Any thoughts on Feng? As a new Tekken player, im doing my best with him so far.
Interesting. Thanks again.
Any links or tips on how to incorporate T7's new systems would be much appreciated. I'm running basic T6/TTT2 bnb combos. I keep seeing mention of tail spins. I'm not sure how they're used or even what moves lead to it etc (again, I'm lazy with practice mode).
And rage drives. Not even sure when to use them or why etc. I wish they came out with a guide =/.
Crazy how far we've gone technically:
Somebody already asked this question and got these replies.Any thoughts on Feng? As a new Tekken player, im doing my best with him so far.
Juggles are easy. Has lots of strong tools. I'd recommend him.
Feng is a good beginner character, he's very fundamental.
In fact, I'll list what are imo the best beginner characters.
slightly harder, but only just:
Y'all need to add "I'm Here Now 7's remix" to both rounds of the Arena stage and watch that stage suddenly become the hypest shit ever. The song can be found in Tekken 7's soundtrack.
yeah but Electric Fountain tho
Good to hear. I feel demoralized after losing in tournaments. Now I can get bodied and learn more frequently.http://eu.tekken.com/#!/en/news/patch-dates-for-tekken-7-on-pc-ps4-xb1
The TEKKEN team is actively working on improving the Tekken 7 game experience for everybody. This is currently our top priority and we appreciate your patience. We will be releasing a number of patches in the coming days:
June 7th: Were releasing a patch for the PC version to improve security and update Denuvo. Its important for us to note that this patch was developed concurrently and did not push back the patches addressing online issues (see below).
End of the week: a PlayStation 4 patch to address online stability including matchmaking issues, and bug fixes, will be released. Well have more detailed info to share soon about this patch.
Next week: a similar patch to the PS4 version will be released on PC and Xbox One to address online stability and bug fixes.
Stay tuned to our official channels for more info shortly, and as always, well keep monitoring the situation and collecting your feedback about Tekken 7. Thank you for playing!
You know, I think I appreciate the one fight character story battles, but I wish there was a cutscene before and after to add more meat since they skimped on proper endings. Couldn't have been that hard to animate their bios.
the bottom has to be the PC version, right? Jin's hair actually looks okay in that shot.
I like his face better in the earlier ones. But gonna be honest and say everything else it looks way better.
Any word on PS4 online fix?
Any word on PS4 online fix?
I'm already using that for G.Corp Helipad at Night. Fits perfectly.
The Arena stage is deserving of a real hype track, and this is the best one I could find.
Anyone else here is a long time Tekken player who just Plateau-ed at a certain level for years?
I went from clueless noob to a "aware" of the game ,but it seems like the next jump in ability is extremely difficult or may never happen.
The online quality doesnt give me hope either.
Anyone else here is a long time Tekken player who just Plateau-ed at a certain level for years?
I went from clueless noob to a "aware" of the game ,but it seems like the next jump in ability is extremely difficult or may never happen.
The online quality doesnt give me hope either.
Anyone else here is a long time Tekken player who just Plateau-ed at a certain level for years?
I went from clueless noob to a "aware" of the game ,but it seems like the next jump in ability is extremely difficult or may never happen.
The online quality doesnt give me hope either.
I love Heihachi, he's my all-time favorite fighting game character, since back when I first saw him with that awesome coat in Tekken 3.
But going online with him, I feel like I have to work a lot harder than some of these newer characters that have super long strings and combos that can go on forever, while I'm just getting a shot or two in while I can, and blocking and backing up constantly. Just trying to get up from the ground feels like a pain sometimes, constantly getting spammed. I win a good amount of the time, but it feels like I'm doing something wrong. Any advice on what to do with Heihachi? I play backup with Bob but I really want to focus on Heister.
I can't korean backdash, tried for a while yeserday. I still just backdash/twitch really slowly lol.
Crazy how far we've gone technically:
Crazy how far we've gone technically:
There's no really good advice for Heihachi. He's one of the hardest characters in Tekken, and being able to constantly pull his 2 1frames are a part of his gameplan. Just pick someone else, there's no easy solution for your issue, sorry.
I can't korean backdash, tried for a while yeserday. I still just backdash/twitch really slowly lol.
I can't korean backdash, tried for a while yeserday. I still just backdash/twitch really slowly lol.
I literally just bought the ki te2 stick lolHitbox makes KBD, BDC, EWGF all super easy and trivial. Maybe that could be an option for you.
Tyty, will try.
So what's the deal with only one stage having floor break? Seems odd for a feature to only exist on one stage.
So what's the deal with only one stage having floor break? Seems odd for a feature to only exist on one stage.
Would you be able to Sunhi-fy someone else's footage? I have a really fun double slo-mo finish vid I captured from an online fight and sharefactory won't do it justice lol.
Now is about the time I am starting to get salty that online is fucked on PS4. That has really gone on for too long now.
Apparently there's a patch coming by the end of this week.
Fingers crossed.
I don't get the Jin hate, I think he looks great and so does his hair.