Played so much today my left thumb feels so numb.
The online and matchmaking is too fucked up for me to enjoy this. I don't mind getting beat, but I dislike going into a beginner tournament where it's all beginners and one guy -- still listed as a beginner, somehow, even though it shows he's won a ton of tournaments -- just perfects everyone. That's not fun and you don't get any better as a player.
I just fought a guy that had won multiple tournaments ... and it showed he's had a single win. Yep, somehow he's able to win all these tournaments by beating a single person. No wonder the matching is screwed.
no need to repeat 3-0ing noobs, i've got bigger fish to fry. Someone furiously sending me invites and proceeding to start shit talking amuses the hell out of me.
In story? Just god fist for juggles you recover fast and can sidestep and punish
Eliza's ass is actually kind of amazing, couldn't help but notice.
I was watching Floe last night and is he godlike with electrics or do they just macro the thing to one button lol
It's basic etiquette to run someone back if you win and they ask for it.
As for calling people noobs? Grow up.
Here's my AsukaC'mon gaf.
Show me some sweet Asuka customizations
Playing in New Zealand on PS4 and after three days I still haven't been able to get a single online match of any kind. Is there some kind of issue I'm not aware of? Is it my region? Is just nobody playing? Seems really weird.
I hope you love it!!! For me it's amazing so far.
Is there a list of tweaks for PC visuals / performance?
I know exactly how you feeI. It truly feels like I lost because I got outplayed, not because of any bullshit.Tekken, the FG that when I lose I am not salty lol. Fucking bizare, I actually have fun and itch to get back in the fight.
It's a widespread issue on PS4. Tournaments work for some people, everything else is still borked on PS4.
It's a widespread issue on PS4. Tournaments work for some people, everything else is still borked on PS4.
I'm so relaxed too, it's really bizarre. In SFV, MKX and injustice 2 all games I am very used to and quite (imo) good ish at... I'm stressin, nervous sweating lol I don't feel overly happy or relaxed when I play despite liking those games a lot.I know exactly how you feeI. It truly feels like I lost because I got outplayed, not because of any bullshit.
made this yesterday
jk gyaru asuka
She the only one with a booty. The age of booty continues
I just finished the story mode and ifif they indeed kill heihachi for good then I am going to be really sad about it. after telling his story, it seems he was the only one that is not evil. wtf
If y'all are looking for a good track to replace the garbage tracks in G.Corp Helipad(Night) then look no further than Karma from Tekken 6.
made this yesterday
jk gyaru asuka
If y'all are looking for a good track to replace the garbage tracks in G.Corp Helipad(Night) then look no further than Karma from Tekken 6.
You hear that sound, like high fiving a door!
you forgot about someone
Just because he had reasons doesn't make him not a horrible guy, it just made his motives a bit more understandable.
But out of the 3. he seems to be the only one that is normal. also from my understanding Jin is still a good guy and planning to kill him self or get killed by someone when he kill his father.
Still the dude was from Tekken 1. killing him is really stupid. here is hope he didn't die from the volcano . or comes back as a devil him self or something. the drama needs to continue. we didn't ask for this :/
*Starts making stereotypical hand gestures*Man, this story is absolutely crazy in the sense that a old Japanese man, a blonde woman who speaks English, and some anime man from France can speak three entirely different languages and follow each other exactly.
Like, when in the world would Heihachi have the time to learn other languages?
But I digress; haven't tried online to see if it got fixed yet, but I'm still making it through story mode and some Treasure Battle. Katarina is too good, but I'm starting to check out the other characters. Holy fuck, Master Raven seems pretty cool
The ending of this game is the exact same as Tekken 1 and the upcoming Jin v Kazuya plot they've done twice before, so I wouldn't worry about Heihachi not coming back.
Tekken, the FG that when I lose I am not salty lol. Fucking bizare, I actually have fun and itch to get back in the fight.