Nobi's reactions were just too good!

Does Dungeon Fighter Online count?
Nobi's reactions were just too good!
I'm down for a little while if you're gonna be on soon.Oh and tonight some time, I'm up for some games! T6! SFxT!
Movement is everything.Just bought Tekken 6 in prep for Tag. Boy am I bad at this game. Gonna take some time to learn block timing and combos/set-ups, but I'm enjoying it! Been trying to learn my buttons and strings with Lili. Feels weird to play Tekken on an Arcade stick after spending so much of my childhood on a Playstation controller, but I like it so far!
.Movement is everything.
Movement is everything.
And I haven't tried out sticks myself but I think the general consensus is that Tekken plays better with pad.
Thanks for the advice guys, greatly greatly greatly appreciated. Played at a friends house on a pad yesterday night and the movement did feel more fluid. So I think I'll play around with both and see how i feel in a week or 2
and why do I keep dropping my Jack-6 combo (singular)
I think one problem is that I'm not satisfied without going for two u+1+2's in a row. We go straight to Hard difficulty with characters we barely know. gaf warriors.
Apparently everything works the same way, just more efficiently. I figure that if you mean to block low, you're either pressing back/down on this thing or you aren't. No accidents.Looks sick! Mostly all my gaming is dedicated to fighters so it would be worth it if I was playing 360 exclusively. Although I am curious how qcf/qcb attacks would be performed and differentiated from d/b, d/f attacks since each directional input is an individual button. Would a person just slide the thumb on the buttons the same way its done on a d-pad?
I never had an issue with the durability of that silver controller, but its D-pad wasn't that much better than the regular one.Magnet link for next Busters episode!
As for that controller, I'd say get some impressions from people that have actually bought it. People thought the transformable dpad for Xbox was going to be a godsend but it was so brittle.
Apparently everything works the same way, just more efficiently. I figure that if you mean to block low, you're either pressing back/down on this thing or you aren't. No accidents.
The funny thing is that I don't even have a 360; I just buy 360 pads for local play at the moment
("at the moment" meaning for the past, like, year and a half)