If you got the game early the least you can do is run a stream so the rest of us poor schlebs can watch.
edit:He just stop streaming
If you got the game early the least you can do is run a stream so the rest of us poor schlebs can watch.
I really hope my local Gamestop is doing a midnight launch.
-is block a sperate button or just back?
-will any of my skill transfer?
-in sf x tk i played as kazuya quite a but, will he play similar?
-what characters would you recomend for a Ken player in TTT2?
-lastly, what can expect from this game?
Im a huge fighter fan, street fighter mostly.
But ive never really liked 3d fighters. I hated soul caliber 5.
But this looks awesome, so a couple questions:
-will any of my skill transfer?
-is block a sperate button or just back?
-in sf x tk i played as kazuya quite a but, will he play similar?
-what characters would you recomend for a Ken player in TTT2?
-lastly, what can expect from this game?
Im a huge fighter fan, street fighter mostly.
But ive never really liked 3d fighters. I hated soul caliber 5.
But this looks awesome, so a couple questions:
-will any of my skill transfer?
-is block a sperate button or just back?
-in sf x tk i played as kazuya quite a but, will he play similar?
-what characters would you recomend for a Ken player in TTT2?
-lastly, what can expect from this game?
How are the Mishimas to learn? If I remember correctly they're meant to be quite technical to get a grasp of.
Also, Angel seems as if she'll be in the A/A+ tier since most of her moves are derived from Mishima characters while she also has moves of her own so if anybody is curious about her she seems like a safe bet for the moment if I'm understanding it correctly.
Dem flips.
Awwww shit here we go!
-in sf x tk i played as kazuya quite a but, will he play similar?
You'll know the notations of some strings and you might be able to ewgf. Nothing else will be similar.
TEKKEN is very unique, the most important one that would carry over from any fighting game is a good sense of spacing. Movement in TEKKEN is a big more difficult than most fighting games, so if you're not comfortable with dashing to create space you can always start off by blocking(holding back) and going from there.
I would go as far to say that no one in SFXTK plays like a TEKKEN character or how they should be played competitively. This game plays completely different.
How do you play Ken? Are you flowchart style? Do you fireball trap? Do you like to air tatsu and hope for hits?
Take everything you know about 2D fighters and throw it away, this game is on a 3D plane and the thing you should focus on is learning how to block, then learn how to move. Combos/juggles and offense is something that can be learned from watching videos/matches online. The most important thing to focus on at first is blocking.
What to expect from this game? You'll get out of it, what you put into it. That I can guarantee.
Thank god i can hold back to block XD
I literally could not learn how to block with a button lol
To answer the question about what im good at, i would say footsies and combos. Also the inputs im very good at, i rarely mess up an input. However im terrible at inputs that require a neutral possition on the stick.
With ken yes i use air tatsus alot, i rarely fireball trap, and im quite aggresive.
EDIT: are there supers?
How's ancient ogre compared to TTT1? Planning to run heihachi/ogre
No supers. Just tag combos and a rage system.
and if you want to play kazuya, you need to learn how to input neutrals. Electrics, hellsweeps, all have f,n,d,df notation. Though correct me if im wrong Tekken stick players, you can just do forward and then a quarter circle on a stick.
Tiers mean a lot less in Tekken than in any other fighters. I traumatize Mishima players with my supposedly low tier Asuka. The game is balanced, it's more about having a character that fits your own style.So all the characters I want to play are D tier
Isn't Jinpachi a mishima? do the Mishimas include the Kazamas? If tiers don't matter then all is well.
Please watch the Level Up Your Game videos in the OP. They go over basic juggles/combos and tag assault combos.
My god the load-times are obscene.
Installation is pretty much a requirement for the 360 version.
i wonder if this is a problem on the PS3 version as well.
i wonder if this is a problem on the PS3 version as well.
only gripe i have about this game is that every hit creates those flashing blips, do they do that to cover up the skin collision detection or something? thats one thing i like about DoA 5, no flashing blips...
oh and i also wish survival mode was like Tekken 4 where you walk through areas and fight multiple enemies, instead of just stage fight after stage fight.
44-Minute IGN Quick Look of Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Edit: In other news, a poster on GameFAQs who claims to have acquired the TTT2 strategy guide is saying that the DLC characters are not included in the guide. On one hand, that sort of sucks since I'm planning on picking up Kunimitsu, but on the other, having seen TTT2's in-game demonstration of combos and just how extensive the training mode is, I personally probably didn't need the guide anyway.
I thought you could turn them off?Someone mentioned a few pages ago that ps3 hdd installation is mandatory. Loading times are good though.
i guess flashing blips are more of a tradition and its a nice way to know if a certain hit did a lot of damage if you dont have a practice mode (arcades) or currently not in practice mode.
The survival mode you are talking about is Tekken Force mode which is competely different from surivial mode
only gripe i have about this game is that every hit creates those flashing blips, do they do that to cover up the skin collision detection or something? thats one thing i like about DoA 5, no flashing blips...
Art said on his stream the NamcoCops said he couldn't stream the game till Tuesday. Pretty fail on Namco's part because the only reason I bought Soul Calibur 5 was because of early streams and got me hype enough to impulse buy it. I didn't have any intentions on buying SCV at all and the same with TT2(still not getting the game).
Sooooooo, watch replays?
Like here:
or here,
Eh...it's not the same. The live social interaction with the streamers build the hype. Youtube does not.
Im a huge fighter fan, street fighter mostly.
But ive never really liked 3d fighters. I hated soul caliber 5.
But this looks awesome, so a couple questions:
-will any of my skill transfer?
-is block a sperate button or just back?
-in sf x tk i played as kazuya quite a but, will he play similar?
-what characters would you recomend for a Ken player in TTT2?
-lastly, what can expect from this game?
My god the load-times are obscene.
Installation is pretty much a requirement for the 360 version.
The PS3 version has really fast load times from the MLG build. I was shocked at how good it was compared to T6.
360 version loading slower than PS3. . . wha? I wonder if digital foundry will find some dirty secrets.
When I see the console screenshots, the life bar is a lot smaller than the ones in the arcades.
Did they adjust this for the console version or the resolution of the game is different or something?
Anyways, I wish it doesn't look as T6 in PS3.
Again the PS3 version has a 7+ gig mandatory install. Of course it's going to load faster than a non-installed 360 version.
Do Jun play similar to how she did in T2?
I know for a fact that I will be working Jun and Asuka when this comes out.
Once the game is installed (360) the load-times make a drastic drop.
Like it takes a couple seconds for a match to load.
Again the PS3 version has a 7+ gig mandatory install. Of course it's going to load faster than a non-installed 360 version.
Even then 360 games load faster because of the DVD drive.
I thought you could turn them off?
Hit effects I mean
i thought in terms of load speeds its 360 disc < Ps3 installed < 360 installed.
makes sense since reading from a hard drive is a lot faster than the reading speeds of a dvd drive.
360 version loading slower than PS3. . . wha? I wonder if digital foundry will find some dirty secrets.
is the bikini bundle unlockable in game as customizable option if you don't preorder??