Read posts up above, lol.MoonsaultSlayer said:Any word on the hybrid tracklist?
Read posts up above, lol.MoonsaultSlayer said:Any word on the hybrid tracklist?
AAK said:Tasty Steve... even surpasses Aris's commentary!
Isn't that ttt2's tracklist? Hybrid is a collection of ttt and ttt2 tracks on 2 separate discs.Sayah said:Read posts up above, lol.
MoonsaultSlayer said:Isn't that ttt2's tracklist? Hybrid is a collection of ttt and ttt2 tracks on 2 separate discs.
Gunloc said:Interview with Harada. He talks about how unpopular he perceives Jun(?!?) and Kunimitsu to be based on... data from Tekken 2 arcade cabinets and "marketing research". >_>
Personally, I'm really getting tired of his market research excuses and going off data that is crazy old. It's the same old TTT excuse just in a new package. And no offense to these characters, but I'm sure people were just begging for Jinpachi and True Ogre, so his popularity claims don't seem to really ring true. (And to build rosters purely on popularity is never a good idea, especially since characters that have been out of the spotlight for a while don't have any avenue to build their status.)
Skip to 6:00 to hear his comments about the characters.
Kunimitsu sample model made by someone.Flying Wonkey said:Jun's usage data on TTT2 seems to be dropping too.... Hmmm I thought she was so requested?Asuka buffs might have something to do with it......
I get why he'd put T. Ogre over Kuni though, since T. Ogre was a really popular character to use bytierwh0resfolks while Kuni was pretty weak back in TTT1 days. Wonder how long T. Ogre lasts since he apparently is lacking in TTT2.
Jinpachi is the oddball here but he realllllly looks like fun to play atm.
but yeah basing roster decisions on usage data seems kinda flimsy nowadays since TTT2 isn't really as accessible to every player right now. I think there was an older interview where he said more characters might appear in the console versions so I guess thats the next shot unless character updates are coming through the machines. Jaycee looks to really pave a subtle path for Michelle's inclusion.
Perhaps. We already got so many tag fighters releasing before TKXSF (UMvC3, SFxTK and TTT2)._dementia said:I wonder why they might be wary of tag battle? Risk of market saturation?
Sayah said:Kunimitsu sample model made by someone.
I would like her to return with a brand new moveset.
Checked Harada's twitter after a long time. Nothing too useful so far besides....
That would work.Sayah said:
Sayah said:Kunimitsu sample model made by someone.
I would like her to return with a brand new moveset.
Seriously, what the fuck.MightyKAC said:I would play the SHIT out of a futuristic cyber-ninja Kunimitsu.
Flying Wonkey said:Dear lord I had the pleasure of reading that conversation between that Jun fan that sent in a rant video on why Jun can't stick around and Harada. Harada sounded like he wanted to murder the guy lol. Must feel bad to be a casual Jun fan with some sour apples floating around.
Oh, and a new LUYG video is up. Steve Fox this time.
Sayah said:Wasn't following any gaming news too closely during the DR days. And Xiayou on a cross!!!!!!!!!!
And AAK, Lili = best cosplay.[IMG]
Chances of Kunimitsu are more likely though. She MUST be in the console versions.[/QUOTE]
Hahahaha, I dunno, I think I just have a fetish with tropical colors, and then I look at her hair and texture of the apparal....:S.
And [URL=""]EWGFridays is online[/URL]! With Aris commentating on his own play. Pretty funny.
_dementia said:Welcome back Rolento!
RelentlessRolento said:I'm back ^_^
For those wondering it was a temo ban, but good things came from it.
my time away from GAF I found the local Shoryuken group of people to play and they have roughly one to two other Tekken players. I'm super rusty, and I'm not happy with how I currently play, but that's why I need to play people.
Flying Wonkey said:Damn, so late for this! Some guy made a tag code for Tekken 6 PSP.
Cwcheat and PSP version of the game required.
RelentlessRolento said:I'm back ^_^
For those wondering it was a temo ban, but good things came from it.
my time away from GAF I found the local Shoryuken group of people to play and they have roughly one to two other Tekken players. I'm super rusty, and I'm not happy with how I currently play, but that's why I need to play people.
AAK said:Really Really, bad news guys. My laptop currently stopped working. I think it got fried. And all the material I had for the massive update to the OP was all in it. I hope I can find a way to recover everything.
What's even worse is that it had a project I was doing for a grad level class due on wednesday.... Now I have to start over :/ BACKUP your files people!!!!!!
Welcome back Brother!And true Offline Tekken is the best Tekken. I too can't wait for the TTT2 Prologue.
It comes the same day as KOFXIII as well, going to be damn expensive for me
Lime from said:some techniques may work well for others and some may don't but ima gona share you what made me really get that multiple iws+1 to work...
what buttons i press... qcf~uf then press 1... it's separate, i don't press uf and 1 together... it's to avoid doing uf+1 instead... well at least it gives me small chance of failing and doing uf+1
i tried pressing uf and 1 before... play a lot with it... though it works, it sort of got me more uf+1 mistakes compared to pressing uf and 1 differently...
btw, you execute it fast... i'll explain later...
so here's my "note to self" whenever i do multiple iws+1
1st, when you execute the first quick qcf~uf 1, not qcf~uf1... count 1 2
...while you do that count 1 2... and after 2 go back to 1... and make sure you execute the iws+1 fast... leaving you nothing to press with "2"
e.g. 1 [qcf~uf 1] 2, 1[iws+1] 2, 1[iws+1] 2
if that doesn't work for you i have another one...
when nina does iws+1, she lifts her left arm right?... and she positions her legs in a way it sort of dashes to the front...
at first... she opens her leg and closes it, after she lifts her arms, so she can position herself back to her fighting stance. That open-close legs thing makes her dash a bit
so the cue is, after you did your first iws+1, watch her legs, and when she closes her legs, that's the time you do the next quick iws+1
count the opening and closing of her legs into "1 2", and you get better results combing those 2 tips i mentioned up there
WeaponX from said:just do qcf+1 fast and let go quick. you'll get the ws+1. like when you really execute her qcf+1 move but you messed up and she does ws+1 instead. that's becaue you did it to fast and didn't hold foward. do that in the juggle.
Mastapopo said:Took me about 2 days of practice to figure out how to do this, but I noticed you have a lot of time to do the 2nd iws+1. For what it's worth, I watch nina's arms (providing you are playing on a lagless TV) when she uncrosses them, I wait a split second and do the next input.
Mr. Kula said:So here's the deal,
the uf+1 version is easier because you don't have to wait to do the ws+1, you just input d to uf+1 right away without going to neutral. The downside is if you do it too fast it'll become uf+1, or if you're too excited sometimes the uf doesn't register and it'll become qcf+1.. and it kinda kills your thumb on pad.
the qcf version is harder because you have to perfectly time the ws+1 from qcf.
but tried both of them and they work.
ps: on df+3,2 ssr ws+1 juggle, delaying your first ws+1 makes them connect easier since it'll make you closer with the opponents feet.
Weapon X said:i've done the qcf~uf+1 and it does work but not as much as I expected. It really puts me on a rush to execute that, which ends up u/f+1 most of the time. So I decided to drop mawt gawps method and tried my own method.
What I do now is d, d/f, release 1. I get a better flow that way and it avoids doing qcf+1 or u/f+1.
oh btw. to have a good start after jap combo (d/f+3, 2, ssr+1, ~f+1) that ~f+1 must come out very soon. the sooner the better because they float higher. that means more time for you to input the second one. last night i was able to be consistent at it. I tried it out again today and I keep messing up again. once you keep doing it, it'll become natural. I do d, d/f, release 1 for the !ws+1 for now. it's easier in my opinnion.
Post your experience.MarkMan said:From my pickup post...
Things are about to get extreme this weekend...
jett said:Is TTT HD 3D too?
I think it's 5 nowawwyeahgurrl said:So is it still only 4 characters that are playable in the TT2 demo, or has that changed at all?