could never
Yeah, and I thought my basic af akuma combos were slick. This foo is crazyDesk's new video is some godly shit
Yeah, and I thought my basic af akuma combos were slick. This foo is crazyDesk's new video is some godly shit
To be fair, there's a lot of suggestions online (even in this thread) that people should just ignore the lows.
Once again with feeling, "this game needs tutorials"
Anyone else gets Physically tired after playing for a while ?
Maybe I should get smaller a screen ,but eye strain and headaches,mental fatigue are so real in this game.
Always has been in Tekken for me. I could never have long sessions without devolving into complete auto-pilot mode.
Anyone else gets Physically tired after playing for a while ?
Maybe I should get smaller a screen ,but eye strain and headaches,mental fatigue are so real in this game.
Always has been in Tekken for me. I could never have long sessions without devolving into complete auto-pilot mode.
Been playing for 10 hours straight and nothing, but my left thumb really hurts from all the dpad maneuvers.
Try sitting back further away from the screen.
Increasing the distance or getting a smaller screen should help.
Anyone else gets Physically tired after playing for a while ?
Maybe I should get smaller a screen ,but eye strain and headaches,mental fatigue are so real in this game.
Always has been in Tekken for me. I could never have long sessions without devolving into complete auto-pilot mode.
To be fair, there's a lot of suggestions online (even in this thread) that people should just ignore the lows.
Once again with feeling, "this game needs tutorials"
See, I totally can't do that.
I'll try.
I need to improve my stamina to power through those ranked
I'd you're getting eye strain and headache, your tv color profile might not be right. Set color to warm 2 and put your backlight brightness to lowest or check up calibrated settings for your tv at etc.
I'm not sure if im following. I know theres people out there that are frustrated that the game doesnt have in game tutorial. However stuff like 'ignore the lows' and expecting this kind of stuff in a tutorial isn't great advice and not the kind of stuff to teach new players. Sure you can ignore most of it but there's going to be low moves out there to look for because its either free damage on block or avoid putting yourself in a bad situation.
My mistake tbh
But Im a masochist so I continue to use him
I just wanna electric fools
Anyone else gets Physically tired after playing for a while ?
Maybe I should get smaller a screen ,but eye strain and headaches,mental fatigue are so real in this game.
Always has been in Tekken for me. I could never have long sessions without devolving into complete auto-pilot mode.
Anyone else gets Physically tired after playing for a while ?
Maybe I should get smaller a screen ,but eye strain and headaches,mental fatigue are so real in this game.
Always has been in Tekken for me. I could never have long sessions without devolving into complete auto-pilot mode.
I honestly don't think a tutorial would do much, and if anything would cause people to think the game is even more complicated than it already is. Have you actually watched a new player go through the tutorial modes for something like Guilty Gear Xrd or Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution? All they end up doing is intimidate and confuse new players due to just how much information the tutorials dump on people. And even if you get through all of that, they teach the game's mechanics but it still doesn't go into detail on how people should approach an actual match (at best, they go over some advanced techniques but they rarely go into why you do certain options).The original complaint was that most players online are getting caught out by lows. What I'm saying is that it's not totally the fault of players because many people have been saying "don't worry about the lows, just eat that damage", which is overly-simplified, but because there's no official tutorials or guides, and also because this game is so complicated, people take that as gospel and move on to the 50 other mechanics they have to learn.
I've seen many comments in this thread from experienced players to new ones that basically amount to "you suck, get better", or "here, read these 20 guides and watch 500 matches" when these people don't even know how to move properly or defend. I think people who have played Tekken for a long time forget just how much learning this game demands. Aris touched on this some.
The fact that the game doesn't provide tutorials is also a problem because this game can be easy to button mash some characters and get some wins, so new players have the illusion that they've learned how to play when they really haven't at all. So suddenly there's a huge difficulty cliff and they have no idea how to get better. Many get frustrated and stop playing, especially with comments like "git gud". The condescending attitude is not unique to Tekken, it's part of the whole FGC, but I also think it's part of the reason why fighting games have become such a niche genre.
The fact that Tekken Team did so much in 7 to attract new players, but then failed to help them progress through the game's mechanics is really baffling.
Why is ranked matchmaking like this? Why doesn't it just search until you find someone... 9/10 times when you select someone from the list it can't connect and takes a few seconds to reload the list. Really baffling. The fights themselves are really smooth with 4-5 bars, but the matchmaking is awful. On PC btw.
There's a patch coming soon for the PC and X1 version that helps improve the machmaking.Why is ranked matchmaking like this? Why doesn't it just search until you find someone... 9/10 times when you select someone from the list it can't connect and takes a few seconds to reload the list. Really baffling. The fights themselves are really smooth with 4-5 bars, but the matchmaking is awful. On PC btw.
We need a Tekken 7 version of this.
60+ matches until 2k. Hype!
Get some lobbies in tonight if people are in.
That's what warm-up is. Also the match list has been temporarily removed in the latest patch, I don't think PC has that one yet.
Depends on the night honeslty. There are days where I'll go in about 10 matches and just end it right there. Other nights it's like 50+ matches. Having FFXIV Stormblood out next week to play isn't help much either.
They live by the DORYA and they die by the DORYA.BnBs
Then lists 3 electrics in a row
This is why Mishima players are crazy
My new favorite BnB for Kazuya: EWGF > EWGF > EWGF for a quick easy 50dmg. I can land it 98% of the time. The first 2 I can do 100% but sometimes the timing for the last one is off by a frame and the opponent lands first.
Just got the Platinum Trophy lol.
😏Yeah I prefer Kazumi on stick. Like how she feels
Calling that a BnB will scare off all aspiring Kazuya players lol
If you can land that 98% of the time, then you can land his real BnB 100% of the time which only requires one EWGF (as the launcher). It does more damage and it provides great wall carry.
EWGF ; 3,1,4 ; df1,4 ; dash forward ; df1,4
You can also do the same combo after a counter hit df2 or a ws2 as the launcher instead
They live by the DORYA and they die by the DORYA.
They live by the DORYA and they die by the DORYA.
I can do that combo as well as most of the other combos that start with ewgf. They usually net 54-59dmg. Its just more fun to do the ewgfx3 even for less dmg. I know ita kinda demoralizing to the other player
When I play Kazuya, I don't even continue a juggle if I do a regular godfist. I just let them fall.
The only time I earn juggle damage is when I DORYA.
Mishima players are beyond help
Give up free dmg because no DORYA
I honestly don't think a tutorial would do much, and if anything would cause people to think the game is even more complicated than it already is. Have you actually watched a new player go through the tutorial modes for something like Guilty Gear Xrd or Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution? All they end up doing is intimidate and confuse new players due to just how much information the tutorials dump on people. And even if you get through all of that, they teach the game's mechanics but it still doesn't go into detail on how people should approach an actual match (at best, they go over some advanced techniques but they rarely go into why you do certain options).
To be fair, the people with this mentality tend to be Kazuya players
Devil Jin players are happy with free juggle after hellsweep
Heihachi players get their electric spamming ducked all the time cuz he has weak lows so they just spam db2 and twin pistons all day
To be fair, the people with this mentality tend to be Kazuya players
Devil Jin players are happy with free juggle after hellsweep
Heihachi players get their electric spamming ducked all the time cuz he has weak lows so they just spam db2 and twin pistons all day
I know a certain Gaffer aiming for this daily
Man this game needs a tutorial.