I wasted so much money on this today.
Lee impressions:
Mist Flash (new move) df+3+4
It's a kick that looks like ff+4 but left kick and with spin. Pretty sure they mashed in animation frames from ff+3 and ff+4. Is stationary, doesn't move character an inch. Looks cool.
d,db+4(blazing kick)
ws+2,3 is back to T6 version

I only connected with ff+3 but it was super hard!
After fc, uf+4(somersault) and doing ws+2,3 it was possible to continue juggle.
Even if ws+2 whiffs and 3 hits on normal or ch opponent still flips and flies away out of range.
Only plus it gives big frame advantage and pretty high wall splat near wall.
Maybe dudes with better and faster execution can connect jabs after this?
D+4,4,4,4 is more useless then ever.
Forth 4 is always blocked even if previous 4,4,4 hit. Opponent can even invincible after third 4. No need to block.
wr+3,4 still gives (fake) bound. If first 3 was whiffed or blocked the 4 follow up still gives bound on hit.
Of course the move only splats if opponent is already airborne.
Old ff+1+2 is now f+1+2
Revolution Zwei notation changed to df+1+2,3
1,2,4 may not be natural combo. Dude blocked 4 when I hit him with 1,2,4. Hope I just held 4 a frame too long. This would be retarded nerf.
ub+3 send opponent flying low(no juggle), ch has the old techable sitdown stun.
Mist step works as always. Mist step wall carry combos work.
Gameplay impressions:
I played tones of Tag2 Lee and lately I leveled up with him. I came with the same mindset to Revo Lee.
They kinda fucked him up

Blazing kick is critical but before you scream broken let me tell you this:
They changed juggle properties after it hits. Usually you go UF+4 the delayed damaging hop kick then just 1,2 f mist step or b+2 f mist step etc.
You can't do it easy here. After the delayed(floating) hopkick opponent falls further away and out of range of jabs. It's still possible to combo with 1,2 but you have to hit with hopkick at specific high(and there are like 3-4 hight levels where hopkick will make opponent fall differently) or you have to be really blazing fast with dash jabs.
It's bit easier to hit with b+1,1~f mist step cancel after hopkick then 1,2.
After blazing kick you can still use 4,u3 then 1,2 mist step for big damage but 4,u3 must hit opponent perfectly high. Still feels easier then hopkick combo lol.
To minimize risk I recommend ff+4 instead of hopkick, makes for easy 1,2 or b+2 mist step combo after it.
Yeah you can wall carry with him like before but damage scaling hits him hard so wall combos after long wall carry took away like 4 pixels of health.
df+3+4 has kinda bad notation. About 3 times opponent was running at me with a jump kick so I did df+3+4 and... Lee goes into hitman and gets kicked in the face.
Playing him like in Tag2 gave me a series of loses. I had to buy reset drink and take away all points from Jin to beef up Lee because he did no damage. Still gave me loses.
Mist step mixups, b+4 traps etc. You can throw in the thrash. The retarded invincibles just make Tag2/T6 Lee playstyle almost absolute.
I got so pissed.
Then I understood how they want me to play Revo Lee...
Hold to your chairs.
f+2,1 and ff+3
This is all you need to play and win with Revolution Lee.
ff+3 is like deathfist now but better. I'm not kidding. When I beefed Lee from Jin resources to 111 power and 80 vigor. Ch critical ff+3 took 48-49% of my opponent's health bar. This is at 111 imagine 200.
f+2,1 is no worse. Probably best punish next to ewgf but 100 times easier to use. Punishes so much shit with such ease it's ridiculous. It's critical, ch hits most of the time. Does 35-40% and above damage.
I'm not joking around.
It's like the game told me: "Dude, why are you doing all this fancy useless shit when one hit with f+2,1 and ff+3 is all you need".
And it's true.
I turned on Retard Lee Mode and guess what? Started winning with those 2 moves.
So yeah I'm disappointed. It's not all bad but they did everything to dumb down Lee to those 2 moves. Fancy juggles still look cool but then you see half of opponent's health bar gone from ff+3 and ask: "What was the point again?"
As far as general feel goes I think they've changed some frames of moves here and there but I can't tell you for sure. Can't count frames. Some stuff feels slower, some faster by a tiny margin. General damage feels lower. 3,3 definitely doesn't kill anymore etc.
I'd rather have Lee beefed up from all sides by a little bit then nerfed in almost everything but 2 moves that are made godly

Quick Christe impressions:
Annoying as fuck.
Some criticals:
4~3(?) (double leg sweep)
f+3+4(?) the forward cartwheel everyone does on downed opponent.
Sorry I'm guessing notations, don't use her. ><
Still juggles like crazy tough.
She felt more dangerous to fight against then in Tag2. More frame advantage maybe.
Edit:Game has new menu music!