EXTREMELY quick and dirty:Could someone make me a Dragunov avy with him wearing a Samborero please? I wanna join in on the hype.
EXTREMELY quick and dirty:![]()
Fight Lab's narrative conceit is unobtrusive and rather cute. Combot, Lee/Violet’s clumsy robot that temporarily assumed Mokujin's duties in Tekken 4, is back for another round of learning to fight. Mechanically this was accomplished by hitting high, medium, and low points with their corresponding attacks, a technique that was further intensified when said points started shifting around and/or exploding. While that was merely a taste of mechanical input, the contextual rewards were better explained, Basically, Combot will function as the long desired "create a fighter" and the player will be able to attain development points and unlock moves from Tekken's wide range of fighters. Said moves can then be custom tailored to your personal Combot and employed as selectable character in versus mode.
=(Speaking of information, both Harada and Namco were shy about revealing additional characters for the home release. New characters were mentioned, however exactly zero hints were given as to their identity.
Upcoming fighter Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will not feature paid-for DLC locked onto the retail disc, Tekken series producer Katsuhiro Harada confirmed at Namco Bandai's Global Gamers Day event in Las Vegas.
When asked about the recent controversy surrounding Capcom's decision to include an eye-watering amount of DLC on Street Fighter x Tekken's disc - unlockeable for a fee - Harada re-iterated his long-held commitment to providing all content up-front in order to preserve the chess-like nature of the character combat interaction, and the purity of the competitive fighting scene.
"Tekken's never really done that before and charged for it, however we did have an [unlock] system in Tekken one to five," he explained to Eurogamer in an interview.
"The character locks were like that - we never took money for it but the concept itself was there. I think really the players' opinions and the heated discussion is whether you charge for it or not."
While stressing that he could only speculate on the reasons for Capcom's DLC strategy, Harada felt that much of the reasoning for including the content on the disc may have concerned the demands of online gaming, and the need to transfer data promptly between those who own the DLC, and those who don't.
While no paid-for character content will be locked out for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, those who pre-order will enjoy early access to certain characters, but only for a limited period of time before the content is made available - for free - to all players.
While not ruling out the potential for paid DLC in the future, such purchases would be limited to cosmetic fan-service requests, rather than unique characters or balance-breaking combat sets.
"There are some strange people on Twitter asking for really peculiar items like bikini swimsuits - and obviously we didn't have that in our original development plan! So if we were going to do that, we'd have to create that without the [original] budget, and we'd have to charge a little bit for those items," Harada said.
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is scheduled for release in September this year.
Taking charge of the Combot character, players progress through a Fight Lab storyline that sees combat knowledge acquired by the mechanical warrior via a series of mini-games. The team has taken inspiration from the popularity of the Tekken Bowl mode that featured in earlier editions of the series in order to teach the finer techniques of Tekken to newcomers - and offer a route to personal customisation for both veterans and novices alike.
By presenting the core mechanics of the game as a series of missions that involve side-stepping flying objects or carefully executing aerial juggles, Harada hopes to remove the barriers of entry for those intimidated by the hardcore fighter series.
Ugh.Progress through the Fight Lab section also lets players apply cosmetic upgrades to their Combot, as well as incorporate favoured moves from other famous characters in the game in order to build a unique character. Once customised and developed, players can use this unique character to battle through both the single-player campaign, and the online matchmaking component of the game.
The set-up is this: Violet (the alter-ego of Lee Chaolan) brings back his Combot project, but an unfortunate accident leaves him having to start from scratch with a prototype model. The player is then tasked with teaching the Combot prototype how to fight—the catch being, of course, that doing so is actually teaching the players themselves how to fight.
One example he gives is learning how to side-step as a dodge. Typically, you’d be asked to side-step a move performed by a CPU opponent, which would result in either a “pass” or “fail” being doled out. What if, instead, you were playing the role of a young bear who is having sushi thrown at him? The bear has to dodge out of the way of the sushi as a mini game—which, of course, would give the player a chance to perfect their side-stepping skills.
Another example from Harada is Tekken Ball. What if we bring Ganryu into the picture, and have players try to perform aerial juggles on him. The more Ganryu is juggled, the more his size inflates—until he finally explodes if the player is successful in pulling off a long enough string of juggles. A little gruesome, sure, but another example of how learning gameplay elements can be offered to players in a more enjoyable and easily understood package.
“We think [Tag Tournament 2] is so unique that if we were to put out Tekken 7, for example, and it only had one versus one, we might get a lot of people out there who ask us why not use the previous format, where you can do two on one, two on two, and one on one? So, we’re not sure, but this could become the standard [for Tekken].”
We get in a few questions at the end of our time with Harada, and one of the other editors there in the room asks about Tekken Tag Tournament 2‘s netcode. Harada points out that the previous fighter from Namco Bandai—Soul Calibur V—had netcode that was very well received by fans, so something very similar will be in place for Tag 2.
I guess I'm too late LOL:
Argh.. no hints of the new fighters in the trailer
Also, licensed music doesn't suit Tekken.
I can definitely make one with that... or would you prefer I wait until the matching artists come out?
As for the overall avatar thing for the TTT2 OP... here's just roughly 50% of what I'm working on![]()
EWGF is the least of my worries...
Imagine a character with Bruce's b+2, Nina's WS+1, King's GS and iSW, Bryan's b+1 & Taunt, Christie's RLX, Jin's Parry, Yoshimitsu's f,f+4 and FC,d/f+1, Jack's FC,d/b+1 & Tombstone, Baek's flamingo sidestep, Alisa's backdash, and Miguel's d/f+1??? And all of those above still leave room for Kazuya's CD game...
Yeah, I don't think Harada is that insane. There has to be a balance or some kind of ranking of all the individual moves.
EWGF is the least of my worries...
Imagine a character with Bruce's b+2, Nina's WS+1, King's GS and iSW, Bryan's b+1 & Taunt, Christie's RLX, Jin's Parry, Yoshimitsu's f,f+4 and FC,d/f+1, Jack's FC,d/b+1 & Tombstone, Baek's flamingo sidestep, Alisa's backdash, and Miguel's d/f+1??? And all of those above still leave room for Kazuya's CD game...
Yeah, I don't think Harada is that insane. There has to be a balance or some kind of ranking of all the individual moves.
@Sayah- Ah cool.
Not gonna get my hopes up too much about the 'additional' characters, since they'll prob. be pallete swaps...unless we get a surprise SF CHARACTER =O OR BETTER YETCould someone make me a Dragunov avy with him wearing a Samborero please? I wanna join in on the hype.GON!
I was expecting character reveals from the trailer but I guess we'll have to wait till E3 or something.
I also hope that's not the official boxart. Heihachi is double the size of Jin.......and it's too black and white.
It's perspective. Hei is just closer to the "camera"
YES.About Tag mode in subsequent Tekkens
“We think [Tag Tournament 2] is so unique that if we were to put out Tekken 7, for example, and it only had one versus one, we might get a lot of people out there who ask us why not use the previous format, where you can do two on one, two on two, and one on one? So, we’re not sure, but this could become the standard [for Tekken].”
I like you.Ling's been my main (off and on) for years in Tekken. Ling's superior version will come soon. Her SFxT version is just ass however she does look pretty killer in that Chun Alpha outfit.
Edit: Oh yeah, AAK. Fix that main page logo!
I surely think Harada is thinking of the Combot issue online.You'll be able to pit your customised Combot against other players online. "Currently we hope to be able to use them in Arcade mode and online play," says Harada. "Obviously there's a problem with ranked matches, but other than that we hope to have other modes available."
This actually sounds like the "button mashing" sequence in the 'Fight Lab' trailer.One of the first minigames lets you to pull of complex attacks and combos by tapping any button successively; the aim here is to teach players the importance of basic timing. After this prologue sequence, Violet/Lee accidentally destroys the Combot, and you start again with a new unit - and full controls.
Gon might not return but I think it's funny how Harada uses him as an example anyway. "Trolling" the fans? =p Maybe a hint?Another suggested idea is a Juggling tutorial where players must hit Gon up into the air and then keep him afloat with successive strikes. With each successful hit Gon expands like a beachball, until he eventually pops.
Garage would be hilarious if it made a return. No doubt matches would look like a game of pinball
Airport Stage.
Touch and Go.