - 1 Scrap
The Claidheamh Mor - 1 Scrap
The Loch-N-Load - 1 Scrap
The Powerjack - 1 Scrap
The Razorback - 1 Scrap
The Sandvich - 1 Scrap
The Sydney Sleeper - 1 Scrap
Two days I will have these for trade until I combine them into Scrap Metal.
The Big Earner and The Winger have been traded.
divisionbyzorro said:The drop gods were not nearly so kind to me this week. Two of my alts only generated 6 items
Meh! Selling the first page of my backpack
Short Circuit: 2 scrap
Strange Flare Gun: 1 rec
Dueling Games: 1 scrap
All other weapons: 1:1 for any random weapon.
I'll take the Strange Flare Gun.divisionbyzorro said:The drop gods were not nearly so kind to me this week. Two of my alts only generated 6 items
Meh! Selling the first page of my backpack
Short Circuit: 2 scrap
Strange Flare Gun: 1 rec
Dueling Games: 1 scrap
All other weapons: 1:1 for any random weapon.
Firehead said:Reposting for new page...
And whatever offers I can get for the crates on the last page and the vintage officer's ushanka.
Add me on Steam ^^Switters said:I'll give you a couple o scraps for the overdose.
I'll give you keys or refined for Ushanka, whatever the going price is.
Your spare Machina for my extra Diamondback? Added you on Steam.Cloudius12 said:
Switters said:Looking to buy Bombing Run, Sober Stuntman, and ANY sniper hat to complete all my classes.
I have keys and metal. Yay!
Bakphoon said:I have a Shooter's Solar Topi (for sniper)
ExMachina said:Looking for a Milkman for my brother, I have 2 ref to trade for it. Thanks in advance!
Dreams-Visions said:![]()
1 scrap each if anyone is in need.
Alaskanbullworm said:Strange:
S. Revolver - 1 Reclaimed
S. Kunai - 1 Reclaimed
(2) S. Direct Hit - 2 Reclaimed
S. Backburner - 2 Reclaimed
S. Flame Thrower - 2 Reclaimed
S. Powerjack - 1 Reclaimed
S. Jag - 1 Refined
S. Sleeper - 1 Reclaimed
S. Bonesaw - 2 Reclaimed
S. Bushwacka - 2 Reclaimed
Widowmaker - 1 Reclaimed
Short Circuit - 2 scrap
Go to your community page, edit your profile, and edit the custom url field.demosthenes said:Want the backburner, will add you when I get home.
Noob question. How do I get name
shoot me a trade request.Switters said:I'll take a blackbox, my man. Edit - Steam name Switters
woah, anyone know what got him banned?Switters said:Noooooo, dreams got banned! Who's going to talk me out of spending all my dough on keys???
DJ Crimson said:Strange Jarate - 1 Refined
Natascha - 1 Scrap
The Bazaar Bargain - 2 Scraps
The Chargin' Targe - 1 Scrap
The Claidheamh Mor - 1 Scrap
The Loch-N-Load - 1 Scrap
The Powerjack - 1 Scrap
The Razorback - 1 Scrap
The Sandvich - 1 Scrap
The Sydney Sleeper - 1 Scrap
Two days I will have these for trade until I combine them into Scrap Metal.
Strange Sydney Sleeper, The Big Earner and The Winger have been traded.
chuckddd said:I have a bunch of hats for trade. Backpack link.
Cadaver's Cranium
Industrial Festivizer
Coupe D'isaster
Defiant Spartan
Tippler's Tricorne (painted salmon)
Ghastlier Ghibus
Ellis' Cap
Flipped Trilby
Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
The Superfan
Old Guadalajara
Rogue's Col Roule
Stately Steel Toe
Tam O'Shanter
V. Demoman's Fro
V. Scotsman's Stovepipe
V. Noble Amassment of Hats
I'm looking for strange weapons that I don't already have, metal, keys, a cool sniper hat, whatever. If you want one or more of the above hats, make me some sort of offer. Worst I can do is say no.