AcciDante said:Bill's HUT! HUUUUT!
Yeah, I'm German, so I'm playing TF2 in German. The voices are in English though.
(below the box is "Taschenmedic" = Pocket medic )
AcciDante said:Bill's HUT! HUUUUT!
Keep it listed for another 2 days at least.arts&crafts said:so someone offered $150 for my Blizzardy Samur-eye
I would go through a reputable middle man from sourceop, do you think this is a fair deal? I really don't know much about tf2 trading lol
too low, they want to take advantage of your newbieness, aim for higher, not "greedy higher" but definitely higher, tell him you are in no rush and that the best offer will take itarts&crafts said:so someone offered $150 for my Blizzardy Samur-eye
I would go through a reputable middle man from sourceop, do you think this is a fair deal? I really don't know much about tf2 trading lol
Zel3 said:Would 5.33 refined be a good offer for my mutton chops?
Hazaro said:Keep it listed for another 2 days at least.
Aim for $350+ See where you end up.
Lowballing is easy money yo.arts&crafts said:sounds good, probably a scammer he seemed over anxious
Bakphoon said:Yes, if you are selling the chops.
Zel3 said:I just sold them for 5.33 Refined.
Kind of nice to make a profit on something for once. I used 2 random hats to craft them.
hes overly anxious because at that price he would be getting it at a stealarts&crafts said:sounds good, probably a scammer he seemed over anxious
Sgt.Pepper said:I don't know why people bother trying to get new gets when they just came out, just wait for a while. New hats are always overpriced, just like S. weapons.
LOL @ 6 ref for S. Machina/Kritz/Gunslinger (individually).
Cipherr said:Are strange weapons in drops?
Only from crates.Cipherr said:Are strange weapons in drops? Been waiting forever for one. Still havent gotten one.
AFAIK the Strange Minigun was still worth more than a key up until Thursday. I say that because I don't know how the drastic changes to the trading environment have affected the value or what Valve turning off pop-ups have done to the value of stranges.XeroSauce said:6 REF LOL.
I remember when people were selling the Strange Minigun for like a key and I just laughed.
arts&crafts said:sounds good, probably a scammer he seemed over anxious
Worth about 1 refined if you can find a buyer.rezuth said:Is a Strange Sniper worth any?
i've got a Spectre's Spectacles (for spy) if you're interestedRickenslacker said:I just got a Virtual Reality Headset up for sale if anyone's interested. I'm looking for Stereoscopic Shades in particular but I'm open to whatever.
Or let someone here try selling it for you if your lack of rep is keeping the price down. You can then use a competent middleman like Trell (hes been a middleman for huge trades).Tenck said:I don't think any of us could stress this enough, but keep it at +$300 for as long as you can. Obviously +$$350 would be amazing too, just don't go below $300. I think until you get it off your hamds, you should come and bug us to see if a trade is legit![]()
Current going rate for the Halloween masks is one scrap each right? I can give you two scrap for the soldier and engineer masks.NihonTiger90 said:Just a recap here, but I'm looking to trade for:
Persian Persuader
Liberty Launcher
And maybe depending on the price:
Grenadier's Softcap (honestly, it's on sale, I might buy it instead.)
Familiar Fez
Strange Flare Gun
Strange Flamethrower
Want to trade/sell:
Original x1
Atomizer x1
Market Gardener x1
Concheor x1
Prancer's Pride x1
Strange Powerjack x1
#4 Crate x2
#24 Crate x1
Soldier Mask x2
Engineer Mask x1
Indubitably Green x1
mojiimbo said:Were you still looking for that key? It's been a few days so I understand if you didn't want one anymore.
Wendel Clark said:Trading:
Sober Stuntman (2 Ref or a Key)
Backwards Ball Cap
Baseball Bill's Sports Shine
#30 crates are incredibly rare, so that's quite a low ball. I'll offer 2+ refined per crate at this point for #30 crates if anybody has any, which is still a lowball probablyDechaios said:Greetings. I am looking for cobweb crates (#30, salvaged)
I will give you 2 scrap for each. Looking for 5 or 6 of them...
Damn, that rare?? I did not realize. Well I will cede my offer to the man with unlimited resources :/yeoz said:#30 crates are incredibly rare, so that's quite a low ball. I'll offer 2+ refined per crate at this point for #30 crates if anybody has any, which is still a lowball probably
fwiw, I haven't seen a #30 drop yet on any of my pile of idlers...
Strange Caber is in the same crate with those. I sold an usual caber today for 2 keys + 2 scrap lolSgt.Pepper said:Those damn S. Kritzkreigs are going to be expensive as fuck, won't they?
arts&crafts said:What day do the weekly items reset?
I only had one drop and immediately traded it for a key, easy. so yeah, lowball indeed lol.yeoz said:#30 crates are incredibly rare, so that's quite a low ball. I'll offer 2+ refined per crate at this point for #30 crates if anybody has any, which is still a lowball probably
fwiw, I haven't seen a #30 drop yet on any of my pile of idlers...