Harada is obviously trolling. Because saying that would confirm Tekken 7 is getting an Arcade release in Europe and NA (which is never happening).
Trust me it's a troll. I'm sure Harada knows that the competitive aspect of Tekken is big. If One version has a certain character and the other versions don't, it breaks the competitive atmosphere during tournaments since people from one region will have no knowledge or experience of those new things.
It's hilarious to me how one character can make a person quit. Seriously. But to each his own.
Those characters you listed (Lars, Bob, Alisa, Lili) are also THE most popular and there is an audience for them.
Do you not like their character design or is it because of the playstyle or both?
I hate Bob with the burning fury of a thousand suns but I will tolerate it. But that's not because of his character design. It's because I hate how good he is in the game. I can deal with Lars. Alisa and Lili are already b-tier and easier to work around once you get past their shenanigans. Bob players, though, just mash b+2,2 (hard to duck and punish), other jabs, the stupid chop, etc.
Chloe is exclusive to East Asia and Europe? Wut.
EDIT: I guess most of the complainers were from the US or something? lol
It's really a combination of both. It isn't about winning or losing. I hate the matches either way. Although I will admit that with Lars and Bears, it's more gameplay than the way that they look.
From the way that he says it, it sounds like region exclusivity was the plan all along. Either way, this will fuck with national competition, but I'm just gonna have to side with selfishness here and say that I'm glad that I won't have to put up with her.
Chloe is exclusive to East Asia and Europe? Wut.
EDIT: I guess most of the complainers were from the US or something? lol
Wow, I hope he is kidding. I think it would be terrible if we lose a character. Thank you US gamers. If this is legitimate, I am getting the Japanese or European version to get access to everything. I say at least try her before you criticize or formulate opinions. She might even be fun to use and I am willing to give her a chance. Then again, maybe I have eccentric taste with characters in fighting games. Yeah, I enjoy games like Arcana Heart, Aquapazza and Hyperdimension Neptunia, etc, so what do I know. I am more concerned about annoying, difficult to deal with play styles, balance problems, glitches or characters who are considered too powerful over something like annoying mannerisms or aesthetics where customization could possibly rectify part of the issue.
Another factor that concerns is me is hopefully Tekken 7 will not add an abundance or easy to play, mash-happy, dial-a-combo characters to the roster just to satisfy the casual crowd who do not like to dedicate time to fighters. We will see though. Game still looks good.
Exactly my thoughts. I might even enjoy a wonky playstyle like that even if the design doesn't appeal to me.
And I don't find her voice annoying. Miharu's voice and expressions are way more annoying in TTT2. EEEEEH. EEEEH. EEEEEEH. And that intro animation with her swinging her hands back and forth.....ugggggh.
I've reached the "I'll deal with it" camp at this point... but man, I was SO hyped to see Kozoki's art design. I was a huge fan of his after No More Heroes... now I hate the guy haha.
B-b-but Miharu has a selfie command throw. Best move in the game.
Hi Harada. If you are reading this, I might have a possible solution for the US version of Tekken 7. How about Lucky Chloe is accessible through a code on the home versions. If you want to play her and against her, simply input the code and it will save to your console like DLC. If you do not want access to her, simply do not input the code and she will never show up in the game. I guess there is always DLC also though.
By the way, I want her in Tekken 7. She's kawaii and the outfit is interesting and pretty unique. *runs from legions of angry Tekken fans with pitchforks and torches*
edit: oh wait this is better in that other thread.
B-b-but Miharu has a selfie command throw. Best move in the game.
Why do people think Lili's design is/was so bad?
My apologies devastator and mike. I specifically meant stuff like this:
and many other comments across the communities.
That said, haven't we all come around Lili now?
She's one of the cooler characters now but can also be annoying to play against admittedly, cause I'm STILL no pro .![]()
-Not a real fighting style
-Lots of BS crush moves
-A-class waifu so you see her a lot
For two main reasons:Why do people think Lili's design is/was so bad?
It's an item move.I still don't know how to do this.
I've reached the "I'll deal with it" camp at this point... but man, I was SO hyped to see Kozoki's art design. I was a huge fan of his after No More Heroes... now I hate the guy haha.
Yeah, I enjoy games like Arcana Heart, Aquapazza and Hyperdimension Neptunia, etc, so what do I know.
She's one of the cooler characters now but can also be annoying to play against admittedly, cause I'm STILL no pro .![]()
Harada knows he fucked up. Notice he doesn't defend the character itself but keeps saying there are more new characters coming. It's "this apple is rotten but we have good ones too."
I found his comment smth like: "I'll make muscle skinhead for you." quite insulting. Like we dumb primitive gaijins don't appreciate pinnacle of cultural richness and diversity that is Lucy Chloe character.
Also it seems every tweet in english for him he thinks it comes from American. What's up with that?
I'm starting to think Harada is seeking comepletely new audience for Tekken while turning his back on die hard fans. I think this is the price he's willing to pay. 25-35 year old Tekken fans is not the demographic Harada wants to carter to.
Old dogs are put down.
I hate that move. lol.
You don't need to be ashamed of liking this character. It's perfectly fine to like her. Not everyone is in in to serious, dark, gritty characters. Half the people in the other thread were looking forward to main her.
I personally don't find this character's personality off-putting as much as the design. Without the pink headphones and "top cat jacket" and tutu, I would have been fine with this character. It's okay to have a cute, cheery personality where the character speaks engrish.
You should share it in this thread too.
You don't have to give up on becoming good at Tekken. It's all about dedication. If you want to get better, you will. If you have trouble with a character, you have to learn what that character is all about. I'm currently working on my sidesteps, because it's something I've been neglecting a lot.I can't deal with anyone. My girlfriend can even beat me.
But I actually did progress a little when boutdown showed me cool stuff with Marshall Law who I am maining in Tag 2.
I have been practicing the very basic things like movements, get ups, parrying and distance between the characters.
Yet I feel like I suck, and I will be devastated if I have to give up becoming really good at Tekken. It have been part of my upbringing for years, and it'll be sad the day I have to give up.![]()
Come on now man =( He's done enough great stuff to overhshadow this. Besides I'm sure Namco gives all these guest designers some guidelines. I'm sure they were like 'hey make us a cute blonde idol with a cat theme" and boom out came Chloe. Aside from those cat paws I think she looks quite good in the art. It's just a shame her transition to 3D, especially her face, looks so awful. You know it would be funny if her Idol role and personality is just a cover and she's some secret agent trying to her hands on the devil gene or something haha.
Imagine if they got him to do Katarina. "Yo Kozaki we need a sassy south american woman who practices Savate" I bet the end result would have been something straight out of No More Heroes.
Harada knows he fucked up. Notice he doesn't defend the character itself but keeps saying there are more new characters coming. It's "this apple is rotten but we have good ones too."
I found his comment smth like: "I'll make muscle skinhead for you." quite insulting. Like we dumb primitive gaijins don't appreciate pinnacle of cultural richness and diversity that is Lucy Chloe character.
Also it seems every tweet in english for him he thinks it comes from American. What's up with that?
I'm starting to think Harada is seeking comepletely new audience for Tekken while turning his back on die hard fans. I think this is the price he's willing to pay. 25-35 year old Tekken fans is not the demographic Harada wants to carter to.
Old dogs are put down.
Good games Sasuke.
I changed 1+2 to 3+4 because of Hwoarang so I can switch-Backlash quick. But I reversed 2 of the main buttons I use -(R2) and (triangle). So my muscle memory makes me push wrong buttons, especially for other characters then Hwoarang. I hope I'll adjust in a week. Damn habits. I'll be thinking about it whole night - maybe it'll help me switch them in my mind quicker.
Haha I was just being facetious. I'll still definitely be interested in any artwork he puts out in the future. I was just shellshocked that after getting incredibly hyped he'd do stuff for my favorite IP the result was this
But still when the heck is Namco gonna release a higher res 60 fps trailer from the 20th Anniversary?
Harada knows he fucked up. Notice he doesn't defend the character itself but keeps saying there are more new characters coming. It's "this apple is rotten but we have good ones too."
I found his comment smth like: "I'll make muscle skinhead for you." quite insulting. Like we dumb primitive gaijins don't appreciate pinnacle of cultural richness and diversity that is Lucy Chloe character.
Also it seems every tweet in english for him he thinks it comes from American. What's up with that?
I'm starting to think Harada is seeking comepletely new audience for Tekken while turning his back on die hard fans. I think this is the price he's willing to pay. 25-35 year old Tekken fans is not the demographic Harada wants to carter to.
Old dogs are put down.
Good games. I changed R2 and L2 back when I learned Tag combos, because Steve's albatross and Hwo's motion switch became easier like that. I changed L2 from 1+2 to 3+4 and R2 from 3+4 to 1+2. It needs some time to get used to this^^
I need some practice. I still can't really play Online. Ranking is nearly impossible and World Arena is annoying, because I need to challenge someone 3 times before it finally works. The only thing that (sometimes) works is player matches in a lobby. I have no idea why this is happening. Everything worked fine until Sony's firmware update :/
DEATH™;142391695 said:I think this is the case. When he said when people who love Tag 2 would not have much merit over opinions of fans of previous games, I think its not because he's directly dissing those people, but because that people ain't the target for the next game. The most hardcore of fans in general love Tag 2, and he is banking that those people will still buy T7 out of loyalty to the franchise, and hoping that the new people will buy T7 in droves.
Its a pretty huge gamble.
Damn, I haven't cringed that hard in a while, part of me hopes that they run the series into the ground so I have no obligation to play it. :F
It will be for me if it doesn't come to PC, since I can't afford a PS4 at the moment. :/That would be a sad end. I can't believe my fears that Tag2 will be the last hardcore Tekken may be true.
I don't mind the design, but it does seem a bit generic though.
It will be for me if it doesn't come to PC, since I can't afford a PS4 at the moment. :/
Dang, SRK just called Baek Mundane.
Oh yeah, hope not too much time, some stuff with Steve gonna be hell to adjust now. We'll see.
World Arena didn't work for me so I forgot it exists.
Only quick player and ranked for me. Always wait couple of seconds between matches.
I recommend quick player matches to practice and experimentation. It's not stressful since no one takes it too seriously, no hate mails, though something funny might happen like dude who ragequits in player matches, haha. Dude why?
Btw there's dude in ranked with 46% ragequit ratio. I played him, he did it XD.
Edit: I just bought cat.6 Ethernet cables and it seems it runs better for me. Maybe you should exchange yours? Those things don't last forever.
Yeah exactly. Btw. Harada won't escape critique of hardcore Tekken fans. No matter how many times he gonna insult them with "muscle skinhead". Maybe it's time someone else from Tekken team should take over the series before Harada drives Tekken to the ground like av2k said.
That would be a sad end. I can't believe my fears that Tag2 will be the last hardcore Tekken may be true.
I wonder if Harada cares about top Tekken players opinion. If they'd criticize something in T7 when it releases, would he change it or no fucks given?
Btw. In that anniversary stream some people insisted that T7 was never announced on any platforms beside arcade. This strangely seems to be true? I don't know anything anymore.
Is there gonna be bid war... T7 WII U and Mac exclusive or something.
Other thing.
http://www.twitch.tv/avoidingthepuddle Aris right now.
Other other thing.
Those stolen moves.
I've been looking at them all the time and it seems they're little different. I don't know if they just reanimated them a little but don't look 100% the same. Like Baek FLA f+3 does a spin to mid kick, Hwo doesn't do the spin. That Bryan b+1+2 back fist from Bruce, Bryan does little crouching twist to that fist and it's at angle. I think Bruce doesn't? Hwo's having A.King's ff+4 seemed to have different hand and head movement last time I looked.
I'm not 100% sure of all of this.
But anyway maybe missing characters will still have those moves as since they will still look a little different? Or they just give them new. I don't believe they're just cut from roster.