I wouldn't mind a third Williams character aka Heather Williams.I'd just like to dedicate this victory over Sayah's Nina to all the wild animals of the jungle
and wrestlers
edit: but why are there two williamses
I wouldn't mind a third Williams character aka Heather Williams.I'd just like to dedicate this victory over Sayah's Nina to all the wild animals of the jungle
and wrestlers
edit: but why are there two williamses
Oh, good timing for me to get home.
Do I already have you added on PSN? Playing games right now.
My PSN is SD_Burton. Add me when you can.
I like how Julia put Asuka halfway through the glass floor in Gargoyle's Perch. Never knew you could do that.
And reinvite plz.
I like how Julia put Asuka halfway through the glass floor in Gargoyle's Perch. Never knew you could do that.
And reinvite plz.
Its her item move actually
Gonna get some games in with CcrooK. Good matches all!
You did me wrong on that last one!
Gonna hit the sack but good games CcrooK!![]()
It's in preparation for all those Snoop Dogg stages to play on.
Man, some of those matches were some nail biters at the end. It was nice to play against someone with a green bar for a change. Meaning TTT2 games are going to be hype. Will have to get some games in tomorrow. I need to be less stylish with Ling. lol
Haha serious man. The other matches were mostly orange with the occasional yellow. I had to do a double take when I saw the green bar for our matches. But yeah some of those matches were really down to the wire. We'll definitely get some games in tomorrow. I don't know why but tonight I was going crazy with Asuka's f+2, so dumb. :lol
i fade em
run it
i fade em
i need dat
I'm sorry it's unintentional... I just mash x until the game starts. It's completely unconscious, I swear!
Interesting, Degen taking the ball and going home to end Sayah's trillion game win streak.
EDIT: NVM he does it legitimately![]()
Unbelievable, stop amazing me Harada.
Twitter from Harada. So it seems like if you buy the game new, others who have an account on your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 can play online as well, so no need to buy another OnlinePass. That's what I get from that tweet anyway.Yes. PS3 & XBOX360 multiple user account. Don't worry!!!!! RT@TwinElbows buy TTT2 new copy, can multiple user accounts access online on PS3
As we knew already. From GameFanMag interview yesterday by the way.“I’m not saying all paid DLC is bad,” he added. “And even for Tekken we do have plans for some paid DLC. We’ve had a lot people out there say they want to see the movies from past installments or soundtracks. Although they might own the originals, it’s more convenient if they can do it on their PS3 or 360. So for those kind of additional download content, we will most likely charge for.”
It's dat High Rollers Club. I'm telling you. :lol
Edit: And I know you like Snoop, Crook. Don't take my stuff seriously.![]()
I know you guys have said everyone who pre-order the 'We Are Tekken' edition gets everything but I'm still worried. I just went to pre-order it at my GameStop here in Denmark and they say I'll get the usual stuff (soundtrack, remix, artbook, behind the scenes and metal case) but also that I'll get Ancient Ogre and Kunimitsu.
I don't understand how I'll be able to get Michelle Chang (which is the character I want) and Angel at day 1 when they are the only place who sell the 'We Are Tekken' edition here in Denmark... =/
And they say the price is $170...
What's the price there in your places? I'm seriously thinking that the pricetag of my GameStop is a placeholder. The other day, the guy said it's a placeholder but the girl here were unsure so she just guessed that's the final price as we are close to release.
I mean, I don't want the We Are Tekken edition if the 2 characters come with the standard edition as well, which is the case here. So confused.
Twitter from Harada. So it seems like if you buy the game new, others who have an account on your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 can play online as well, so no need to buy another OnlinePass. That's what I get from that tweet anyway.
As we knew already. From GameFanMag interview yesterday by the way.
I could be wrong BUT, what if those 2 dlc characters were part of the bundle regardless of pre-order but all 4 are still pre-order bonuses? Like say a month after release, they still had the we are tekken bundle behind the counter and you decided to pick it up, the codes for the 2 characters would be in there.Oh, so I'll change my pre-order to the standard edition if I get DLC characters, swimsuit and Snoop Dog stage day 1 anyway.
It's gonna be interesting to see if I get everything at launch.![]()
any other gaffers currently here in Osaka for the Exhibition/Tournament in Namco Tekken Museum Arcade? Fun times today and tomorrow!
edit: and Anastacio, 72 in Finland for We are Tekken.
Re-bought Tekken 6 and didn't realize I deleted my save-file.
Yeah all there really is to unlock is that awful campaign crap but....I did it again.
Now to have nightmares about nightmare trains.
Gonna focus on learning Anna as much as possible for TTT2. Dunno who to partner her with...maybe Lee.
Also re-bought Tekken Tag 1 for laughs.
More EXCERRENT news!!!!Twitter from Harada. So it seems like if you buy the game new, others who have an account on your PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 can play online as well, so no need to buy another OnlinePass. That's what I get from that tweet anyway.
Yeah, it says here, even for the Danish one, that pre-orderer will get the Snoop Dog stage at least:
But it doesn't list the characters, bikinis or any of that. Try go to the Danish one and then the American one.
Just hopped online and was rusty as shit myself. Not that I'm ever great but I forgot moves and combos and such. Won 1 out of 4 or 5 matches.Got back into Tekken 6. Figured I better get back into shape before Tag. Oh man I rusted like an old Cadillac. Couldn't even do ewgf. And I changed my position back to p1 side. I played 100% better on p2 side for the last 2 years or so. Not anymore. Wtf.
Spent most of the time relearning Leo in training. Feels good man.
Just hopped online and was rusty as shit myself. Not that I'm ever great but I forgot moves and combos and such. Won 1 out of 4 or 5 matches.
You know. That whole snoop/music video experience and playing TEKKEN with the guys was actually fun
Posted up some random news on sdtekken.com![]()
It's possible to play Tekken and other fighting games as simple button mashers. Do you think the style needs to change or evolve in the future to keep the genre alive?
Fighting games that you can button mash and enjoy are good fighting games. It’s your first experience with a fighting game, you don’t know how to play it, but you’re mashing the buttons and you get a good reaction from that, or even win, and it means it’s exciting because you feel the taste of winning. Not everyone is a hardcore tournament player. Seventy percent are just your average player who wants to beat their brother, or their friend, or whoever. So button mashing is very important for having them see that it’s fun, [but] those people, if they continue to be interested in the game, will eventually run into someone they’ll never be able to beat by just button mashing. So they will make the effort to learn how to play. It’s important that they at least feel that they have the chance of winning. If they feel that they can’t beat someone, they’re not even going to try the game at all. There are actually characters in the game designed with that in mind. Those elements are left in the game on purpose because it’s necessary as a whole.
We do get a lot of backlash from hardcore or high level players, but if they stepped into my shoes as a game developer and think of what’s good overall for the whole series, maybe they’ll start to realise that it isn’t such a bad thing.
There is a divide between what makes a game really successful in the competitive scene versus at home. For instance, Street Fighter X Tekken - some in the competitive scene might think of it as a failure, but it reviewed really well as a home console game. What elements are important for a game to work in a competitive capacity?
It’s interesting because the evaluation depends on the group, whether it’s the hardcore or just your average gamer, and it can be very different. You took the example of Street Fighter X Tekken, and if you just wanted to satisfy the core fans – the tournament going crowd – there are only a few elements that you really need to focus on. One of them is balanced characters, another is tech/skill – technique and controls. Another is knowledge of the game – if you know the game well you’ll be able to succeed and beat your opponent – and another is quick reflexes. If you make a game where if you’re good at all these elements, where you’ll win consistently as a high level player, that group would highly rate that game. That doesn’t mean it will be popular among the mass, though. Ono-san feels the same, as does the Virtual Fighting team. The game needs to give players the sense that they can beat the higher-level players at least some of the time. It’s a game, so it has got to be entertaining. It’s actually easier to make a game that just appeals to hardcore fans because you know exactly what you need to put in it.
As far as partners, Nina is probably a good choice thanks to the specialized tag throw and secret combo she has with Anna but she requires a lot of time to learn.