Really? These scores are lower than expected for me. So Tekken 6 is an 8.8 and TTT2 is a 7.5 according to ign?
That may be more a testament to how some reviews gave Tekken 6 a bit of a pass as opposed to TTT2.
Really? These scores are lower than expected for me. So Tekken 6 is an 8.8 and TTT2 is a 7.5 according to ign?
So I just got my copy in the mail from and there's no DLC codes inside, and I haven't gotten any email with the codes DLC codes either.
Anyone else having that problem? Should I wait a bit for an email or should I call them now?
IGN Video Review is up. They give it a 7.5/10.
Also, launch trailer.
GamesRadar gives it 4/5. gives it 8/10.
I didn't know either, but according to Youtube commenters:
Lili beat Forest Law in TDR @ 1:10 mark, so Marshall hates Lili for beating up his son
So I just got my copy in the mail from and there's no DLC codes inside, and I haven't gotten any email with the codes DLC codes either.
Anyone else having that problem? Should I wait a bit for an email or should I call them now?
Back from Gamestop. The store has a new manager and she would not stop pestering me about signing up for the rip-off rewards card the entire time. She even seemed to be agitated that I wasn't going to take up this totally fabulous offer!
It was really, really annoying and just another reminder of why I only go to Gamestop for those few exclusive things like the pre-order bonus. Even as the transaction finished, she asked me why I wasn't interested. I said "I just don't go to Gamestop enough for it to matter" and that finally got her to stop.
I had a nice stack of trade-ins that paid for both copies of the game and still had $35 left over that went towards DOA5 CE. Dreading having to go back there to get that game, but once I do it's buh-bye Gamestop again until whenever exclusive edition or bonus makes me go back.
On another note, she also kept hyping up the "Tekken 6/Soul Calibur V mash-up game," which is obviously a budget-priced collection pack, as a new fighting game. -_-
Read through most of the OP, but didnt see this mentioned:
When choosing teams, story relationships matter. Basically, if two characters "like" each other they have access to rage more quickly (Hwoarang/Baek) than someone who "hates" each other (Jin/Kazuya)
Easier to read TTT2 Alligience
TTT2 Netsu Relationship Chart
I get this error when trying to sign up for WTF under Skillzilla81:
Error: This "nickname" is not permitted under our acceptable name policy, please choose again.
Wow, neither is Skilletor81 or just Skillz81...
This is dumb.
Let's not forget a freelancer who lends his talents to a wide variety of game sites handled that review.
Read through most of the OP, but didnt see this mentioned:
When choosing teams, story relationships matter. Basically, if two characters "like" each other they have access to rage more quickly (Hwoarang/Baek) than someone who "hates" each other (Jin/Kazuya)
Easier to read TTT2 Alligience
TTT2 Netsu Relationship Chart
For anyone that has gotten the DLC codes, was it just one code for everything, or was there separate codes for each item?
If sites want good fighting game reviews they should hire that nice Neidel Crisan chap or that Daniel Maniago fellow. Those two guys are the only ones who write decent reviews for fighting games.
Thanks.1 code from GS brought up separate downloads for everything via PSN for me.
Jin dislikes Xao now?![]()
Don't remember him ever liking her.
Don't remember him ever liking her.
Weren't they friends in high school/T3?
Why does Lili hate Law?
Pretty sure not, least I never got that. Always seemed a one way relationship, hell Xiayou's ending had nothing to do with Jin.
I don't like complaining about reviews but in this case I can't help to be a bit disappointed. I just feel the scores are too low, compared to other games within the genre. It disappoints me because it might keep people here and there away from this fun game. Because I feel TTT 2 is absolutely the most fun and most complete fighter of this gen. The team deserves better because the game is so packed with fun and because they actually did listen to feedback.
CGI movie disagrees with you.
So now IGN is saying too much content is somehow a bad thing and the training mode isnt easy enough. Piss off.
Kazuya Mishima
Likes: ....
Hates: basically everyone
Also, Lili likes Asuka but Asuka hates Lili.Poor Lili.
And Christie hates Eddy? Wtf °_°
No. The idiot working for IGN is saying that. God I hate reviews.
All I want to know is whether it plays like looks like and sounds like Tekken, runs smoothly offline, runs relatively smoothly online and whether the characters are cool or not.
Zip your lips after that reviewers. Any extra information out of your mouths is useless.
Seemed close in the CG movie.
Too much content is now a negative thing apparently. They should cut down a few characters and modes and release the game on ios if they want better reviews.Even after all the content that the game is jampacked with? smh.
But I expected this. It's not a surprise.
It's my understanding that the Netsu chart isn't that big of a deal because you get guaranteed rage when hit by a tag combo. Is that correct?
you shouldnt really put those alliegeinces in check for your team selections.
i mean look at all those mishima teams in asia and the mishimas hate each other lol