(Have a PS3 but online isn't working right and no arcade stick)
Kinda OT, but I'm curious about this since the same thing happened to a friend of mine. What exactly happened in your case? My friend says his PS3 just doesn't recognize the connection, is it the same thing with you? Wondering if this is a common or isolated occurrence.
Lucky Americans
Is the same. Are moving in order to be the same there too basic for the initial award, such as is under discussion. Contents of the disc and downloadable versions of Tekken TAG2 RT @ gito_abura is exactly the same?
This time the mechanism has been provided to meet the requests of such kind. Please look forward to further news. BGM is not impressive stages of Angkor Wat through Tekken series RT @ is_this_zombie, the possibility of using the new statement as BGM in Tekken TAG2 Are there any?
"But as far if there’s pressure or not, maybe there might be. I don’t really receive anything directly because I’ve always made it clear that Tekken, if you take each installment, it’s always been very profitable for Namco Bandai. There’s no other title in our company that can really compare to Tekken. So if any of the executives or higher ups has a problem with this business plan, I make it very clear, that well “Are there any other titles that sell more than Tekken that do paid DLC?” And if Tekken had a lower profitability then other titles, then ok I might think about changing my business model. But as long as I’m making a very profitable game I don’t see any reason to change the way I make it." - Harada.
Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for Part 2 of our interview as Harada talks Tag 2 on the Wii U, Namco Bandai developing the next Smash Bros. and much more.
Lucky Americans
Damn, all of that shit for the pre-order?Lucky Americans
Anastacio and itzknickknac
train with us psn beasts in t6 and you may just have what it takes to join Neogaf TTT2 New World Order Anti-Williams Clan
(name not final)
Lucky Americans
So if there would be old soundtracks to buy, which would you buy?
Me Tekken 2 and 4 plus Tekken 4 announcer.
If we are talking about past themes for tekken tunes then Estrada da Estrela is a must!
The original is far better imo.
That one is godlike too.
Thanks AAK, just a heads up though since saving screenshots is in I'll be changing the av to something different once the game is out. Hoping for a good shot of Jun's face from that ending where the Kazama's and Mishima's are at the dinner table =) Or maybe a shot of one of Angel's special illustrations. But anyways this av will do great until then, thanks again.
I hope that art gallery is just the we are tekken artbook in digital form. That will make be feel a lot better.
If we are talking about past themes for tekken tunes then Estrada da Estrela is a must!
What the hell is this? LOL
Oh man I cannot wait for this game!
The dinner scene is somewhere in this trailer.
Edit: Watch from 2:01.
Also, the Japan Tekken channel just updated with a bunch of 40 second videos. Check here.
Edit 2: Oh yes, Holland and the other stages finally have their own separate higher quality youtube video. No need to view it in Namco Gamer Day stream anymore.![]()
Holland stage music is going to end up being the best track from TTT2. Definitely gonna my choice for wall less stage training.
The dinner scene is somewhere in this trailer.
Edit: Watch from 2:01.
Also, the Japan Tekken channel just updated with a bunch of 40 second videos. Check here.
Edit 2: Oh yes, Holland and the other stages finally have their own separate higher quality youtube video. No need to view it in Namco Gamer Day stream anymore.![]()
Oh my god hahahaha!
Yeah, I just realized I put up the wrong link. It's fixed now. But you still found it from their youtube channel so that's good.![]()
Anyone up for creating a room tonight to get some matches in T6?
Can you guys add me, preferably all of you Tekken champs and newcomers alike.
Platform: PlayStation 3
Tag: Anastacio
Country/Region: Denmark, Europe
I'm reading the OP again, so many mechanics...
Nothing good comes out of fighting the CPU. Human players for life.I've never read or heard anything about that, but I personally try to avoid fighting the cpu as much as possible
Tekken's cpu only gets hit when it decides not to auto-block or auto-dodge, or when it auto-counters your move with the wrong move
YepIt's to help sell a non FG fan on the game.
Urgent. Is there any indication that you can play online with a pal against the cpu?
I am. I heard the netcode was better, but have yet to experience that for myself.
Which system? I have both.
Skillzilla81 on either.
Haha. I don't want any corporate kiss-assing. I'm not one to socially play a fighter online and him not being a fan at all, the competitive scene isn't going to win him over. But if he and I were able to work together and he can fight at his own pace against AI, he may come around.
Does anyone know of a website that sells T6 for cheap? I've checked the Buy/Sell thread on NeoGAF with no luck and resort to Gamestop/Amazon last. Is anyone willing to sell/trade their T6 copy?
RT @FalahULTRACHAOS sorry katsuhiro harada Online pass is such HORRIBLE Everybody Really Hate ONLINE PASS they are not going to buy!!!!
Harada: HUH?? You have misunderstanding completely. When you purchase a new TTT2. You will get FREE pass and It works for the MULTI ACCOUNT of a console(PS3 or 360). Even if brother or sister account is separate, you do NOT need to buy TTT2 of two copies. Remember, it is NOT extra charge system and not paid DLC. Just account activation system. It's simple "Just buy one new TTT2".
Are there any problems?
Or are you going to buy "used" one?
Almost all fans buy the new one, and I know that they have said, "It's no problem at all."
What your problem? I think you don't want play TTT2 or You want to buy just "used(Pre-owned)". right ? no?
Yeah I was confused at first, but then I saw your edited post saying that they just uploaded a couple 40 sec vids.
Can't wait to see how that ending plays out.
It's either Holland or Heavenly Garden that will be my pick for wall less training. For walls it's either going to be Spain or France.
I have the girl power poster. I'll take a pic of it tomorrow. It's double sided sweetness.
For wall stages, I will go with Arena, Brazil, Strategic Space and Bountiful Sea.