New Tekken for 3DS is on the way?
What do you think guys?
Interesting. The first 3DS game was lacking in content so if they can make this content heavy, then I'm sure this can turn out great.
New Tekken for 3DS is on the way?
What do you think guys?
I know what you mean, playing on stick really does make movement a pain especially online. Backdash cancel into block? No, the system still reads that I'm backdashing and I'll eat the attack since I hastily repeated the input because of the lag! Same thing with sidestepping, sometimes I don't see the sidestep come out and I repeat but then the system reads it as a jump, and hence resulting in me tearing numerous strnads of hair out of my head.
Interesting. The first 3DS game was lacking in content so if they can make this content heavy, then I'm sure this can turn out great.
New Tekken for 3DS is on the way?
What do you think guys?
Ah, I was wondering why it felt so frustrating doing simple moves with a stick. So is the game better suited to a controller then? And why is that considering the game came out in arcades first, which is obviously defaulted to a stick.
I find the fact that TxSF's console is listed TBA more surprising than another Tekken 3DS! Probably a next gen title?
There was once upon a time where the arcade cabinets had ports for dual shock pads. I suppose ever since Tekken lost the sony exclusivity they got rid of it? But hence, there's a market of people that play it at the arcades in Japan/Korea and they take advantage of it. Also, stick does have s ome advantages for players that require to wave dash like Mishima's, King's, etc. But hence for everything else, pad sufficiently does the job and is easier overall.
I don't think it has to do with the graphics as much. I'm no networking expert but from what I understand is that every given moment one player sends packets of data to the other over the internet. Those packets of data contain everything from the input, to the state stun of the player, the running or walking state, the counter hit state, the crouching or grounded state, etc, etc. Because tekken has an astronomical amount of different types of states any given player can be in at a given time, these packets of data need to contain all of that data. Because that piece of data is so massive Tekken lags so much more than other fighting games despite investing so much into the netcode.
Hence because these "packets" are already even larger in TTT2 considering there are 2 characters per team this time, my fears aren't subdued yet.
They're both fine. Go with whatever you prefer and find more comfortable. It's a general consensus that movement is easier on a pad, but not necessarily for everyone. Everyone has their preferences. Despite finding movement easier on pad I continue to play on stick because I find it integral to AKing's crouch dash mixups.
One thing is for sure though.... Pad is definitely more convenient to use being less bulky and noisy.
EDIT: And just because I find stick better for crouch dash character doesn't mean others don't. Italy's Devil Kazuya has some really solid Mishima play for being a pad player:
Wave dashing in Tekken is x100000 harder than in SFxT Lol. SFXT is just the first f,n,d,d/f and then into qcf,qcf,qcf,qcf repeatedly. In Tekken you have to get the neutral for every wavedash. And hence because of that there's so much variation in the level of wavedashing people can do. Give me a sec. I'll show you some examples.
EDIT: It's hard to find good examples...
but here is masterful wavedashing:
Just watch the whole set. The way Main st Ryu simply wavedashes forward completely shutting out whatever his opponent has is mesmerizing.
And finding a mediocre wavedashing... the best I could find with the limited time:
The first guy playing attempts to wavedash here and there but it's no where to the level of video above. Others can probably give you better examples![]()
Degen said:and now I won't be happy until I get Matrix Agent Bryan in the next game
8. Will the ability to replace character art on the select screen with 2D illustrations as in the arcades be ported over to consoles?
もちろん。 家庭用で追加するキャラクターの絵も追加しておくよ!
Of course! We even added illustrations for characters that are new to the console version!
We have included very appealing illustrations for people who have not seen them!
9. With Tekken's traditional plethora of content, is it likely that those with previous games (Tekken Hybrid, for example) will be rewarded for franchise loyalty in Tag 2?
As of now I can not say anything.
Of course I want to add an incentive for those who purchase TEKKEN.
I am currently thinking of a way to reward players, especially for those who pre-order the game. Even if someone is only 1% interested, I would definitely recommend pre-ordering TEKKEN Tag Tournament 2.
13. What countries are the new stages going to be based on?
Many different countries! The new stages have been created with a deep consideration of each countries area and image.
17. How far is Namco going with extra features? Will we see a campaign mode as in Mortal Kombat 9, or is the Fight Lab the extent of the additional game modes?
追加のモードに関して、どのくらいのレベルまでナムコは考えているのでしょうか?モータルコンバット9でのキャンペーンモードのようなものはあるのでしょうか?それともFight Labが追加のゲームモードとして扱われているのでしょうか?
Fight Labはもちろん追加のゲームモードのひとつだ。
Of course the fight lab is one of the extra modes we added.
We also made each of the anticipated characters ending movies long and elaborate.
There is also a mode we have not revealed yet.
Above all else, when players hear the number of players and stages we added, they will be so surprised that they will be out of words a at the volume we have included in this game.
Whichever way you look at it, this is quite a bargain.
12. Can you tell us anything about replay mode or record functionality in Training mode? Will recordings be able to be exported to YouTube or in .mp4 format, for example?
I will answer this another time.
But I always thought Jin/Kazuya were supposed to be the entry characters that most people would be familiar with, since they are always the main featured characters in the game and box art.
Direct from my email box! Some of the questions provided by TekkenGAF!
Sorry, that's all I'm willing to provide - I need the rest of this info!
Will the ability to replace character art on the select screen with 2D illustrations (Like in the arcades) be ported over to the console versions?
EDIT: Also, will owning Tekken Hybrid carry over any rewards or goodies to the TTT2 console version?
Nice! My questions:
1. When can we expect to see new character reveals? E3? Maybe sooner?
2. The new stages in the console version are mentioned to be locations based in certain countries? Which countries are they?
3. When does he plan on releasing footage for TKXSF?
Can you ask how far Namco is going with the extras? Will it have a campaign mode that can rival MK9, or have a cool extra like Tekken 5 Devil's Within.
Also can you ask if they are considering adding one or two SF characters as a tease for TXSF?
1. Where on the select screen are they going to shove in all the new characters? The screen already is filled to the brim along with the stage select screen. Will there be a completely new select screen at console release?
2. With the console exclusive characters, have you taken the competitive scene in arcades and tournaments into consideration? Like for instance will tournaments have to resort to banning console exclusive characters since arcade communities will not be able to get match-up experience against said characters for instance.
3. Can we play local vs mode with both players having separate customizations? In Tekken 6, you could customize player 1 but the second player was stuck with default costumes. Hopeful to alleviate that issue?
4. Will there be separate ranks for Offline and Online or will this be identical to Tekken 6? (Offline only to 1st Dan and the rest online only) People like to rank up all the way to Tekken God and Divine Fist without having to go online ya know.
5. Any hints at what the other 'yet to be revealed' characters might be? Can we finally see Kunimitsu and Michelle again? Or will some choices come out of nowhere like Shin Kamiya. (wussy)
6. We've seen light blue, solid green and dark blue fading into white colors for the life bars. Can we get a color slider for this already? (or confirmation on the thing)
7. Since we're 'borrowing' SC5's netcode can we also expect other bells and whistles similiar to SC5? Like the chat screen lobbies and such.
8. Will Replay Mode be expanded? We had a pretty 'meh' one in Tekken 6 can we expect improvements on the thing? How about exporting replays to .mp4 formats for instance?
9. Training mode, can we get the 'record function' back again? Community misses it badly.
10. PC Port plz.
If you can ask him these
1- When will we learn of the 'extra characters' for the console ver.?
2- Seeing as the game has 1v1, can we play Team Battle with 1v1?
3- Will visual presentation gain some sacrifices in the PS3 ver.?
Can we make lobbies in online mode that ban Combot?
What is the resolution of TTT2, is it still sub-HD as T6 and Prologue?
How many teams does Namco have working on Tekken? Who is responsible for updating the Arcade, Tekken WiiU, TTT2 Console, Tekken x Street Fighter?
1. Will it be easier to unlock customization items this time around? Will we still have to buy different color versions of the same item separately?
2. Any chances of seeing a special edition for the game? What could it include?
I want to know if Combot will be banned in online ranked matches..........or at least let there be a method for filtering out any Combot players.
Edit: oh, also, I want to know if there's a way for filtering out matches to only play 2v2, for instance. I want to play ranked matches with a tag team but don't want to be forced to have to face someone using only one character. Or at least the game should let us know ahead of time that the opponent is using a solo character so we can just reject the match before it begins.
Thats why I'm using Lars. But I always thought Jin/Kazuya were supposed to be the entry characters that most people would be familiar with, since they are always the main featured characters in the game and box art.
And these people suffer for it. Jin doesnt have much of a wavedashing emphasis like other mishimas but hes pretty much all Defense and poking which as an entry character is a turnoff. Kazuya is a mishima so hes advanced character from the start. A true entry character would be...Paul. Get people enticed through that glorious deathfist.
Direct from my email box! Some of the questions provided by TekkenGAF!
Sorry, that's all I'm willing to provide - I need the rest of this info!
Oh wow, THANKS! When can we hear the rest of the interview!
EDIT: And I dug up all the questions TekkenGAF asked:
Maximum $90 IMO.
But something tells me NA will get something different. For Tekken 6 I believe Europe got the Hoodie deal exclusively, maybe that's the equivalent of this WAT deal?
As for DOA, I might plunge when it's cheaper, I'm thinking of getting into Anarchy Reigns as my other 3D fighting game. Also, I'm going to buy VF5 just to support it, $15 is an awesome deal for it. After that I'll be tackling TTT2, VF5, SFxT, Anarchy Reigns, Skullgirls, and KOF13 simultaneously. Honestly no room for more.
And wow, completely forgot about that Anarchy Reigns game. Probably won't buy that till it drops to $20, though. Also depends on reviews.
So nominees for best fighter this year (so far):
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (WINNNNNAR)
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown
Street Fighter X Tekken
Anarchy Reigns
Dead or Alive 5
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition [
Reality Fighters (LOOOOOSER lol)
I didn't really intend to order it from high to low. I just thought of Tekken 3D and Blazblue later and edited them in towards the end. But still, nice coincident that the ordering closely matched your actual ranking of the games, hahaha.All I did was move Anarchy Reigns over Skullgirls and made Tekken 3D a little less of a loser and the list is ordered the way I like it![]()
So really it's between TTT2 and Girl Fight TBQHSo nominees for best fighter this year (so far):
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (WINNNNNAR) - we're already done here
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown - so it's like vf5 with a patch right
Street Fighter X Tekken
Skullgirls - props to this game. hate the art style but the gameplay is solid
Dead or Alive 5 - we'll see if it has more than "new graphics" going for it
Anarchy Reigns - this counts? i guess so. may have to buy it just for that
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale - no third-party characters, no deal
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend - so they're all like calamity trigger with a patch right
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition (LOOOOOSER lol) - i'll take Sayah's word for it lol
I didn't really intend to order it from high to low. I just thought of Tekken 3D and Blazblue later and edited them in towards the end. But still, nice coincident that the ordering closely matched your actual ranking of the games, hahaha.![]()
yeah i didnt think you ordered them that way
anywho, I think SFxT gets too much beef. I expect people to fall in love with it post Evo once high level play is thrown around more.
So really it's between TTT2 and Girl Fight TBQH
So nominees for best fighter this year (so far):
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (WINNNNNAR) 1st place
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown I'll look into it but I dunno if it's my kind of game, when did VF5 come out like 5 years?
Street Fighter X Tekken Nope
Skullgirls Good gameplay wasted on horrible characters
Dead or Alive 5 Never liked doa
Anarchy Reigns Good netcode, gets 3rd place from me
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Not coming this year, no way
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend imitating capcom the worst way, nty
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition (LOOOOOSER lol)'s tekken on the go so I guess thats something
So nominees for best fighter this year (so far):
Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown Not that experienced in the series but will definitely support Sega with this.
Street Fighter X Tekken As already said, love-hate.
Skullgirls Have yet to try it.
Dead or Alive 5 LOOKS so amazing
Anarchy Reigns Waiting for price drop.
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Interesting.....If it has Smash bros. level of fun, I'll definitely be buying. But something tells me Sony will fail because they always fail when they copy Nintendo.
Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend Could never get into Blazblue.
Tekken 3D: Prime Edition (LOOOOOSER lol) Probably should have had more content
If I like VF then that'll be 2nd place from me. Anarchy is fail by default because bayonettas in it but if it has good netcode then it's 3rd place.
I'll pass comments as well, I guess.
You don't like Bayonetta's cheesy acting? lol
yeah i didnt think you ordered them that way
anywho, I think SFxT gets too much beef. I expect people to fall in love with it post Evo once high level play is thrown around more.
SCV is great guys, I don't know why the fuck nobody plays it here.
With EVO forcing only 2v2's only and with other locals now following suit, I think the final nail in the coffin might already have been dealt.
Btw, are there any Tekken 6/TTT2 streams on Twitch?
With EVO forcing only 2v2's only and with other locals now following suit, I think the final nail in the coffin might already have been
I dont know. I'm mostly excited at this idea. I posted a thread months back discussing the difference in dynamics of if team play was present at tournament level fighting. I like individuals fighting but love the notions of teams.
I'll be at Evo looking forward to it, anyone else goin?
Ya I've been following avoidingthepuddle for a little while now, but aris doesn't seem to be very active in streaming recently, probably for the reasons you mentioned. Is that the only t6 stream though? Considering tekken is the most popular fgc franchise in the world, I would have thought there would be a more active streaming community even though no one in NA really plays it that much.
Oh man. I forgot about P4A and SCV. That makes 10-11 fighters. Have there ever been SO many quality fighters released in a single year?The lack of a mention for Persona 4 Arena saddens me. Honestly these next few months are gonna be intense. June Is VF5FS and Lollipop Chainsaw. July Is Anarchy Reigns. August is Persona 4 Arena. September is TTT2 of course! and DOA5. October is Resident Evil 6. All that on top of still needing to purchase SCV, Skull Girls, and SFxT(will probably get once "dlc" characters are available.) Not to mention I'm still in love with UMvC3 and still barely scratching the surface of KOFXIII.
Long story short, its an insane year for fighters and other games too haha. In the end I think TTT2(for sure) and P4 Arena will end up being my main games.
Oh and great news about the illustrations. Let's see what Shuna Yamashita has in store for Angel, Kuni, and Michelle.
AAK with dat front page status on zaibatsu =)