Combot is sort of Create-your-own-character now. You can give him different moves from different characters.
Well that's a stupid idea. *shrug*
Combot is sort of Create-your-own-character now. You can give him different moves from different characters.
IGN said Namco "felt in the same trap" by putting too much content on the game...how is this bad?! IGN knows shit about fighters, real talk
IGN said Namco "felt in the same trap" by putting too much content on the game...how is this bad?! IGN knows shit about fighters, real talk
Have a listen: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL43485A28A3859C7C
I think it's great. If you don't like it you can always change it.
Bad reviews can mess up sales. And it's especially irritating when such a shallow review is coming from a big source like IGN. And it's even more irritating when it's for a game like TTT2 that actually presents an excellent DLC model and provides players with tons of content and features.
In the end, I already expected reviews to be like this. Most people reviewing the game don't know how to play it. Case in point.
Combot is sort of Create-your-own-character now. You can give him different moves from different characters.
tried the game for about 20 minutes. PS3 version
The graphics look better than I expected. It seems better than T6 but it might be just bad remembering.
I dont think a single person on earth trusts IGN anymore.
Once you have your code redeemed and the skirt downloaded from the store, go to customize. Then, choose Lili. Look around and you will see "Frilly Skirt" as one of the options.tried the game for about 20 minutes. PS3 version
The graphics look better than I expected. It seems better than T6 but it might be just bad remembering.
I like the fact that you can change the size of life bar to be similar to the arcade version.
Does anybody know how to use Lili's special dress costume?
Seriously guys. Who cares about reviews. Shit hasnt mattered in years. Why does anyone care what some dude who doesnt know shit about fighting games thinks about tekken? Seems like a huge waste of time being outraged over what a random who you're ten thousand times more informed than thinks about the game.
LOL, I remember they taking points off MvC3 because it has no "time assault"....
Where do I get the online pass code?
I ordered from Amazon, and they gave me 2 codes. The first one was character/bikini pack but the second code is bonuse code for webpage materials.
Fuck. What the fuck.Unknown.
No Online Pass. This ain't EA.
Where do I get the online pass code?
I ordered from Amazon, and they gave me 2 codes. The first one was character/bikini pack but the second code is bonuse code for webpage materials.
Where do I get the online pass code?
I ordered from Amazon, and they gave me 2 codes. The first one was character/bikini pack but the second code is bonuse code for webpage materials.
No Online Pass. This ain't EA.
If only Namco had Jessica Chobot as a character in the game
Lol if this is a troll, then YOU WINNAR.
Is it a little surprising that all the positive talk about the free DLC characters, and no one mentions the Online Pass. As far as I know, the only other fighting game with an Online Pass was MK.
lol aris is hilarious. talks shit even when he's getting his ass beat
Aris salty as fuck, haha!
Maybe in the future people will complain about it. Right now, everyone who gets it at the store have nothing to worry about.
I normally use "TomcatTheLion" in online games but WTF says it's not permitted.
So, just to be clear:
There is absolutely no way for me to pick my guys, pick my CPU opponents, pick a stage and just play a match that way?
Because if it's in the game anywhere Im not finding it and if true I'll be really disappointed. This seems like such an incredibly basic feature for any fighting game.
So, just to be clear:
There is absolutely no way for me to pick my guys, pick my CPU opponents, pick a stage and just play a match that way?
Because if it's in the game anywhere Im not finding it and if true I'll be really disappointed. This seems like such an incredibly basic feature for any fighting game.
its unfair how vastly the difficulty ramps up in the final stage compared to all the other arcade fights.
Just got murdered by Aris...
Man, I love this game!