So, suddenly, Terraria 2 announced?
So, suddenly, Terraria 2 announced?
So, suddenly, Terraria 2 announced?
So, suddenly, Terraria 2 announced?
Chasing that Starbound Money, but I don't think he's a skilled enough programmer or designer to make it happen. There's a lot of things in 1.2 that are just done completely ass backwards or make very little sense. It seems obvious, even with all of the improvements to the game, that he's hit his limit. Terraria 2 will just be a chance for him to re-tread the same game with different graphics.
Id say this is probably gonna be the last seven-month update [to the original], he chuckled. But theres a lot of stuff that I didnt have the time to put into this one. For instance, theres no final endgame boss. So I plan on, within the next month or two, finishing the endgame progression. I also have some ideas for a Halloween update Id like to do too. I think people will get a kick out of that. So there might be a few more updates, maybe three or four months out.
No mention of Starbound in the article itself, that's game's journalism for you I guess.
What does that mean in the near-term? Well, probably no crowdfunding, for one.
When I made Terraria, I did it in four months, and I think I only paid, like, not very much and that was just for the sound, he admitted. So Id like to be able to do something similar with Terraria 2. My personal preference is that I never be in a position where I need to get money to fund my projects.
Discussion here for 1.2 seems pretty dead. I'm kind of surprised. I will admit the news we heard about the random stuff with ore and biomes kind of rubbed me the wrong way when I heard it. I just spent a good while making a new hardmode world, had some new starting ore and the crimson so I figured I would be getting the new hardmode ores as well. Turns out I didn't. What a waste of time. Have to make a whole new world and get to that point again now.
Anyways bitching aside I'm hooked again. Loving this game so damn much. I was getting my ass kicked with some of the new things in hardmode dungeon. Managed to pick up a few new spells, got the extremely overpowered Spectre armor with lifesteal. What a game charger. Now I'm the one whos kicking ass as long as I'm careful. Time to hit up the jungle and see if I can max out my life with the new stuff.
Discussion here for 1.2 seems pretty dead. I'm kind of surprised.
1.2 wasn't going to completely reinvent Terraria, kind of rude to judge him so completely.
Discussion here for 1.2 seems pretty dead. I'm kind of surprised.
Houston, We've got a problem!
A fellow member (not me this time) turned Hard mode on at 5:15 (10 min ago). Weird since Hard mode was deactivated. Hopefully it can be reverted. My beautiful castle on the west coast trembles at the thought of a server reset.
Always wanted to make a giant golden knob in terraria, and there's 3k golden bricks in one of the chests...
Hey guys! Here is the list of changes you can expect in this patch update!
-Bug Fixes-
⦁ The game will no longer look for the square root of zero.
⦁ Projectiles and harpoon should no longer cause out of memory exception
⦁ The guide will no longer say you need a hammer to break life crystals
⦁ The guide will no longer say you need 10 fallen stars to make a mana crystal
⦁ Dungeon platform item icons will now display the right color
⦁ Clay pot dupe no longer works
⦁ Snipers will now drop sniper rifles
⦁ Opening doors will no longer cause a room to be unsuitable
⦁ Hardmode summon items will no longer drop from monsters that have been spawned from statues
⦁ Chests, crystal hearts, and statues should no longer spawn on ice
⦁ Crafting recipe for sticky glowsticks has been fixed
⦁ Pumping honey will no longer turn honey into water
⦁ Fixed trashing coin dupe
⦁ Shadow orb and fairy bell no longer show a duration
⦁ If you place a bed somewhere that would cause you to not spawn without breaking through blocks you will now get a message when trying to set your spawn point letting you know the bed is not in a suitable position.
⦁ Fixed a bug with cooking marshmallows with your mouse
⦁ Blackout debuff can no longer be removed by right clicking it
⦁ Slightly reduced how much memory the map requires on large worlds
⦁ You can no longer use actuators to deactivate temple blocks before killing Plantera
⦁ The flare gun will no longer light up when you are out of torches
⦁ You can now craft battle potions with vertebrae
⦁ Lihzahrd altar should now spawn and use power cells properly
⦁ Minimum particle display has been increased for certain conditions
⦁ Switch duplication no longer works
⦁ Notes from the magical harp now count as magic and should trigger the spectre set bonus
⦁ Bombs will no longer blow up chlorophyte
⦁ You can no longer break into Lihzahrd temple with chlorophyte drill
It isn't just 1.2; the whole history of the game has been one stumble to the next. It's a very good game, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that Terraria was really the first to do "Minecraft 2-D" and less to do with Redigit himself. I'd love to see this genre in the hands of a capable developer (i.e. hopefully Starbound).
Those have been in the game since 1.1. Accessories, tools, and weapons can spawn or be crafted with prefixes that change their stats a bit. The goblin NPC can be paid to randomly change the prefix on an item.What's with those modifiers? I just made a Platinum Pickaxe, but it is shameful and stuff.
You need toWow, I found some blocks in the jungle that my previously OP Spectre Pickaxe can't break through
Not even dynamite breaks them.
I'm curious, but what makes you think that Redigit isn't a capable developer? I honestly think he's done a wonderful job with Terraria, and to me he seems very capable. He's certainly done an above average job with the game, and I wish I had his skills with programming and game design.
You need tokill Plantera and use the key it drops to get inside. There will be a door to use it on. May have to dig around to get to it.
It's a bit strange that so many "melee" weapons throw projectiles, but I'm not sure what else they could've done. Being in melee range of a boss, even with all the extra defense, is usually a bad idea unless you outgear it. It's why I switched to magic in 1.1. Now, with all the ranged "melee" stuff, and the high defense, youI can do good damage from mid range, not have to guzzle mana potions, and have good defense. I got a full set of Spectre, and some of the awesome new spells, but the mana cost makes me not want to try them much. Kind of a similar thing with ranged weapons and ammo. I'd rather just not have to worry about it.
Two part question:
-Is there a way to move server world through patches w/o having to reset the world every update
-Can I somehow "make" a snapshot copy of the server world to use on SP?
I spent a looooooot of hours on the current map already and I would hate to lose the work on my castle. I'll settle for a SP copy.
Oh, the only reason we reset the world last time was because fresh world for when the server mods kicked in. I'm not going to reset the world after each patch (unless new patch is somehow game changing that it really does require a reset).
I'd rather not make a snapshot of the ENTIRE world (because spoilers), but I can section off your build project and stick it in a schematic that you can plop down in TEdit.
Something I want to see in an upgrade is enemies that can actually destroy your structures unless it is made of a material stronger than what they are capable of destroying. That would make having traps and the such much more interesting. It'd be a lot more interesting if when night fall came, some huge beast would be stalking through the night, so you go to your shelter and you hope it stands up because he's trying to tear it down. It'd give the building a bit more purpose.
Server UPDATE: Hardmode cleaned, reverted map to whatever it was around 4:11pm.
You get it fromWow, that's a pain.
How do you find Death's sickle or w/e?
Might look into that accessory then. Could be nice to switch it up. Definitely agree about ranged weapons. Shame about the new bosses - I don't remember it being said they were just more alternate bosses. What with all the super powered gear that appears in late hardmode, the original bosses are kind of a joke. Plantera andUsing a set of shackles and the pre-combined rings (Starpower and Regeneration) you can create an accessory that raises max mana and causes you to regain mana from damage dealt to you. You basically end up with infinite mana using it in hardmode, as incidental damage from all the crap flying around in boss fights will constantly top you off.
The new melee stuff is definitely nice, though. I feel like, as cool as they are, the ranged weapons are finally the short end of the stick; even the Rocket Launcher, Tactical Shotgun, and Stynger don't really impress me that much.
The new bosses aren't supposed to be 'end game' so much as a sideways progression forking off the other hard mode bosses, and the developer's already stated his intention to add a 'real' end game boss fight in the next couple of months, possibly alongside a Halloween-themed update.
eeeeek Hardmode was gone, we all thought you had cleaned it before. Lost a big chunk of my castle w/ the reverse and I think some of Retros work is gone too.
It's ok though I understand, still the pains the pains!!!
I have the server setup to backup every hour, and those backups have a retention of 5 days.
If your build was on a later time period, I can recover that specific section, just let me know the latest time you want to use.
Might look into that accessory then. Could be nice to switch it up. Definitely agree about ranged weapons. Shame about the new bosses - I don't remember it being said they were just more alternate bosses. What with all the super powered gear that appears in late hardmode, the original bosses are kind of a joke. Plantera andfeel like they should be obvious steps up from the others, and then over Plantera, but both were easier than I remember the original hardmode bosses being in 1.1, even in full adamantite.the golem
Anyone get a hero's Broken Sword yet?
2 eclipses and 2 pirate's map and I still haven't gotten it.
Retro's dryad temple thingy is much more awesome though.