Seriously, is ANYONE playing this on Xbox One?
Of course not. Did you expect them to?
Seriously, is ANYONE playing this on Xbox One?
Of course not. Did you expect them to?
This story mode is a mess. It feels like it was a mess and they decided to tie the pretty cutscenes they got around some lame boring journalist. Oh and Akuma is there.
This story mode is a mess. It feels like it was a mess and they decided to tie the pretty cutscenes they got around some lame boring journalist. Oh and Akuma is there.
Seriously, is ANYONE playing this on Xbox One?
What really annoys me is that they sacrificed ps4 Pc crossplay for those 3 Xbox players that decided to get the game.
Was just playing online on PC with my DS4, won 2 rounds, then controller randomly disconnects, despite it still actually being on. What the fuck? Alt-tabbed to check DS4windows, restarted it, then I couldn't get back into the game. Absolute bullshit.
Was just playing online on PC with my DS4, won 2 rounds, then controller randomly disconnects, despite it still actually being on. What the fuck? Alt-tabbed to check DS4windows, restarted it, then I couldn't get back into the game. Absolute bullshit.
Um Leo... where did your legs go buddy? D:
I use it for the extra functions, like dimming the light and adjusting some button functions (e.g. using the right and left areas of the touchpad to act as start and select buttons).correct me if im wrong but since this game supports direct input, you dont need DS4windows to play with a DS4
Two questions. How do I escape throws? I see people get out of mine, but I can't figure it out. Is it a button press or just guarding at the right time?
Also what's the button combo for the armored move to break through pressure? I forget what's it's called. Is it the same for everyone or does each character have their own unique sequence for it?
What really annoys me is that they sacrificed ps4 Pc crossplay for those 3 Xbox players that decided to get the game.
Could have been a Double Feature with Blood Vengeance tbh.
Was just playing online on PC with my DS4, won 2 rounds, then controller randomly disconnects, despite it still actually being on. What the fuck? Alt-tabbed to check DS4windows, restarted it, then I couldn't get back into the game. Absolute bullshit.
Um Leo... where did your legs go buddy? D:
I am!Seriously, is ANYONE playing this on Xbox One?
Throw breaks are hitting throw yourself at the time you are grabbed.
Throw breaks are hitting throw yourself at the time you are grabbed.
Does it have to correspond to the throw they use? If they 1+3 throw, would me pressing 2+4 escape?
Throw breaks are dependent on the arm used to grab you. Hit LP to break grabs that start with their left arm, RP to break grabs that start with their right arm, and LP+RP for grabs that start with both arms. Yes, you need to watch the animation. They did make the timing window more lenient compared to T6 and TTT2, but you can't just mash the inputs as it only allows one input during the throw break window. However, the standard LP+LK and RP+RK grabs can be broken by hitting LP or RP (regardless of which one they did), and this matters as a number of characters don't have many grabs beyond that.Two questions. How do I escape throws? I see people get out of mine, but I can't figure it out. Is it a button press or just guarding at the right time?
Also what's the button combo for the armored move to break through pressure? I forget what's it's called. Is it the same for everyone or does each character have their own unique sequence for it?
That's not true.
Yes it is. Can't do crossplay for p2p games on pc xbox ps4. If there was no xbox version we'd have pc ps4 crossplay.
Xbox version is gonna sell like shit, so I don't think that was worth sacrificing the crossplay.
Throw breaks are dependent on the arm used to grab you. Hit LP to break grabs that start with their left arm, RP to break grabs that start with their right arm, and LP+RP for grabs that start with both arms. Yes, you need to watch the animation. They did make the timing window more lenient compared to T6 and TTT2, but you can't just mash the inputs as it only allows one input during the throw break window. However, the standard LP+LK and RP+RK grabs can be broken by hitting LP or RP (regardless of which one they did), and this matters as a number of characters don't have many grabs beyond that.
(There are some special exceptions to this rule, like several of King's throw break inputs not matching the animation at all, but that's another matter.)
The moves with armor (power crushes) are not universal -- you'll need to look up the characters movelist in order to find out which one(s) have that property.
No. You break 1+3 and 2+4 throws with 1 or 2.
Yes it is. Can't do crossplay for p2p games on pc xbox ps4. If there was no xbox version we'd have pc ps4 crossplay.
Xbox version is gonna sell like shit, so I don't think that was worth sacrificing the crossplay.
Is anyone else playing on PS4 experiencing connection issues? I can't connect to a single match. I wait for players or try joining and am told the connection was lost.
The health cost one was the one I was referring to. Thanks for the advice. I never tried to main him because of his health risk moves. Is his suicide to risky to use?Same way I play Blanka - like a mad man
His spin? He has a few, back square is really fast (can be good for interrupting a hit before it lands on you) and brings you close to the other character for a throw or to keep a combo going like after a launch (eg down/forward triangle).
The other spins (back and circle or X) speed out of the way if you think you're going to be attacked, you can end up in a better position than if you blocked - often on their side or behind them. You go into the foreground or background like a side-step at speed but it cost you life. Careful when you're low on healthDied twice by mistake yesterday after doing that.
Then he's got the other spins with triangle and one I like a lot is the sweeping one (down/back + x (x, x, x,)) real nice, followed with a circle medium height hit.
Yes it is. Can't do crossplay for p2p games on pc xbox ps4. If there was no xbox version we'd have pc ps4 crossplay.
Xbox version is gonna sell like shit, so I don't think that was worth sacrificing the crossplay.
JackAny character suggestions for someone who usually likes to play defensively and focus on pokes?
This is good to hear, I was afraid I would have to do some frame perfect input mirroring to get out of it. Thanks.
Of course not. Did you expect them to?
Any character suggestions for someone who usually likes to play defensively and focus on pokes?