Inspired by element, with some great logo work courtesy of Junkwaffle. Welcome to the red carpet, yo.
This year we're gonna try something different. I'm going to count votes in two distinct groups - E3 attendees and those who sat on the bench and viewed from the forums or wherever. So to set this up, a simple requirement:
If you went to E3 and are voting, please mark your post before you start with the word "ATTENDED" in bold
Everyone who does not write that at will be assumed part of the 'regular' crowd and their votes will count in that group. That's pretty much it. Please no reccomendations of categories or anything like that, let's keep it relatively simple.
~thanks phoenix, element~
La Bomba (worst game)
SPANUUUUUND Award of Excellence (Game of the Show/Best Game)
Drinky Am Cry Award (Best Wii game)
HAHAH fuckin' $600! Award (best PS3 game)
GTAIV Tattoo Award (best 360 game)
Cheapass Gamers ftw Award (best current console gen game)
Touch! Non-game Award of Excellence (best DS game)
Best Handheld game Award (best handheld/mobile game, hurr)
Rosebudded Company of the Show (company with worse E3 presence)
The MGS4 is gonna win this award no matter what you do Award (Best Trailer)
IWATA WAS RIGHT Award (most innovative game)
HAHAHA fuckin' $600 Part Deux (Biggest surprise of E3 2006)
As of the final post in this thread -
Category 1 (Non-Attendants)
La Bomba (worst game):
Afrika - 3
Blue Dragon - 1
Desperate Housewives - 6
Excite Truck - 1
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus - 1
Genji 2 - 27
Gran Turismo HD - 1
Jaws Unleashed - 1
Mother 3 - 1
Necro Nesia - 5
Red Steel - 1
Saint's Row - 1
Shadowrun - 57
Sonic the Hedgehog (360/PS3) - 2
Sonic Wild Fire - 1
Sopranos, The - 1
Spongebob:LotKK - 1
Too Human - 41
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom - 1
Warhawk - 10
SPANUUUUUND Award of Excellence (Game of the Show/Best Game):
Assassin's Creed - 3
Bioshock - 8
Crysis - 1
Elite Beat Agents - 1
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - 2
Excite Truck - 1
Final Fantasy III - 1
Final Fantasy XII - 1
Fire Emblem Wii - 1
Gears of War - 22
Half-Life 2: Aftermath - 1
Heavenly Sword - 3
Lost Planet - 2
Mass Effect - 20
Metroid Prime 3 - 1
MGS4 - 4
Motorstorm - 1
Spore - 8
Super Mario Galaxy - 65
Super Paper Mario - 1
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 4
Supreme Commander - 1
Warhawk - 1
Wii Sports - 3
Zelda: Twilight Princess - 12
Drinky Am Cry Award (Best Wii game):
Excite Truck - 3
Metroid Prime 3 - 6
Super Mario Galaxy - 126
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 12
Trauma Center - 1
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves - 1
Wii Orchestra - 1
Wii Sports - 9
Zelda: Twilight Princess - 7
HAHAH fuckin' $600! Award (best PS3 game):
Afrika - 4
Assassin's Creed - 15
Eight Days - 2
Eye of Judgement - 2
Final Fantasy XIII - 2
Haze - 1
Heavenly Sword - 71
Mercenaries 2 - 1
MGS4 - 48
Motorstorm - 6
Naughty Dog Untitled - 1
Resistance: Fall of Man - 3
Singstar - 2
Virtua Fighter 5 - 3
Warhawk - 2
GTAIV Tattoo Award (best 360 game):
Alan Wake - 1
BioShock - 16
Blue Dragon - 1
Culdcept Saga - 1
Dead Rising - 3
Gears of War - 53
Halo 3 - 3
Haze - 1
Lost Planet - 19
Mass Effect - 56
Viva Piñata - 7
Cheapass Gamers ftw Award (best current console gen game):
Final Fantasy XII - 13
God Hand - 1
God of War II - 35
Guitar Hero 2 - 4
Okami - 16
Persona 3 - 1
Splinter Cell: Double Agent - 1
Super Paper Mario - 48
Valkyrie Profile 2 - 4
Yakuza - 4
Zelda: Twilight Princess - 37
Touch! Non-game Award of Excellence (best DS game):
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin - 23
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime - 1
Elite Beat Agents - 14
Final Fantasy III - 15
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - 3
Lunar Knights - 1
Mario Vs. DK 2: MotM - 2
New! Super Mario Bros. - 41
Phoenix Wright 2 - 2
Spore DS(?) - 1
Starfox DS - 4
Yoshi's Island 2 - 26
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 25
Ace Combat X - 1
Disgaea PSP - 1
Dead Head Fred - 1
Every Extend Extra - 2
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core - 3
Killzone: Liberation - 2
Loco Roco - 47
Lumines 2 - 3
Marvel Universe Trading Card Game - 1
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - 42
Powerstone Collection - 1
Ridge Racer PSX - 6
Silent Hill Origins - 3
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Ghouls - 22
Best Handheld game Award (best handheld/mobile game, hurr):
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - 17
Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime - 1
Elite Beat Agents - 8
Final Fantasy III - 7
Hotel Dusk: Room 215 - 2
Killzone: Liberation - 2
Loco Roco - 9
Mario Vs. DK 2: MotM - 1
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - 9
New! Super Mario Bros. - 37
Phoenix Wright 2 - 6
Ridge Racer PSX - 3
Spore DS(?) - 1
Starfox DS - 3
Ultimate Ghosts 'n Ghouls - 5
Yoshi's Island 2 - 17
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 18
Rosebudded Company of the Show (company with worse E3 presence):
Blizzard - 2
Capcom - 7
Codemasters - 1
Infinium labs - 1
Majesco - 1
Microsoft - 2
Namco - 6
NCSoft - 1
Nintendo - 2
Nokia - 4
Rockstar - 2
SEGA - 2
Silicon Knights - 4
SNK - 1
Sony - 130
The MGS4 is gonna win this award no matter what you do Award (Best Trailer):
Alan Wake - 1
Assassin's Creed - 1
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - 1
Crysis - 1
Final Fantasy XIII - 5
Halo 3 - 23
Haze - 1
Heavy Rain - 1
Lost Planet - 1
MGS4 - 65
Rayman Ravin' Rabbits - 4
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 60
Tony Hawks Project 8 - 3
IWATA WAS RIGHT Award (most innovative game):
Afrika - 1
Age of Conan - 1
Assassin's Creed - 1
Bioshock - 6
Elebits - 7
Excite Truck - 1
Eye of Judgement - 4
Gears of War - 1
Genji 2 - 1
Loco Roco - 2
Lunar Knights - 1
Madden Wii - 2
Mass Effect - 1
Metroid Prime 3 - 1
Ridge Racer PSP Emulation - 1
Spore - 59
Super Mario Galaxy - 3
Super Paper Mario - 2
Supreme Commander - 1
Viva Piñata - 6
Warhawk - 1
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves - 1
Wii Obstacle Course - 1
Wii Orchestra - 6
Wii Sports - 45
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 2
HAHAHA fuckin' $600 Part Deux (Biggest surprise of E3 2006):
360 had a great show - 1
Crysis - 1
Dragon Quest Swords - 1
Giant Crabs - 6
GT4 HD Presentation - 1
GTAIV (360) - 5
LIVE Anywhere - 1
Lumines Live! - 1
PS3 600/500 - 76
PS3 Controller - 10
MGS4 Raiden is cool - 1
Microsoft conference rocking - 1
No RE5/DMC4 - 1
Not much Sony CG(?) - 1
Rayman 4 Spiky Hair Dude is a She - 1
Shadowrun sucks - 1
Sony fuck up - 2
Super Mario Galaxy - 3
Super Smash Bros. Brawl/Snake - 29
Super Paper Mario - 6
Wii60 - 2
WiiConnect24 - 2
Wii FPS not so great - 1
Wiimote Speaker - 4
Wii was great - 2
Yoshi's Island 2 - 4
Category 2 (Attendants)
La Bomba (worst game):
50 Cent: Bulletproof PSP - 1
Chromehounds - 1
Desperate Housewives - 1
Fast and the Furious - 1
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus - 3
Final Furlong - 1
Genji 2 - 4
Gundam PS3 - 2
Madden PS3 - 2
Necro Nesia - 2
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - 1
Psychonauts 2 - 1
Shadowrun - 4
Singstar - 1
Sonic (360) - 1
Sonic (PS3) - 1
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam - 1
Too Human - 8
Vanguard: Saga of Heroes - 1
SPANUUUUUND Award of Excellence (Game of the Show/Best Game):
Advent Rising 2 - 1
Assassin's Creed - 3
Bioshock - 1
DBZ Budokai - 1
Dead Rising - 2
Elite Beat Agents - 2
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars - 2
Excite Truck - 1
Fire Emblem Wii - 1
Gears of War - 4
Guitar Hero II - 2
Heavenly Sword - 1
Mass Effect - 1
MGS4 - 1
Spore - 3
Super Mario Galaxy - 8
Ultimate Ghouls 'n Ghosts - 1
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - 1
Zelda: Twilight Princess - 1
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 2
Drinky Am Cry Award (Best Wii game):
Excite Truck - 1
Madden NFL 2007 - 2
Metroid Prime 3 - 2
Sonic Wild Fire - 1
Super Mario Galaxy - 19
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz - 1
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves - 2
Wii Sports - 5
Zelda: Twilight Princess - 3
HAHAH fuckin' $600! Award (best PS3 game):
Assassin's Creed - 5
Heavenly Sword - 20
Mercenaries 2 - 1
MGS4 - 5
Sonic the Hedgehog - 1
Virtua Tennis 3 - 1
Warhawk - 3
GTAIV Tattoo Award (best 360 game):
Crackdown (LOL) - 1
Dead Rising - 3
Gears of War - 19
Halo 3 - 1
Lost Planet - 10
Lumines Live! - 1
Mass Effect - 1
Viva Piñata - 1
Cheapass Gamers ftw Award (best current console gen game):
Disgaea 2 - 1
Final Fantasy XII - 1
God Hand - 1
God of War II - 12
Guitar Hero II - 3
Madden NFL 2007 - 2
Okami - 5
Phantasy Star Universe - 1
Sensible Soccer - 1
Super Paper Mario - 5
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria - 4
Yakuza - 1
Zelda: Twilight Princess - 1
Touch! Non-game Award of Excellence (best DS game):
Brain Age - 1
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - 5
Elite Beat Agents - 5
Final Fantasy III - 5
Lunar Knights - 1
Megaman ZX - 2
New! Super Mario Bros. - 6
Starfox DS - 1
Yoshi's Island 2 - 4
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 7
Earthworm Jim - 1
Every Extend Extra - 2
Killzone: Liberation - 1
Loco Roco - 16
Lumines 2 - 1
Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops - 1
Power Stone Collection - 1
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters - 2
Ridge Racer PSX - 1
Shaun of the Dead UMD - 1
Silent Hill Origins - 1
Tekken: Dark Resurrection - 1
Ultimate Ghouls 'n Ghosts - 7
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - 1
Best Handheld game Award (best handheld/mobile game, hurr):
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin - 4
Elite Beat Agents - 4
Final Fantasy III - 3
Killzone: Liberation - 1
Loco Roco - 4
New! Super Mario Bros. - 5
Ridge Racer PSX - 1
Snakes (LOL) - 1
Tekken: Dark Resurrection - 1
Time Crisis: Mobile - 1
Ultimate Ghouls 'n Ghosts - 1
Yoshi's Island 2 - 3
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass - 5
Rosebudded Company of the Show (company with worse E3 presence):
Capcom - 1
GameQuestDirect - 1
Microsoft - 1
Midway - 1
Mythic - 1
Namco - 2
Nintendo - 1
Nokia - 1
SEGA - 1
SNK - 1
Sony - 20
Tecmo - 3
Tigon - 1
Webzen - 1
The MGS4 is gonna win this award no matter what you do Award (Best Trailer):
Assassin's Creed - 4
Devil Summoner - 1
Gears of War - 1
God Hand - 1
Halo 3 - 3
MGS4 - 20
Rule of Rose - 1
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 6
IWATA WAS RIGHT Award (most innovative game):
Crysis - 1
Elebits - 2
Eye of Judgement - 1
Guitar Hero II - 1
Singstar - 1
Spore - 12
Super Mario Galaxy - 2
Super Paper Mario - 1
Viva Piñata - 2
Wario Ware: Smooth Moves - 3
Wii Drums - 1
Wii Orchestra - 2
Wii Sports - 10
HAHAHA fuckin' $600 Part Deux (Biggest surprise of E3 2006):
Assassin's Creed - 1
Hellgate: London - 1
Nintendo's entire showing - 1
No Wii Price/Date - 1
PS3 500/600 - 12
PS3 Controller - 5
Stranglehold - 1
Super Mario Galaxy - 2
Super Paper Mario - 1
Super Smash Bros. Brawl/Snake - 9
Wii Works - 2
6 Hour Line to Play Wii - 1
So get to voting. Everyone participate, especially demi. (just kidding, f u demi. Rob is mine)