Can't wait for the high quality mods.
Approaching 900 wins in treasure. Still didn't even get the things I want. Drops are horrible for the most part.
Can't wait for the high quality mods.
Approaching 900 wins in treasure. Still didn't even get the things I want. Drops are horrible for the most part.
Finally getting Josie's WS2,1 combo down pretty good. Now to get it in a match.
Also got initiate rank the same time as I deranked a guy from initiate. Feels good.
tekken is all about punishing your enemies terrible mistakes with juggles. i played ling for a couple months and would say i could probably fare decently in tournaments. (i wouldnt win lol) it just takes practice. josie on the other hand i suck buttchekks with but im interested in learning her.
Yoshi and Nina cosplaying their favorite Disney flick:
Anybody wanna play? PSN. Southern USA.
I've added you.
From the customization thread:
Haha thanks. When I bought the mask, I realized it didn't go with any of the Yoshi-specific body types and then had this idea when going through the tops lol.Lmao, brilliant
Leave Katarina in treasure battle mashing X on turbo. Come back in 2 days for everything unlocked. ��
Well, I think Tekken is kind of what you make it, and that's kind of the beauty. I played endless arcade matches back in the day with my friends, learning through playing. I mean for instance I learned how to break every King throw simply because I was playing against a King player all the time and got sick of that shit. But we were never looking at frame data or worrying about optimal combo damage. But our fundamentals were good and we had competitive fights, it just wasn't about endless juggles or korean backdash or any of that.
But online changed all that because suddenly the Tekken experience I and many people had was vastly different from some dude who is reading TekkenZaibatsu all day. In T6 I got turned off by the crazy wall damage with the bounds system and eventually just stopped playing online, especially with that netcode.
But for some reason T7 is connecting with me and I really want to try to play it at a higher level this time. The practice mode is better in this one, but honestly I've never even wanted to stay in practice mode before. But now I find myself in there for a couple hours at a time. Weird.
And yeah, I played a good Josie the other night, she seems pretty formidable in the right hands.
The WS2 , 1 will not be easy in an online match, it feels like a just frame move or something and requires like near perfect timing @_@. I just kick the bitch on the floor with CDC+3
(even though the juggle potential is there;-;-
I went ahead and made a google spreadsheet for ya'll to share your PSN name, Steam ID, and/or Gamertag to hook up and match against each other like what ForzaGAF does.
Shoutouts to Shortt Sirket for making the original spreadsheet template. I just need to figure out a way to share the link without it being public to all lurkers lol
EDIT : Got it. Quote this post to see the link to the spreadsheet
Can you add me: xinkwi-xkuk
Are you on Steam? It's been happening a lot to me as well. DishearteningWhen I try to play people online I keep getting a "The connection to the opponent has been lost" message. Is it something wrong on my end or is it the games servers?
Haha thanks. When I bought the mask, I realized it didn't go with any of the Yoshi-specific body types and then had this idea when going through the tops lol.
When I try to play people online I keep getting a "The connection to the opponent has been lost" message. Is it something wrong on my end or is it the games servers?
Are you on Steam? It's been happening a lot to me as well. Disheartening![]()
The google spreadsheet i created to add your psn,steam id, gamertags to match make with everyone should be working now. I fixed it on the original post and i'll put the link on this post as well. Quote this post to reveal the link and add your info so people can match up with ya
So I'm liking this game but I have a HUGE pet peeve against it.
Why is backdash cancelling, as it is, still a thing? I can understand a skill ceiling argument but when there's just a huge disparity between control schemes I have to question the design choice of leaving it unchanged. Feels like it'll take weeks or months to get it down on stick meanwhile I'm doing perfect/near-perfect k-dashes on my mechanical keyboard within 5 minutes. It's a lot more comfortable, too. You just hold back the whole time, press down, release, press forward, release and repeat. The left and right cancels eachother out for the neutral input. On stick, I'm finding it difficult to even get the back input on releasing from DB to neutral. Meanwhile, it's as easy as alternating between down and forward with the correct rhythm to get perfect inputs on a keyboard....
If such a basic control scheme undermines k-dashing ability on sticks, where I'm seeing a lot of veterans still doing imperfect inputs on sway characters I think it really should've been tweaked. Need to throw my stick into the trash and get a hitbox, I guess. Seems like there's a stigma in the Tekken community against it but IMO if a valid control scheme undermines a mechanic to that degree, it's the game itself at fault.
Let's not forget the flowers haha. Once I unlock a rose (I think I saw one), I'm using that.I love the detail you put into getting those screens. The stage, Yoshi's NSS, the grab. It's hilarious.
You can add me and pls provide the link again as well so I can add others.
currently running turbo mode on katarina to unlock all the items
so good
Works while ur alt tabbed out too haha
Do you have a link for that ? Google finds nothing![]()
For anyone else, feel free to add me on PSN - leechaolan
Ahh, it said you were playing Treasure Battle when I sent you some invites. xD
2000 wins unlocks everything in the game for you. Go get it tiger!
do you guys eat pizza? Tekken 7 has powerful pizza
Set a turbo controller to spam B/circle endlessly, the CPU is not good at handling that combo. It works, lol.Do you have a link for that ? Google finds nothing![]()
Has this been confirmed somewhere?