What is this jukebox business everyone is talking about?
You get access to the soundtracks of previous Tekkens and can set them to stages and other places
ex.If you prefer the Tag 2 online lobby music compared to new stuff you just put it there
What is this jukebox business everyone is talking about?
What cordy is saying is that this time around they actually secured a budget for the DLC, and by having season pass revenue coming in they can support future free updates with that money.
I imagine that some of the free stuff is already done, whether on disc or not.
You should be their PR Coordinator, you're doing a heck of a lot better at calming the masses than they are. lol
What is this jukebox business everyone is talking about?
What are the Pro enhancements like? Just curious, excited for this either way.
This track is definitely gonna replace the default character select music whenever I pick this up.
The PS4 version has a feature where you replace pretty much almost any stage or menu screen with whatever Tekken music you like .
PS4 exclusive content. Has every Tekken song ever. and Let's you replace any menu/stage theme in Tekken 7 with anyone from past games.
You get access to the soundtracks of previous Tekkens and can set them to stages and other places
ex.If you prefer the Tag 2 online lobby music compared to new stuff you just put it there
Music selection in game that can swap out for game modes/stages I think.
This track is definitely gonna replace the default character select music whenever I pick this up.
On a stream, Aris said he talked to someone who has seen it on both regular and Pro and was told regular looks "blurrier" than the Pro. Sounds like a simple resolution bump and that's it
For all the details, we gotta wait for Digital Foundry i guess
What a track. I love classic Tekken music. Is Tekken 2 OST in there as well?
This track is definitely gonna replace the default character select music whenever I pick this up.
Yooo isn't that the intro to Sparking? sick.
Jin's T4 costume is PS4 exclusive? What the fuck? I'd rather not get this on PS4 but I need that costume.
Is the Snoop Dogg music from Tag 2 in the Jukebox? Don't expect it, but that would be awesome.
I asked Harada for advice a few months ago as a newbie to the series.
Ahh, everyone must go through Story first and then get better, huh
This may be an easy answer but if I own every mainline Tekken I will like this?
What I mean is that nothing has changed too drastically from Tekken 6 that would cause me to suddenly hate 7 haha
Customization is pretty bad, but I feel like being able to freely modify the colors is going to help a ton. Just watching the game play I'm seeing a lot of people have pretty decent customs, and most of that is due to the color edit.
This may be an easy answer but if I own every mainline Tekken I will like this?
What I mean is that nothing has changed too drastically from Tekken 6 that would cause me to suddenly hate 7 haha
You get access to the soundtracks of previous Tekkens and can set them to stages and other places
ex.If you prefer the Tag 2 online lobby music compared to new stuff you just put it there
If only the snoop dogg song were in....
If I upload a video it gets mutedbecause I have it early? or does YT just not allow the game's music?
Watching the story on YouTube, everyone speaking their own language just makes me giggle. Wish Namco would have just hired good english voice actors, man Injustice has spoilt us lol. Anyway so far I feel it's not a good replacement for the arcade endings, also felt the same when DOA5 did it.
What did you like about 6? That's what this is pretty much. If you enjoyed the gameplay, characters and graphics? You'll enjoy this game. If you played for the extra modes like Survival, Team Battle, Force and things like that? You might be disappointed.
Me? I mostly stick to Arcade, Practice, the main mode whatever it is in the game (could be Arcade, Story, Scenario, whatever), Ghost (Treasure), Customization and get online and fight people. For someone like me? This game's perfect.
The color edit is a small enhancement that'll do big things. It's interesting how something like that can make a world of difference.
Xbone.Did you capture from the PS4? Some games disable music via PS4 direct capture for licensing reasons.
6 was great gameplay wise minus the bound system sometimes. (let's make juggles longer!)
6 is a little underrated. I remember when it came out people were constantly talking about the graphics and Scenario Campaign's annoying parts but what they didn't talk about much is how solid the gameplay was. Sure Bounds were annoying and all but still the game was solid and they had some nice stages.
I personally was upset about 6's music more than anything since I'm huge on game music. T7 (at least the PS4 version) gives me the option of switching tracks out. T6 on the other hand, I felt that soundtrack was just a downgraded T5/DR.
Struggling with these Rage Drives. How do I perform them? Do I need to press R1 still?
6 was great gameplay wise minus the bound system sometimes. (let's make juggles longer!)
is there any microtransactions ?? and what are the online modes ?? is there a lobby where you can do king of the hill ?