Added some if we're just talking on a character basis, not necessarily new styles.
And if we're being super technical, there's all the different Jacks, and the successors to Kuma, King & Armor King.
Ughh, the wait would be so much easier if Namcops didn't shut down streams.
All Hail taktak1893.
But still, it's so unbearably frustrating knowing that people are out there playing the hell out of this game and I can't.
This kind of works:,+todayOh I'm subscribed to practically every TTT2 channel already, I just need to see the console stuff, impressions, online e.t.c.
Come to think of it, how do one parry like Jin Kazama?
Edit: Err, I'm not going to get the namcops on me for this post, right?
I've been playing it since Wednesday now, and I've gotta say that this game is amazing. My buddy and I played for a while online from coast to coast while he was streaming, and it felt damn near lagless. The only thing I dislike is that the stages get "simplified" in that a lot of the background NPCs and effects are toned down or removed for online play. And at this time, there's an issue with auras/kis/pranas and the like showing up online, but that may or may not be fixed.
Also, I figured people would be pretty interested in some of the music that's not available on the soundtrack so I uploaded the Customization theme, which is easily the best piece of music in the game.
Edit: Err, I'm not going to get the namcops on me for this post, right?
Yep. I'm on the PS3 version now if you want to play (don't expect too much of a challenge though).Anybody up for some T6? I have it on both 360 and PS3 and Im from EU
Anybody up for some T6? I have it on both 360 and PS3 and Im from EU
Yep. I'm on the PS3 version now if you want to play (don't expect too much of a challenge though).
Edit: Already on the list
I'd play you, chances are the game is gonna be all sorts of laggy though since I'm in east coast us though
Add me.Anybody up for some T6? I have it on both 360 and PS3 and Im from EU
Add me.Yep. I'm on the PS3 version now if you want to play (don't expect too much of a challenge though).
Edit: Already on the list
Add me.
Add me.
My PSN is the same as my GAF name.
I'm in Europe.
So I just saw AAK's redesigned first post.
Truly excellent!
One CAN'T!
Thanks to Grayfox for the GIF.
It's in practice mode, I doubt he's randomly parrying everything.Dayummm...I could watch that all day. If only I had the reflexes to actually pull it off :/
Add me: Anastacio.I can do some T6, but I must have the lowest win percentage ever.
PSN's cj_iwakura if anyone wants.
YesAdd me: Anastacio.
Also, 2 guys on the same PS3 can play together online in pair play correct?
Great. My cousin is coming by and he also likes Tekken, so I guess we'll do some Pair Play.
The graphics being simplified online is a bit weird / disappointing. On both platforms, PS3 and 360?
All movement in the backgrounds are apparently gone online, which is understandable. Like spectators, animals, and other moving objects.explain please?
OMG! I don't know how to make time goes by faster! What can I do?! The only 3D fighter I have now is VF5FS, but I don't know if this game will help me prepare to TTT2...
All movement in the backgrounds are apparently gone online, which is understandable. Like spectators, animals, and other moving objects.
All movement in the backgrounds are apparently gone online, which is understandable. Like spectators, animals, and other moving objects.
The only logical explanation for me is that netcode itself is very complicated and CPU demanding so it was needed to cut off backgrounds and free enough CPU resources to get netcode to run.