hoooly shit true Ogre's bikini costume is hilarious LOL
Something about the wings getting in the way.
I think you answered your own question.
14th can't come soon enough. Hope the preorder gets to me in timerays
The only thing I regret about TTT2 is the absence of a Scenario Campaign or a Tekken Force Mode...I thought it had potential, if they'd only improved it instead of canning it, and not forcing people to go through it for money etc. Combot mode seems to be more of a tutorial.
question for Tekken-GAF: is there any real world fighting style you'd like to have in Tekken the series? After seeing El Fuerte and Mariposa, I wanted a luchador style in Tekken too, and Harada delivers! We even have a kunoichi back, that flipping is so Taki.
Possibly. Wonder how many suits Lili has? Can you customize bikinis?
They put her in a nighty in the picture I quoted, lol.
lol, some of my tracks on TEKKEN TUNES
lol, some of my tracks on TEKKEN TUNES
hoooly shit true Ogre's bikini costume is hilarious LOL
Oh man I'm playing Fight Lab and outa nowhereAll I got to say about this game is this, Harada-dono: EXCELLENT!FLYING GANRYU!
Also lol at the one-button special moves, I swear it's like they acknowledge the button mashing
I thought you could turn them off?
Hit effects I mean
Trust me when I say button-mashing gets you nowhere in Tekken.
So the bikini's are just costume assesories and not an actual A B C costume?
Im gong to have to waste time saving every one into a slot.
Thx harada >:-(
OH I know that, but that's how we've played this game for the past years and it worked pretty well for my bros so far =P
The only thing I regret about TTT2 is the absence of a Scenario Campaign or a Tekken Force Mode...I thought it had potential, if they'd only improved it instead of canning it, and not forcing people to go through it for money etc. Combot mode seems to be more of a tutorial.
lol, some of my tracks on TEKKEN TUNES
Oh, here's an old list I had made. There will definitely be more changes made to this list.
SD Burton had a list too.
What's up with Kazuya switching to Devil Kazuya mid-way... seems like a new move; Is there any penalty for going to devil form?
14th can't come soon enough. Hope the preorder gets to me in timerays
The only thing I regret about TTT2 is the absence of a Scenario Campaign or a Tekken Force Mode...I thought it had potential, if they'd only improved it instead of canning it, and not forcing people to go through it for money etc. Combot mode seems to be more of a tutorial.
question for Tekken-GAF: is there any real world fighting style you'd like to have in Tekken the series? After seeing El Fuerte and Mariposa, I wanted a luchador style in Tekken too, and Harada delivers! We even have a kunoichi back, that flipping is so Taki.
If there is one stage bgm that I'm changing, its going to be the Winter Palace stage.
And its going to be switched to this.
The nostalgia I'm gonna get while playing. :`)
Is all the preorder dlc gonna be available later on for everyone? And I am not asking this specifically for the bikini bundle. Nope. No sir.
What are Drag & Marduk holding in their hands in this video? At first I thought it was a knife, but it wobbles... is that a fish? A feather?
Nice. Consider the game pre-ordered.It's a fish.
What are Drag & Marduk holding in their hands in this video? At first I thought it was a knife, but it wobbles... is that a fish? A feather?
-Muay Boran (Tony Jaa style, baby)
-Escrima (Dan Inosanto twin batons) make him look like FilthieRich
-Freestyle Wrestling with some Yagli Gures oil shenanigans. Since Capcom bit off of Bob with Rufus, I want my Tekken version of Hakan.
-Reanimate Jaycee's remaining kung fu moves to be lucha/puroresu moves with the same frame data/hit effects.
-More Shaolin technique for Feng.
-Greatly expand Lei's drunken moves to the point where he has a full drunken moveset and the full 5 animal moveset that each contain sub-stances.
-Split the capos based on their throws. Eddy gets Capoeira Regional and more acrobatic moves. Christie gets Capoeira Angola and more low to the ground moves, much slower ginga animation, and an expansion on her Brazilian Juijitsu techniques. Namco doesn't give a shit about Tiger, so I don't either.
Sort of agree although I'm satisfied with TTT2 as is.
I even enjoyed Scenario Campaign during its first few stages. But it kept dragging on for far too long and I quickly began to hate it. I applaud Namco for trying such things, implementing extras that go beyond the usual fighting modes. The error with T6 SC however was that it was being pushed up front far too much and it was too crucial of a mode. You had to play it for money, items, trophies.. etc. It also seemed to be there at the expense of a proper arcade mode with endings etc.
But a -well designed- 2 player Force mode would always be welcome for me. As long as they keep it kinda on the background, like the ones from 3 and 4. Tekken Bowl however... I'd pay for that.
I can't imagine using anything other than the default music. Well, the Snoop Stage is the only one I would change.
Yeah I think majority of the BGM in TTT2 is pretty great but there is some that I'm not a fan of such as the Sadastic Xmas, Snoop's Stage, Festive Parade etc etc.
"What's up with characters' colours changing as they take damage? Rage generator?"
I think you might be noticing the characters falling into puddles of stuff/dust and getting their clothes mucked up in it.
The fishing boat music is pretty awful like something that just slipped QA.
Is that Bountiful sea? I love it. Good techno.
It's trumpets and then boopthoopa! boopthoopa! loop for minute then trumpets and boopthoopa!Weee! squeak for another minute then restart. If that's good techno I don't want to hear bad techno ever. My ears.
I'm only going to replace the Snoop Dog song. Any good suggestions for that level?
I'm only going to replace the Snoop Dog song. Any good suggestions for that level?