Is this really true? Because let me tell you, I cannot see Alex's arms when he throws not even a little bit lol.
Yup, got the same issue. In fact, if I go to the home menu afterwards, it refuses to load anything after a while. I got my mains to yellow rank today, though, which is nice.
Guys, I'm trying to learn how to throw break, I'm not going to another tournament without doing this, I've run into some issues.
The first issue is that grabs to me seem too fast for me to react to them, even when I feel like I broke a grab, I'm about 2 seconds late.
AAK you're gonna have to train me in that area, you appear to break about 60% of throws when I play against you.
My second issue is that I have a harder time knowing how to break certain throws.
If the opponent is constantly grabbing, is it more useful to let them grab me for throw break practice, or is it more useful to duck grabs and WS punish?
I did King Bryan Team today. King is so fun, Bryan finished the job brutally. Good damage.
Whenever I get frustrated I try to remind myself what av2k said about Koreans - that they play for fun.
I tell myself "Play for fun" and it helps. I'm bad with King but at the moment he's more fun then others. Bryan is a little drab in this team, he's strong, gets the job done but doesn't match King in the fun department. Need new partner.
You say the update broke something again? If Tekken that would make me furious.
DEATH;139733110 said:Maybe this is an old cliche team but pick Kings... AK in itself plays bland but because he got some similarities and meshes with King so well gameplay wise, the fun factor kinda bleeds in...
I just stumbled on this:
1. Did y'all know about this already (i.e,. old news)?
2. I thought Harada swore off live action Tekken movies.
Yeah, I'm pretty positive that you cannot play PS1/PS2 digital games on the PS4 unfortunately. I got a plethora of digital games on my PS3 also and that is disappointing. Honestly, I really would love to see backwards compatibility on the PS4 and X1 in some way, shape or form. My PS3 has been acting a little strange and unpredictable lately when it comes to reading some discs and I would be absolutely ecstatic if I could play digital and physical games on the PS4. I'm sure they will try to sell us those PS1/PS2 games later for a price.
Yeah, I think AAK posted that awhile ago.
Would be nice to get a nice Tekken movie for once.
That's what Nintendo did I think.
Started re-releasing the same virtual console games on Wii U. I'm definitely not buying anything like that a second time.
Just keep your previous system.
So, while I was watching ATP Live, @markman23 (Markmansdt) gets in chat and drops this:
Just keep your previous system.
Yes., that's why I've kept PS3 and Wii.
Anyway, Michael Murray possibly reading neogaf and commenting on NoisePurge's post.![]()
I just stumbled on this:
1. Did y'all know about this already (i.e,. old news)?
2. I thought Harada swore off live action Tekken movies.
Yes., that's why I've kept PS3 and Wii.
Anyway, Michael Murray possibly reading neogaf and commenting on NoisePurge's post.![]()
Only caught the end of ATP.
But YES MarkMan.
I'm keeping optimism up. I have a strong feeling we're gonna see things at Sony's PlayStation event in early December.
ThanksDEATH;139733110 said:
A ridiculous priceHow much is this on eshop?
Try the Wii U eshop maybe they'll have a different price listedBleh. Was hoping for $19.99.
Yo SICK find.
Kinda deserves its own thread... probably? lol.
man it's hard to figure out how to read twitterbut you probably mean this post:
It's good to know he reads Gaf! (i've met Michael a few times and even played some Tekken 6 against him at WCG in Korea)
I wasn't specifically roasting Namco, just the current state of videogames i guess. All modern "beta" versions being just glorified demos and full of empty promises. I hope they prove me wrong![]()
Sorry GrayFoxPL. I invited that guy. I met him in the World Arena where he complimented my Hwo/Steve team. We played a bit and went to practice mode where he showed me some of his combos (his combos are pretty decent) and talked a bit through headset. I even got to know DietyDevil because of him and he's on my friends list now. He normally seems like a really cool dude and a decent Tekken player.
I never knew he was so whiny. I was already on the verge of kicking him when he called you a spammer. Another thing is Ling. I know I'm not a pro with her but the amount of time I had to invest to get her to the point where people call my Xiaoyu gameplay "decent" is insane. Saying she is a character for scrubs and brainless people is an insult
Other than that, good games^^
It's funny he's got highest damage combos and can spam electrics like nothing but he's way worse then your friend from yesterday. It was funny how you owned him good and when he won it was barely, heh. I don't like people who feel all high and mighty and can't handle loss.
"Oh scrubby ling boohoo, oh spaming peekaboo boohoo" - just stop playing, get out.
Don't listen to his or any other idiots insults. People who say Ling is scrubby never tried to play her and don't know how difficult she is to play and master. And no one serious will say she's top tier either. I'll be honest I don't play Ling because I think she's too difficult. I could beat yours when we started but you put so much effort into her(not to mention Hwo, Lee and Steve) she's now scary as top tier Heihachi for me. So you get nothing but prise from me for getting so good with her.
Keep it up.
And good games.
Btw did you notice that because of your friend we started throwing little more?
It's actually good way of "punishing" safe moves. If no strike will ever connect then at least there's big chance of scoring a throw.
Xiaoyu's come back factor is low, but she has plenty of all-in bets. Not saying you are wrong, just phrased it strange I think. RDS brings her a viable mixup game, but AOP is almost completely redundant to use.Hehe, glad to see that my friend left a positive impression on you^^
It's as you said earlier: People seem to forget how to play Tekken for fun. Losing might not always be fun, but you gotta deal with it. You can't tell people how to play and Tekken's roster does not only consist of Mishimas. There are certain characters with gimmicks you might not know and are spammable, but that's your fault. Learn how to deal with that situation, man up and stop whining!
The only thing that annoys me is 10-strings. Namco should nerf them. Who came up with the idea of making a 10-string a natural combo after 3 hits and end the combo with a launcher (Nina for example)? That's insane!
Thanks a lot. The hardest part about playing Ling is that she has no "panic mode". When I'm losing, I still have to dance around trying to confuse my opponent. RDS and AOP are risky stances, but without them Xiaoyu is basically useless because she is way too linear.
Just look at how much damage you get out of double Lings. ~80 damage after a full combo? Nah thanks, I'll stick with Leo or Lee as my partner
How fast are throws? I read something about them being as fast as 13 frames or something. When I see a throw I just choose a button to mash. Many people assign a throw input to one of their shoulder buttons (I do, too), so I can break a lot of them after the first try. But seeing which hand comes first? You gotta be kidding me.
New T7 details.
New T7 details.
>_>DEATH;139907527 said:Preorder Cancelled.
As far as Tekken 7 and Markman. I will try to be excited for any announcements, but some sort of remedy to the arcade > console problem is the only thing that will truly make me hype. I understand that a full Tekken 7 console release soon after arcade is unrealistic. However, I see no reason why the Revolution model could not be in consideration to bring Tekken 7 to the world. Most proclaimed that Tekken Revolution was a test for TXSF. However, I always thought from the start that Tekken Revolution was a test for what could be the win-win format for arcade and console fans alike.
New T7 details.
Knew it had to be a bug! Thanks for the updates in this thread Famicom BTW, I haven't been able to keep up to date lately with stuff and you've been pretty punctual with providng us updates. Gracias senior
Watch Aris fire me and get a new editor for ATP
That's what I was hoping too.
Edit 2: Anyway, my Wii U shipped at like 7 p.m. today. Thanks for that timeliness UPS. Just got home and will be migrating over to Smash Bros. now. Hoping Wii U updates/downloads don't take forever.
The Smash hype is real, day 1 Smash tourney
Manny what is your NNID?
That doesn't prove that it was a bug. Just proves that they thought that it was a bit much.
I just got to play a bit with Bowser online. Was fun, but the connection was shaky.
The semester is almost over, so I'll probably be playing a lot then.
Wait. We can't see shit from this loctest? Fantastic.
Well, I'm not 100% sure he's referring to your post. But what are the chances of someone else talking about Destiny in a Tekken 7 thread?
It's good to be concerned. But I'm happy with how the game looks already. The final product looking even better will only make things more exciting.![]()
Xiaoyu's come back factor is low, but she has plenty of all-in bets. Not saying you are wrong, just phrased it strange I think. RDS brings her a viable mixup game, but AOP is almost completely redundant to use.
Throws are 12 in most cases and 11 in special cases (King Giant Swing). It isn't hard to see the hands after hours in practice mode. I know myself that I simply got mad one day and set aside 8 hours straight of throw break training. I was like Neo at throw breaking for a long time after. My skills in such have diminished a bit since, but I definitely learned that day that it all depends on how much you are willing to fix a problem.
You can't preorder the game yet.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Didn't know about AOP becoming redundant
I think Xiaoyu for me is the character that is the most fun to use. I can't think of any other characters that satisfies me so much when I launch my opponent![]()
And to add a japanese dev as an example, im pretty sure Bloodborne "alpha" had final visuals in place too. They will hopefully fix the framerate issues though.
I just wish they would stop calling them alphas and betas. Or release them with visuals like that Chief Thunder in Killer Instinct 360. Then there would be no debates.
I think he's referring to the Cringeworthy gamer sayings thread^^
From @JTchinoy about T7 Location Test. - alisa f233 doesnt kirimori anymore - slow mo isnt very prominent - sparks were toned down (KTA)
slow mo isnt very prominent - sparks were toned down
Stop Namco.
Why can't we just have a spark filter?
I know right? I mean we get a filter for DOA boob bounce. Why not sparks?
DOA boob bounce
Are you being serious?
Are you being serious?
DOA5 gives you the option to disable jiggle, leave it as is, or "look at that blubbler fly" levels.