Missed the retort?
But character names are showed on the match loading screen.
Missed the retort?
Wasn't a retort, guys. Just a miscommunication.
If you dress Ryu in a rainbow gi and give him black dredlocks is it still Ryu? It would be damn funny though and amusing. That's all I'm trying to say... I do feel like I've beat this horse too much . Time for the old man to retire.
Yeah, screw newbies and people who don't play often...Regardless, that scenario only occurs with Mokujin and people who are new to the game. When you have played enough Tekken you can tell who it is via stance fairly quickly.
This is true.My initial point was some stances are vague and when players start skipping intro poses and playing footsies, you can't immediately tell.
Ummm yes?
If you dress in white shirt instead of yesterdays blue one, you stop being yourself?
Yeah, screw newbies and people who don't play often...
My initial point was some stances are vague and when players start skipping intro poses and playing footsies, you can't immediately tell.
Do you know Ryu at all?
Let's not do any blasphemous things to our characters, guise.
My grandma screamed: "Blasphemy! Filth!" when she saw bare chested Ryu in SF4. So I don't know.
Shit already happened I guess.
Taking one's shirt off is a surely a sign of flashy arrogance. Form follows function.
Do you know Ryu at all?
How dare they dress like this. Completely ruins what they are.
It's okay, I like your ramblings Caesar.
Are we sure this is online/competitive?But you see the name of the character right before the match begins. Recognizing characters has never been a problem for me.
Edit: Damn it GrayFox. Beaten by half an hour, lol.
Edit 2: It's cool, though, moonsault. I kind of see what you mean.
Are we sure this is online/competitive?
Well that pic ain't haha. I must be blind then.Yes.
You forgot to complain about the crush system, bounding, walls, larger buffer windows, hop kick superiority and side walking.
Those all take presidence over costumes in the elitist handbook.
Well that pic ain't haha. I must be blind then.
Someone message Harada about a Universal Soldier Dolph Lundgren custom outfit for BryanIt's okay I know how this is. One day I didn't wear my lucky Dolph Lundgren T-shirt and I forgot my karate skills just like that! *snaps finger* I needed my karate that day, badly.
Yeah, screw newbies and people who don't play often...
I decided to see for myself. Like how the fuck did I ever miss that lmao.
I was just joking too. I think I got fooled only once so I wasnt necessarily speaking for me but felt it made sense competitively speaking.Because clearly that's what I was implying. Good lord. :lol
It's okay I know how this is. One day I didn't wear my lucky Dolph Lundgren T-shirt and I forgot my karate skills just like that! *snaps finger* I needed my karate that day, badly.
I don't mind any of that. I think risk reward on launchers are way to high and it completely breaks the entire game.
oh, so you like every single one of them #NinaSuxAlways been a fan of Nina's prostitute outfit.
Thats what I meant with hopkick superiority and the crush system. It's a common complaint.
So just so we're straight on this: you don't enjoy Tekken anymore and you're here to complain about it?
I'd like to complain about how they changed the sound effects on King's throws and the visual affect on Kuma's claws in Tekken 3.
Is there a T3 thread or should I make one?
My biggest cocern is not knowing who I'm fighting immediately. When you take away character names and their looks, you need to wait until you get a glimpse of the intro pose before they skip it, their stance that can sometimes be vague or a move you recognize when it's too late. That is dog shit. If my job as a member of the secondary of a football team is too cover #81, I'm going to have a hard time finding him if he starts wearing a different number and I need to rely on his movements.
MY EYEEEEEEEEES. Dear God if I come across someone wearing that online. (ends around 13:30)
but wtf @ that other guy's steve costume
oh no you di'ent.oh, so you like every single one of them #NinaSux
I'd like to complain about how they changed the sound effects on King's throws and the visual affect on Kuma's claws in Tekken 3.
Is there a T3 thread or should I make one?
oh, so you like every single one of them #NinaSux
oh no you di'ent.
I was going to post this before I started playing some T6 just because its so awesome.
well, looks like I stand corrected
since I forgot about Anna.
So much Death By Degrees art...
Nina looks hideous in that game.
which makes me ask what characters are slight references to pop icons?
Stop being delusional.
Bob is definitely based off Sammo Hung.
On top of being a shitty game Namco couldn't even get the eye-candy aspect of DbD right. Nina looks like she needs to lay off the meth. Then again for once her appearance matches her personality.
^^^^^What a bitch! I don't understand how anyone can like Nina aside from how high she usually is in the tiers.
Also this scene. I mean really now this is just plain awful.
Wayang Kulit - No change
Also, made a mistake. The Max Anarchy track goes under Philippines stage. Netherlands definitely has no change to it.
You can thank Degen for this....