Milly79 said:
Nope. Thanks for the link.
Milly79 said:
Javaman said:I've got an extra brain bucket and modest pile of hats for trade for any other hats as long as I don't have them already. Also looking for a gold or team paint and also a level 2 crate.[IMG][/QUOTE]
I have 2 gold paints if you are interested, just add me on steam (ID is gruulmaster)
Can only trade later, though...
Grimm Fandango said:Got a Heavy Duty Rag I don't want.
Anyone looking to trade almost any Demo hat for it? Still need a hat for him.
Obsessed said:So when I first began playing the game I got a Fishcake drop, and thought it sucked so I crafted it into scrap. Apparently it is worth a lot. Fuck my past self.
Scipius said:Would a Glengarry Bonnet do?
giancarlo123x said:Selling a Tyrants Helm for 2 ref.
Roy G. Biv said:I'll give you a reclaimed for that sandman. My steam name is :HIT: EmptyCanO'wupass
awwyeahgurrl said:![]()
Strange prices:
Sandman - 1 rec
Basher - 2 scrap
Knife - 2 ref
Also, I'm looking for the degreaser and the axtinguisher or mailbox.
Dreams-Visions said:awwyea, are you also selling the description tags?
also, i have a degreaser and vintage axetinguisher if interested.
tangmaster96 said:you take a strange sticky launcher and 2 reclaimed for knife
Obsessed said:Tf2tp doesn't have an option to search for Strange weapons.
I can!Professor Beef said:I'm looking for a Sandvich, and I want to get rid of my Strange Ambassador. Can anyone help me out?
Then add me on Steam, already!TheBez said:I can!
tangmaster96 said:yeah they do when you choose a weopon click on the s on the box
I have some extra Steam games, sent you a friend request on Steam.Anony said:if you're offering me steam games, anything is up for grabs
Sure, let me know.Milly79 said:Dr. Dapper with p. Fetti? I'd have to think on it.
Add me on steam and we will talk about it. giancarlo123x (just tell me you want the helm. If you can sell your key and get the metal to skip a step for me id appreciate it)Bakphoon said:
Would be 2 Gold paint (+ Something small like scrap or so) be ok for it?
Or I could give you a key for it but then you would have to add a reclaimed.
Professor Beef said:Thank you Bez for the Vintage Sandvitch. Whenever I am in dire need of health and eat it, I shall think of you.
Oh I'm way ahead of you on that one, don't you worry.Pancakes said:The sandvich is a fantastic addition to the heavy's arsenal. Just make sure you have your back to a wall when you're eating it. Don't want those pesky spies to get easy backstabs.
giancarlo123x said:Add me on steam and we will talk about it. giancarlo123x (just tell me you want the helm. If you can sell your key and get the metal to skip a step for me id appreciate it)
divisionbyzorro said:Okay, let's try this a third time!
I'm selling the following items:
- Strange Ambassador: 2 rec, or literally any hat
- Strange Chargin' Targe: 2 scrap, or anything not currently in my backpack
- Noh Mercy (spy hat): 2.33 ref
- Prairie Heel Biters (engineer misc): 2 ref
divisionbyzorro said:As long as I can use it in the 'craft two hats together' recipe, it works for me.
Bakphoon said:Does "Any hat" include non-craftable ones?![]()
that's pretty much the definition of "craftable hats". loldivisionbyzorro said:As long as I can use it in the 'craft two hats together' recipe, it works for me.
No and infinity dollars.Obsessed said:Do Strange YERs exist? Anyone know how much they would go for?