So, what do you think one could get for a DOTA key?
So, what do you think one could get for a DOTA key?
Are the item servers down? Nothing seems to be dropping tonight...
Finally got my first #30 crate. Traded for a key, opened and...
Haha, a lot better than the mackerel! What are you gonna do? Sell it or play snipy?
no idea, actually. :-/
it's definitely my preferred sniper weapon, as I only played with the regular one because it was Strange. But I might prefer what I can get for it to the weapon itself. It's just took how many weeks just to get 1 #30 drop? Makes it harder to part with because it's relatively rare. All the other Stranges I can think of wanting are regular crate drops that will drop like a rock in value in the next couple of weeks as they become abundant (YEW, Reserve, Soda).
Definitely don't buy any of the new Stranges now. Most of them will end up going for 1-2 rec within a month. Unless you're looking for hats, or would rather have one of the other valuable #30 stranges, I'd just keep it.
How much does a Strange Machina go for?
Added~im willling to buy crates 33 and 34
figured i could take my chances at an unusual and not lose too much if i can sell a lot of the stranges for 1+ refined
I know that the warehouse won't crack down on silly consignments because they make a profit on each listing, but this is just getting out of hand. :lol
How much does one of those slap taunts go for? I really want one, but I don't want to buy it. Something tells me it's going to be silly expensive...
I have an uncraftable Milkman... But I don't want to separate my Polycount sets (I finally just completed all the sets). Do you have a craftable one to trade?
Do you guys think that I would be able to trade everything here for a copy of Saints Row 3 PC?
Trading a craftable Pyromancer's Mask for 1.66 Ref.
I will take you up on that offer. what is your steam name/profile