Aris last night on stream was talking about a "tech roll", as far as getting up. How is that performed?
I know that if I'm already on the ground, I can press 1 or d+1 to roll around, but what he was showing was a quick getup that seemed invulnerable and he called it tech roll.
On PC and X1, it seems to be working just fine.Is online working at all??
Yeah PS4 here. Thanks for the heads up. Will try tournament.On PC and X1, it seems to be working just fine.
On PS4, Ranked Match and Casual match is fucked. Connections keep dropping and matchmaking is slow. But private lobbies and tournaments seem to work fine for now.
So far the Dualshocks are pretty goodNew page so will ask again. Anyone got first hand experience of a good fight pad?
On PC and X1, it seems to be working just fine.
On PS4, Ranked Match and Casual match is fucked. Connections keep dropping and matchmaking is slow. But private lobbies and tournaments seem to work fine for now.
Techroll is done by mashing 1 or 3 as you're about to hit the ground. Not all knockdowns however allow for tech rolls.
Mash left or right punch as you're hitting the ground and you'll roll to the left or right side. Gotta be quick on it.
Also, you can tech roll off King's giant swing too with mashing the same left or right punch. Strict timing.
As long as you don't hit the wall first.
Guessing he means Ukemi. Essentially timing forward on the stick the moment you land on the ground to immediately pop back up with a surprise attack(the game has a loading screen tooltip for it also). Timing is tight though. Also he may be referring to something else, just my guess....
Well, I didn't get it because I didn't "pre-order" it, and I bought it digitally.I'm pretty sure Eliza came with digital preorders as well. But I don't know where to look for that.
New page so will ask again. Anyone got first hand experience of a good fight pad?
Good D-pad is my jam.
Commander and Commander 4 seem to be contenders. Pro's and cons from anyone?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks guys! I'll try to practice this tonight. Getting up off the ground, especially at the wall, is really difficult for me. I find myself just mashing buttons in panic mode.
I'm done with you too.Just had an friend of mine actually leave and drive away when I made a comment offhand about King in Tekken 7 while we were playing.
All I said that if King were female, he'd probably just be Lucky Chloe.
Gave me a look, said he's done and walked away.
Just had an friend of mine actually leave and drive away when I made a comment offhand about King in Tekken 7 while we were playing.
All I said that if King were female, he'd probably just be Lucky Chloe.
Gave me a look, said he's done and walked away.
substantial improvement tbh
I can't help but hope that tourney's take advantage of the jukebox mode to give some of the stages with shitty music good replacements.
How do you unlock that costume for her?
Ok so this is the first tekken game I'm putting time into ans frankly one look at King's movelist has left me feeling a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone point me to a good source for beginners? Would someone like Katarina be better to learn the ropes with?
Katarina is definitely easier to learn Tekken with.Ok so this is the first tekken game I'm putting time into ans frankly one look at King's movelist has left me feeling a bit overwhelmed. Can anyone point me to a good source for beginners? Would someone like Katarina be better to learn the ropes with?
How do you unlock that costume for her?
My advice as a King main.
Dont even try.
Pick 2-3 BnBs you like and practice those, as far as his throws go....pick the two advanced grab combos you like and stick with those.
You will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see anyone pull off a Death cradle naturally in a tournament or even casual play...and trying is just going to get your fingers broken.
First, you need to understand what the term "frames" mean in all fighting games. When characters execute moves, it takes a certain amount of time for the move to fully animate which is measured in frames (just like traditional still-picture frames that are drawn to create animated shows or film).Sweet! Well, I guess the thing I'm mostly confused about when it comes to the jargon are the "minus" numbers. I'm guessing it refers to frames but I'm not sure.
For example, someone a few pages back asked this:
"i.e. should should i avoid strings that end with me at -11 on block?"
Can someone translate this question for me or give an example what they mean?
Wew, thank fuck cause I was getting legitimately nervous about hopping online against people who now what they're doing.
Is there a good guide somewhere for terminology? I keep seeing terms like i13 and WR2 and no clue what they mean
My advice as a King main.
Dont even try.
Pick 2-3 BnBs you like and practice those, as far as his throws go....pick the two advanced grab combos you like and stick with those.
You will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever see anyone pull off a Death cradle naturally in a tournament or even casual play...and trying is just going to get your fingers broken.
Another person I recommend for the first poster to watch play Yoshi (T7 and TTT2 matches) is JustFrame James from USA.Korea - Eyemusician, Wujustyle
Japan - Kari, Shouchan
UK - Kaneandtrench (watch various UK finals and last years Globals)
I also main Yoshi (since Tekken 2) so if you have any specific questions hit me up.
The end fight was so good, kinda emotional even for me and I know fuck all about the lore.
In case it gets buried, I made a thread to share Jukebox recs.
Thanks guys! I'll try to practice this tonight. Getting up off the ground, especially at the wall, is really difficult for me. I find myself just mashing buttons in panic mode.
Another person I recommend for the first poster to watch play Yoshi (T7 and TTT2 matches) is JustFrame James from USA.
In fact, for a trickster-styled character like Yoshi, people learning him should watch as many above average videos as possible from even the lessor known name players because there are a ton of little strats here and there you can learn by others instead of solely watching the top few. There is no one way to play him.
Wew, thank fuck cause I was getting legitimately nervous about hopping online against people who now what they're doing.
Is there a good guide somewhere for terminology? I keep seeing terms like i13 and WR2 and no clue what they mean
I actually like Lucky Chloe, and I wish she had better costume options.
I'm doing this to make her bearable. Wish the customisation in this had a bit more depth. Like if a character has a head piece on, I want to be able to change their hair colour.
Just go to practice mode and turn on Display commands, dont even bother with that because after trying to learn GG and BB terminology I gave up because I'm not a mathematician.
Practice what feels organic to you, something simple and then wing it from there. King has a thousand options, but you only need a few for him to really open up.
Had a lot of fun in ranked just now. Matched with this guy that plays Dragunov and I play Lee. I would win a match then he would win the revenge match, then the game would always match us up again and we'd both accept because one of us wanted to show dominance and win both matches. But no we kept adapting to each other and playing differently and learning to block bettter what the other guy was likely to do and we took 1 match each again. We got matched together two more times and played 8 matches and in the end it stayed split. I won 4 and he won 4.
That's when this game feels the best when you and your opponent on an even skill level, I assume it's the same for other fighting games.
But this is the one I've gotten into the most, no matter how hard I banged my head against SFV I couldn't get good at it.
Online is a super smooth experience on PC, very rarely get any noticeable lag.
The game looks so damn great at 4k 60 fps and with chromatic aberration disabled. This will be my fighting game for a long time![]()
I might stick with Katarina. She is pretty easy to handle early on and I now turned her into Cammy as well.
The end fight was so good, kinda emotional even for me and I know fuck all about the lore.
i gotta say, some of the design choice are not great. most of the male characters were made way too brolic, so brolic that their bodies look too big for their heads.
and speaking of this time around looks so weird, and bad. I'm guessing it looks better in the PC version but on the Ps4 version hair don't look good