Couldn't get into the same server with a friend tonight, any advice? This is on the 360. I could see him on the map, sometimes, but I couldn't see his car.
Neuromancer said:Couldn't get into the same server with a friend tonight, any advice? This is on the 360. I could see him on the map, sometimes, but I couldn't see his car.
Yeah you'd think. I'd also get problems like it said that I didn't have access to the area my friend was in (the starting area), or it would tell him I was in a multiplayer challenge. Just crazy goofy shit.TheNiX said:Can't you create a party and always be connected?
You don't have access to an area if you haven't driven to it. I think its grey roads = not discovered, blue roads = discovered.Neuromancer said:Yeah you'd think. I'd also get problems like it said that I didn't have access to the area my friend was in (the starting area), or it would tell him I was in a multiplayer challenge. Just crazy goofy shit.
abuC said:My dude is far more based and swagged out, what you know about a silky perm?
Roll down the window and let the perm flow, Yung Humma!
Like I said though my friend was in the starting area, like in front of the used car dealership. In fact he was right in front of it. It should have been fine.infinityBCRT said:You don't have access to an area if you haven't driven to it. I think its grey roads = not discovered, blue roads = discovered.
Probably a good idea, unfortunately I don't have $50K. I'll try that though after I do a tournament or something.Dick Laurent said:start a club and have your friend join it?
Dice said:![]()
Whyy.. ssso.. sserious?!
Neuromancer said:So is no one else having problems with this then?.
I crashed into a patrol car three times before he actually started chasing me.Despera said:Wow, I just got a draw on 1st place with another racer. Same exact time, down to milliseconds.
Yep, twice. First time I was caught by a helicopter, second time by a regular patrol unit. It aint that easy to run away in this game, cops spawn everywhere.
What's the bank at level 10?Dick Laurent said:been cruising around in the VW bug. anyone else unlock this amazing car yet? top speed at 121 km/h hehe
I was going to ask how far is the furthest anyone has gotten the F.R.I.M. thing. but then I just maxed it out at level 10, so.. I'm not going to ask that. aww, I was hoping it would go on forever.
NullPointer said:I'm feeling it just a bit more. Using these Xbox Controller settings from the official forums
4000Arcane Hayter said:What's the bank at level 10?
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:If you trade it in to ebgames in Canada within a week after you pick up your preorder, they'll give you FULL credit for it. Does that make you puke a LOT?![]()
I didn't have a problem with the controls before, but seeing as how I just drifted a 90 degree turn while staying in 4th gear, this must be better.Big Ass Ramp said:Add this to the OP! Seriously makes the handling a lot more bearable for me.
As you drive over higher percentages of the roads you get discovery points, which unlock everything there is to buy besides new cars and contribute to your overall level.bkfount said:so is there really any point to driving on all the roads in this game? There's no drive on every road in the game achievement so it only matters for mileage right? I've driven on every road in Ibiza except for a section of off road paths and it seems to be for nothing. I'm not going to do it in Oahu then if that's the case.
Katana_Strikes said:Wow just got my pre-order DLC codes and they don't even work!
Anyone else having this problem?
Dick Laurent said:been cruising around in the VW bug. anyone else unlock this amazing car yet? top speed at 121 km/h hehe
zorbsie said:My code worked. I downloaded the car (108k), but now I can't find it in game. It should be at the used car dealer. Every time I go it's not there. Is there another used car dealer?
Anyone get the casino DLC? I've already blown tons of cash there. I've been doing the random challenges and taking those winnings to the casino in hopes of doubling it. Hasn't happened yet. lol
dskillzhtown said:I got the casino DLC. I just haven't had time to play. Hopefully I can put more time into it over the weekend. I got the first license, did the first championship, did a mission and that is it. Can I re-do the 1st championship like 10 times in a row to get a ton of cash?
derFeef said:But I am so happy they made the streets flat now. I mean, flat in terms of no more random polygon that catapults your car into the air.
I'm crossing my fingers for a patch to be able to skip cutscenes. Its like they didn't do any focus testing at all. The only reason you'd want to watch them is for a good laugh like in the GiantBomb Quick Look.derFeef said:Got it - first impression - let me cancel the "human" sequences.
But I am so happy they made the streets flat now. I mean, flat in terms of no more random polygon that catapults your car into the air.
Conceited said:
Argh...Bootaaay said:Heh, some of those parts are still evident in Oahu - I drove 40m across the island yesterday and got launched into the air once and stopped dead by fucked up geometry at least 3 times.
I bet he posts here and is lurking in this thread right now.betweenthewheels said:Good god, that guy is annoying
The starter Mustang does suck, but that trait is carried through all of the American cars to an extent. See my tips here:edgefusion said:Someone please tell me it's only the Mustang that handles like a complete turd. It does a complete 180 if I so much as look at a gentle corner. I've lost count the amount of times I've restarted this time trial because a slight gust of wind brushed the side of my car causing it to go into a frenzied spin.
edgefusion said:Someone please tell me it's only the Mustang that handles like a complete turd. It does a complete 180 if I so much as look at a gentle corner. I've lost count the amount of times I've restarted this time trial because a slight gust of wind brushed the side of my car causing it to go into a frenzied spin.
edgefusion said:Someone please tell me it's only the Mustang that handles like a complete turd. It does a complete 180 if I so much as look at a gentle corner. I've lost count the amount of times I've restarted this time trial because a slight gust of wind brushed the side of my car causing it to go into a frenzied spin.
Diseased Yak said:For the last two days I haven't been able to play this game. After hitting start and picking where to save, it just sits there, playing music and showing random scenes from the game. It never actually runs it.
FlyinJ said:That's what happens when the servers are down.
Some kind of DRM thing? If this does'nt work whilst offlne I will be very annoyed.Diseased Yak said:Christ, I guess I just got lucky and tried to play each time they were down.
Why in fuck doesn't it allow you to start an offline game?! Was this coded by a monkey who jammed a Sharpie between his ass cheeks and then backed up to a wall and danced to Lady Gaga?
Slackbladder said:Some kind of DRM thing? If this does'nt work whilst offlne I will be very annoyed.
FlyinJ said:That's what happens when the servers are down.
FlyinJ said:You can play offline, but you have to make a special off-line profile, and start the game over. You can't use your offline profile when online and vice versa.
I fail to see the logic behind such bullshit.FlyinJ said:You can play offline, but you have to make a special off-line profile, and start the game over. You can't use your offline profile when online and vice versa.
FlyinJ said:You can play offline, but you have to make a special off-line profile, and start the game over. You can't use your offline profile when online and vice versa.
FlyinJ said:You can play offline, but you have to make a special off-line profile, and start the game over. You can't use your offline profile when online and vice versa.
Yeah I have a slim and have to turn off the wireless connection, which means I have to then enter my encryption code every time I want to go online again. Bunch of bullshit to put up with for a game that got released like a beta. Why couldn't they just wait a month or whatever to get their shitty servers rightface_777 said:You can play with the original (online) profile, but only if you don't conect to Live/PSN - which means unplugging the ethernet/wireless cable from the back of the console - warning: plugging it back in and trying to log in will return you to the starting screen.
Not a brilliant solution, but should still allow you to play without requiring a second save!
I'm actually using a different setup now. All sliders all the way to the left except for "speed rate" which I have all the way to the right. I think this is because the sensitivity adjustments are "backwards" with highest sensitivity settings on the left rather than the right.Big Ass Ramp said:Add this to the OP! Seriously makes the handling a lot more bearable for me.